At this time, the golden cup car entered the yard.

The yard is very big. It is estimated to be as big as a football field. The people inside seem to trust the combination of high walls, barbed wire and surveillance cameras. There are no people outside.

Lu Chong and the young man with Chinese character face ran more than 100 meters and ran under the high wall of the yard.

They are very experienced and ran to the dead corner of the surveillance lens.

The national character face youth looked at Lu Chong. Now he couldn't care to ask Lu Chong's identity. In the face of such evil, they had become comrades in arms fighting side by side.

National character face green looked up at the three meter high wall and the thorny barbed wire mesh one meter high above, and couldn't help sighing.

He looked around the high wall again. After a while, he didn't see any loopholes to climb in, not even a dog hole.

Lu Chong had no time to say anything to the national character face youth. His strong indignation made him eager to go in, find out the evil, and then eliminate the evil.

At this time, Lu Chong jumped up suddenly. He jumped up three meters. Then he slapped on the wall and borrowed a force. Then the whole man soared more than one meter high. Then his toes borrowed a force on the barbed wire. The whole man turned over with a kite and jumped over the barbed wire of four and five meters high easily.

The national character face youth was completely stunned when he saw this scene. He was also a Parkour lover. Coupled with his professional relationship, he was also good at climbing and jumping, but he jumped over the four meter high wall as easily as the one just now. He asked himself that he was far from doing it.

The key is that his take-off height is too high. It's definitely 3 meters!

The national character face youth remember that the human highest jump record was created by a Cuban player, 2.45 meters, which was done in the run-up. The one who can jump 3 meters from the original take-off absolutely broke the human limit. You know, the NBA star's highest record known for his amazing jumping ability is Weber's 1.20 meters, while the Guinness world record is 1.6 meters for Canadian men.

If he knew, Lu Chong actually tried his best to jump, far more than 3 meters, because he didn't want to expose his real strength for fear of being regarded as a white mouse.

To the consternation of the national character face youth, Lu Chong just patted the wall and could bounce more than one meter high. If someone else tried, it would only slow down the decline, rather than bounce more than one meter high like Lu Chong.

Although the national character face youth is a person in the system, at this time, he didn't even want to report Lu Chong's intention to do mouse slicing research. He just sighed that he is really a cow. He began to have a little confidence in his task this night.

Lu Chong fell gently and fell at a height of 4.5 meters. Ordinary people must have made a plop, and then shouted, "the sleeping leg is broken", but Lu Chong fell silent like a nine life civet.

There were more than a dozen sacks stacked in the corner of the yard. Lu Chong jumped into the yard and quickly hid behind the sacks. He looked at the yard carefully.

There was a man like a horse standing in the middle of the yard. He suddenly saw a dark figure standing in the corner of the yard. He was about to shout. The figure suddenly disappeared and startled him: "lying in the trough, you won't be haunted! It's not uncommon for this ghost place to be haunted!"

The yard is big, bigger than a football field. There are many lights in the yard, which illuminate the yard like day. The feeling of day should be bright, but it feels like coming to the slaughterhouse. No, it should be hell.

Close to Lu Chong, there are two shelves on which two men are impressively placed. One of the men is dying. Except that one leg is cut off, the blood keeps flowing, and other parts of his body are full of scars, bleeding, leaving only his last breath.

Another man had died because his stomach had been gouged open, and all the internal organs such as heart, spleen, lung and kidney had been dug away, leaving only a cavity and smelling of a corpse.

This is a scene in a corner of the yard.

Look at the other corner, there are four big cages. In the cages, there are four big dogs. They are Tibetan mastiffs, each of which is the size of a lion, with exposed fangs and a stench in their mouth. They look very ferocious and terrible.

The Tibetan mastiff is a beast that is blown out by those Tibetan mastiff merchants. In fact, among the dogs in the world, the combat effectiveness of the Tibetan mastiff can only rank thirty or forty, and the biting force of the bullfighting terrier in the first place is five times that of the Tibetan mastiff.

There was a real report before. Eight Tibetan Mastiffs fought against a leopard, three died and five were seriously injured, which is enough to see the combat effectiveness of this animal. Moreover, this kind of dog has a particularly low IQ, is the stupidest of all dogs, and has a particularly poor memory. Basically, this kind of animal has no value except a loud voice, can scare people, bite people and bite children.

But now, there are several bones in the four Tibetan mastiff cages. The shape of the bones is clearly human legs and arms. The meat on them is finished by the Tibetan mastiff pit, leaving only white bones.

In order to raise such stupid and strange animals, they even feed people. What kind of animals did they get out of here! Is that man the descendant of Tibetan mastiff?

At this time, Lu Chong didn't know that the man was a gangster as famous as Liu Liuliu in the underground world of Shanghai sea.

Lu Chong is about to leave his anger!

Just at this time, the golden cup car drove into the yard, the door opened, the four yellow haired gangsters came down from the yard, and then drove the eight little beggars down from the yard: "come on, come on, don't have your legs, climb down, don't let me hold you down and linger again. Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death, little red man!"

At this time, the guy with a big mole on his mouth and a long hair on the mole shouted to a house in the middle of the yard, "Brother Bear, we're back!"

After a while, several big men came out of the house. The first man was less than 40 years old. He was not tall, thick, dark and hairy. Especially on his face, his beard covered half of his face. He looked a little similar to the black bear in the forest.

The black bear asked long Mao, "how much did you get today?"

Long Mao scratched his head and said timidly, "brother Xiong, people now seem to know that these little beggars are manipulated by us. When they walk over a hundred, it's not necessary for one person to give money. It's getting harder and harder to earn. Today, you add up these eight people to less than two thousand yuan!"

The black bear was furious: "lying in the trough, two thousand yuan, two thousand yuan is not enough to feed you waste. You didn't even earn your meal money. You're so happy to come back! Did you embezzle it!"

Long Mao excites the spirit to fight a cold war: "brother Xiong, wish, we really don't have black money. The key is that people now have less and less love. We really don't blame us!"

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