The old man began to realize that he had met an expert, and his face became more and more dignified: "you're right."

Lu Chong looked at the old man's luck again: "so far, all your money adds up to barely 1.1 million. Am I right?"

It's nothing to see anything else. It's quite shocking to see how much money there is. The old man's face collapsed at that time and didn't say a word. It's a default.

Lu Chong asked again, "you are entangled with two women. One wants to marry you, but you don't want to marry. The other wants to marry, but the other doesn't want to marry you, right?"

The old man now had a cold sweat on his forehead, and his eyes looked frightened at Lu Chong.

Lu Chong looked at his luck again: "you got a serious illness six years ago and almost died, didn't you?"

There was more and more cold sweat on the old man's forehead.

Lu Chong asked again, "three years ago, you offended a big man, so you fled here and hid your name..."

The old man stood up in horror and subconsciously wanted to run away. After taking a step, he realized something. He stopped and showed a smile more ugly than crying: "I recognize the plant! I never expected to meet a fellow Chinese! I don't know what your purpose is. He even went to my house to find out my details."

Now, Lu Chong took control of the situation, smiled faintly and asked, "now, tell her how you calculated that she was destined to be rich and noble and that there was a lack of marriage."

The old man replied very honestly, "she is wearing Brenda's skirt and carrying Louis Vuitton's bag. She is very well maintained. Of course, she is rich."

Lu Chong really didn't expect that such an old fortune teller should know fashion brands. It seems that we can't underestimate these three teachings and nine streams. They also keep pace with the times and keep up with the times.

Wu Qingfang couldn't laugh or cry. Unexpectedly, this is the reason.

Lu Chong asked again, "how do you know her marriage is lacking?"

The old fortune teller said, "she is so old that you are so many, and the way she looks at you, even the blind can see that you two are not aboveboard lovers. Naturally, she has a lack of marriage."

Wu Qingfang blushed and turned away from seeing Lu Chong.

Although she had made up her mind long ago, she felt shy when she was told to her face.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Lu Chong continued to ask, "how do you know she's not married?"

The old fortune teller looked proud: "if there is a lack of marriage, it can be said that she lacks a partner; it can also be said that she lacks feelings in marriage, more importantly, she lacks the conditions for marriage, and even lacks children."

Lu Chong didn't expect that there were so many doorways here. He continued to ask, "how do you know that I have committed peach blossom?"

The old fortune teller smiled: "you haven't seen you these days. You take different girls shopping every time. What's wrong with peach blossom?"

"Do you remember some time ago?" Lu Chong really didn't expect that so many people passed by the pedestrian street every day. He could remember that he went shopping with different girls every time.

A few days ago, Lu Chong accompanied Jiang Xueqing, Fang Bingbing, Lin Xiaoyu, Tang Tiantian, Lin Yujing and Yan Lele to the pedestrian street.

Now the old man changed his panic and became more and more calm: "because the girl you take every time is the most beautiful on the pedestrian street, it's hard for me not to pay attention."

Lu Chong couldn't laugh or cry. He turned to Wu Qingfang and said, "see? He lied to you."

Wu Qingfang tried to resist her shame and asked the old divinator, "is it true that the eight characters you said are opposed to gold and fire?"

The old divinator said confidently, "if you give it to anyone who knows eight characters, you will come to the same conclusion. I've studied eight characters for decades, and there will be no mistake!"

"Well... Can that really be resolved?" Wu Qingfang glanced at Lu Chong and remembered the word "private house", blushing again and becoming more charming.

The old fortune teller was about to answer. Lu chongleng snorted: "old man, I know you very well. If sister Fang thinks that she and I are going to leave me, I will find you and tear down your old bone at the first time!"

The old divinator was subdued by Lu Chonggang's performance and stimulated the spirit to fight a cold war.

He took another look at the birth dates of Lu Chong and Wu Qingfang and said: "The two of you are indeed gold and fire, but just now I was in a hurry to 'fight', so I was blinded by money and missed the Nianzhu. One of the two Nianzhu is pomegranate wood and the other is a large forest. It happens that the two trees form a forest, and the husband and wife are birds in the same forest. The two can be said to be a natural couple. Just now I said, the two are gold and fire, and the wood makes fire. The two trees form a forest to help the fire burn. They match WANGJIN and show the appearance of fire refining real gold, As long as they can get through the initial hardships, they will be refined into pure gold and paired up with the forest. "

Wu Qingfang was very surprised: "thank you, master."

Lu Chong has learned this kind of thing from the world's top metaphysics masters before. As soon as he heard it, he knew that the eight character year column would never be wrong, but the conclusion must be half true and half false. Anyway, such people are the best at playing with words.

He suddenly remembered a word in the old man's words and hurriedly asked, "what is' beating '?"

The old fortune teller suddenly became nervous: "since this gentleman is not a fellow, but he can find out my roots, that's a cop?"

Lu Chong lost his smile: "do you think I took a beautiful woman shopping just to deal with you? If you make it clear, I'll let you go."

The old fortune teller didn't expect to be cheated all his life, but he fell into the hands of a young man and said with a bitter smile: "We have six words of fortune telling, which are trial, knock, fight, dry, long and sell. I sit here and pay attention to everyone passing by. Once I see who wants to approve the eight words, I will immediately observe each other's clothes, appearance, temperament, demeanor and various details. Judge the person's identity, status, etc. this process is called trial. After trial, it is naturally knock. The so-called knock, According to the results of the trial, for example, when I say that she hits the rich and noble and has a lack of marriage, it means knocking. The so-called beating is threatening, saying that you two hit each other and say that you commit a peach blossom. Generally speaking, knocking first and then hitting, but I saw in advance that there was a problem with their feelings, so I used both beating. However, I still have real talent and practical learning. They are indeed gold and fire, and Sir, you do have these three peach blossoms. If you don't believe it, you can take your eight characters and compare them with the peach blossom destiny book. "

Lu Chong sneered and said, "don't talk nonsense! What about dry, long and sell?"

The old fortune teller said: "Doing is cheating. What I said about putting the soil under the hundred year old peach tree into the pomegranate wood soaked in Rune water is a trick to deceive people. In fact, it is all ordinary soil and ordinary wood. In fact, I don't know how to resolve it. Long is flattering, flattering and praising. For example, I said I used my method to resolve it. A few years later, two Jinse Heming and the well-being of the whole family came to an end It's long to show the effect of deception. Selling is naturally asking for money. Unfortunately, you're too powerful. I was seen through by you before I could sell peach soil and pomegranate wood. Unfortunately, if you're not here, I can at least earn 10000 from this lady! "

The more the old man said this, the more proud he was.

Lu Chong's face sank: "are you still excited? If you weren't so old and proud of your deceptive appearance, I would have slapped you both."

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