Zhou Zhengping's mood about this kind of flatterer is still very complicated. On the one hand, he knows that most of what they say is false, on the other hand, he feels very comfortable in his ears. Unconsciously, his impression of them is much better than that of Xie Baomin who really does things.

Zhou Zhengping despised this guy's lack of integrity and brazenness, but forgot that he himself came over like this in those years, even more explicit than what this guy did.

Although he despised this guy in his heart, Zhou Zhengping smiled kindly and said, "Xiao Wang, how many years have you been in our yamen?"

Wang Fulu quickly and respectfully said: "if you return to adults, you have been on duty for eight years. Since you entered this door, only adults have followed. Adults are small guiding lights, adults are small idols, adults are small role models, and small respect for adults..."

"Stop!" Zhou Zhengping looked at Wang Fulu with disdain in his eyes and said in his heart, you boy, these are the leftovers of Laozi's play. Now he is eager to leave this place of right and wrong, so he said in a long and short sentence: "Xiao Wang, you've been with me for so many years. Among these guys, I trust you most. Now, I have a glorious and arduous task for you. Of course, this is a very rare opportunity for you. I just don't know if you dare to shoulder it?"

Wang Fulu asked eagerly, "Sir, what task? What opportunity?"

Zhou Zhengping is now ready to run away when Wang Fulu helps him kill Lu Chong, so he has no scruples: "the task is to get rid of a mob! The opportunity is that you get rid of the mob, I will not only promote you, but also give you 10 million!"

Get rid of the mob? Well, it's actually killing an innocent person. Although Wang Fulu had done a lot of immoral things before, he had never done anything to kill innocent people. He immediately hesitated.

Zhou Zhengping used to have some very handy horses. Unfortunately, he was afraid that the horses would betray him, so he asked Liu Hanwei to help him get rid of the horses. Now he suddenly found that no one was available, and he saw that Lu Chong beat the more than 100 boxing champions into a dead body. He didn't dare to face Lu Chong directly. He had no other choice now He can only let Wang Fulu help him kill Lu Chong.

So Zhou Zhengping glared at Wang Fulu fiercely and threatened loudly: "If you don't fight for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, not only will there be no chance of promotion, but there will be no 10 million. Even your current position can't be maintained. Without oil and water, what do you take to keep your college girl friend and coax your wife who cries, makes trouble and hangs up? Then there will be no money and status. Who among your relatives thinks highly of you?"

This remark hit the heart of Wang Fulu. He thought of the days after he had no status and no money. Xiao San and his wife left him one after another. Those relatives and friends looked at him with disdain and disgust. He couldn't stand it. After a while, he made up his mind to ask for wealth and danger. He couldn't miss this opportunity, so he asked, "Sir, just order. Who do you want me to kill?"

Zhou Zhengping is very clear about the psychology of people like Wang Fulu. Like him, Wang Fulu is greedy and selfish. With wealth and position promotion, he can't refuse. Let alone kill a person who has nothing to do with him. Even if he is asked to kill his biological parents, Wang Fulu may agree.

Zhou Zhengping smiled with relief and a cruel smile on his face: "that's the man just now!"


At this time, Lu Chong was locked in the dark room. After a long time, no one paid attention to him. It seems that Zhou Zhengping and his horses forgot Lu Chong's existence.

Lu Chong knew very well what Zhou Zhengping was doing now. He didn't worry at all. He sat in a corner, cross legged, and practiced dragon defense.

When he killed those champions just now, he did his best. He used the power of lions fighting rabbits. The power consumption is too large. Now he is just saving his power for a rainy day.

Thirty or forty minutes later, the door of the room opened from the outside. Zhou Zhengping's horse, Wang Fulu, came in from the outside, looked straight, came to Lu Chong and said, "let's go!"

Without saying a word, Lu Chong followed Wang Fulu and walked outside.

Wang Fulu took Lu Chong around, came to a courtyard surrounded by high walls and barbed wire, said a few words to the guards, took Lu Chong to the courtyard, and then took Lu Chong to one of the rooms.

After entering the room, Wang Fulu closed the door and said enthusiastically: "Brother Chong, I'm from the sixth master! What I did to you just now was under the pressure of Zhou Zhengping. I can't help it. As far as I know, Zhou Zhengping wore a pair of pants with Liu Hanwei. He was trying to send someone to kill you. The sixth master entrusted me just now to help you escape, otherwise when Zhou Zhengping's people came, you'll be late if you want to leave!"

Lu Chong looked at Wang Fulu with Qi watching skill. His eyes flashed cold, and then a mysterious smile appeared on his face: "yes, it's too troublesome for you. Aren't you dangerous?"

"Er, it's not dangerous to work for the sixth master," Wang Fulu felt a little uneasy when he saw the mysterious smile on Lu Chong's face, but when he thought of the promotion opportunity and 10 million, he calmed down and continued to say enthusiastically: "brother Chong, look here, there's a road behind here, straight to the back mountain. I'll lead people away now. Run quickly and run to the back mountain, and you'll be safe!"

Lu Chong smiled: "you are so intentional!"

Wang Fulu thought Lu Chong believed himself, so he said, "my door is unlocked. You run quickly. You only have more than ten minutes."

Then, Wang Fulu went out of the room, called several people in charge of the place to a room, asked them to help themselves, and promised to give them one hundred thousand yuan later. Those people agreed.

Lu Chong looked at Wang Fulu's gone figure. He couldn't help shaking his head and sneering. He wanted to treat me as a rookie. You birdmen, who doesn't know what bird droppings you pulled? This trick is too clumsy!

He didn't go out at all. Instead, he closed the door and lay on the bed in the corner. Then he continued to practice dragon defense and accumulate dragon defense Qi.

The fighting champion showed him that his martial arts cultivation was not enough. Master said that higher-level experts could protect their bodies with vigorous Qi and would not be sprayed by the enemy's blood. Of course, Jiang Haitian knew that his apprentice wanted to cultivate to that level. Driven by pure cleanliness, he was very likely to throw Lu Chong into the toilet.

Wang Fulu bribed the guards and hid in a corner. He held a standard pistol in his hand and aimed it at Lu Chong's door. His eyes were full of venom and ferocity. He thought proudly that when Lu Chong rushed out, he would shoot Lu Chong, and then he could be promoted and make a fortune.

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