It was less than half a mile from the white building to the place where they parked, but Zhou Zhengping and others felt as if they had climbed ten mountains.

When they got to the place where they parked, everyone gasped. Some horses even sat on the ground with their legs soft.

Zhou Zhengping held the car, strongly supported his trembling body, shouted at the horses: "worthless things, so you are frightened, and you are in vain..." then there were a lot of high sounding words.

His horses looked at him holding the car and couldn't help but despise him madly. You don't fucking hold the door.

When their car started, away from the white building and more than 10000 community members, they took a long breath and everyone relaxed.

In the car in which Zhou Zhengping sat, Zhou Zhengping sat in the co driver's seat, Lu Chong sat in the back row, with two team leader horses sitting on the left and right.

Zhou Zhengping thought that he was almost scared to death by Liu Liuliu just now. Thanks to Lu Chong, he was even more angry with Lu Chong. He wished Lu Chong would die right away. He glared at Lu Chong fiercely, and then shouted to the two horses: "What the fuck are you waiting for? Cuff him quickly. This is an extremely dangerous murderer. Do you want to be like those boxing champions of Lord Wei?"

Now in private, Zhou Zhengping calls Liu Hanwei Lord Wei.

One of the horses and Zhou Zhengping entered the underground ring. He saw how Liu Hanwei's boxing champions were beaten by Lu Chong, and then saw Lu Chong's calm and calm appearance. He always felt that Lu Chong was not a fuel-saving lamp. Generally, the Raptors who could cross the river strongly could not be defeated by the local snakes. On the contrary, they might press the local snakes and crush the local snakes.

Therefore, it was rare for the horse to make a wise choice. He pretended to be at a loss and didn't take action. He also said to Zhou Zhengping: "boss, I was scared to have a heart attack just now. I'm so sad. Can I take a leave to go to the hospital first!"

"Waste!" Zhou Zhengping didn't see that the horse was pretending to be ill, but looked at the other horse.

The horse had just been outside and didn't see what the boxers inside were beaten by Lu Chong. Now he didn't think how terrible Lu Chong was, nor could he think of how powerful Lu Chong had. He handcuffed Lu Chong without saying a word when he heard Zhou Zhengping's order.

Moreover, he said with a puzzled look: "boss, isn't this man a murderer? Why didn't you cuff him when you caught him just now!"

Zhou Zhengping took a deep look at the horse. He was a teachable child. He had my shameless demeanor in those days. Later, Liu Hanwei must urge him to attack Lu Chong, but how can he do this by himself? Of course, this dirty work should be performed by his horse, so he said to the horse with a smile: "Zhang Lu, come to my room later. I have an important task for you!"

Seeing that Zhou Zhengping told himself to go to his room with such a smile, Wang Fulu, the horse boy, was immediately overjoyed. He had always wanted to curry favor with Zhou Zhengping, but he didn't put it in Zhou Zhengping's eyes because of his low level and less money. Now Zhou Zhengping is willing to treat him like this. He feels that he is about to reach the peak of his life. He is overjoyed and feels that he doesn't care about Zhou Zhengping He will go through fire and water and die for whatever task is given to him.

When Lu Chong saw the interaction between Zhou Zhengping and Wang Fulu, he immediately knew that seeing more of this routine was like watching dogs. Seeing them lift their hind legs, he knew they were going to pee.

Soon, the cars arrived at a place. Lu Chong was locked into a dark room. Zhou Zhengping returned to his room, closed the door and carefully recalled what had just happened.

He was suddenly shocked. He remembered the legend of the rise of the six harmonies society. Could it be that Lu Chong was the same person in those years? Thinking about Liu Liuliu's respect for Lu Chong, he thought of Liu Liuliu's warning to him just now that "some people you can't afford to offend forever. Once you offend to the end, you will die without a place to bury". He had vaguely guessed Lu Chong's true identity.

Zhou Zhengping felt his hands and feet cold and almost fainted. He offended such a powerful person.

Now he wants to run over and kowtow to Lu Chong and beg him to let him go.

But he clearly knows that Lu Chong must have known all the evil things Liu Hanwei did, and he should also know the evil things that Zhou Zhengping did in collusion with Liu Hanwei. Lu Chong will never let himself go because he begged for mercy. In that case, it's better to do it!

At this time, the phone rang a text message.

Zhou Zhengping opened it and saw that it was sent by Liu Hanwei. Obviously, under the surveillance of Liu Liuliu, Liu Hanwei didn't dare to call and only dared to send text messages secretly.

Liu Hanwei wrote on his text message: "Lao Zhou, you killed him, I'll give you 20 million! Kill him quickly!"

Zhou Zhengping replied, "Lord Wei, this time the person is different from before. He not only has something to do with Liu Liuliu, but also seems to have a bigger background. I killed him. Not only can't stay in this position, but there may be no way to stay in China. I'm going to moldy country, so you..."

Liu Hanwei also realized that the opponent he met this time, Lu Chong, was different from the past, and Zhou Zhengping's requirements were also reasonable, so he replied: "one hundred million!"

Zhou Zhengping thought for a moment and directly said, "no nonsense, 500 million. Now call my Swiss bank account. I can't start until I see the money has arrived!"

Liu Hanwei had no other choice now. If Lu Chong didn't die, he would be dead. No matter how much money he made, it would be cheaper for others, so he replied, "OK. It will arrive immediately."

After a while, Zhou Zhengping turned on his computer, logged in to his bank account and saw 8 zeros behind 5. He couldn't help laughing: "even if I don't do this fat job, I won't worry for the rest of my life!"

Then, Zhou Zhengping opened a safe and looked at the things inside, a passport, several Swiss bank cards and a ticket to moldy country. He picked up a bank card and was elated when he thought of 500 million lying in it. Looking at the ticket, he was even more happy: "freedom, I'm going to be free!"

Just when he was complacent, there was a knock outside the door.

Zhou Zhengping was surprised and hurriedly asked, "who?"

Wang Fulu's voice sounded outside the door: "Lord Zhou, it's me, Wang Fulu."

Zhou Zhengping quickly put his bank card in the safe, turned off the computer and coughed: "come in!"

Wang Fulu's chubby figure appeared at the door and said flatteringly, "Sir, don't you have a task to give to me? As long as it's ordered by the adults, I'll die forever!"

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