After seeing Liu Hanwei's ugliness, Lu Chong found that many ugliness began with deception and fraud. For example, many of the children were cheated. As a result, they were beaten and forced to beg along the street. Many women were also cheated. As a result, they were forced to sell themselves. Many men were cheated, and their organs were forcibly removed.

Not to mention the kind of telecommunications fraud that makes people lose their money, and the vicious case of cheating college students' tuition fees and making girls commit suicide.

Therefore, Lu Chong has no good feelings for all the swindlers.

If the old man didn't look too old and look at his luck, he hadn't cheated people miserably before, and he had cheated some bad people, Lu Chong wouldn't have seen the same as him.

However, the old man dared to cheat Wu Qingfang's money with the feelings of Lu Chong and Wu Qingfang, which still annoyed him.

When the old man heard Lu Chong's words, a pitiful look suddenly appeared on his wrinkled face and begged: "your adult has a lot of money. Spare me. I just make a living. I usually cheat the rich and don't cheat the poor. I don't do great evil. When I meet poor people, I don't accept money. In fact, you can ask this lady to spend a little money to buy peace of mind. Would you like it?"

"The more you say, the more reasonable you are?" Lu Chong really wanted to slap the old man, but seeing his old face with white hair and beard, he really couldn't do it, so he had to turn around and leave.

Lu Chong was about to leave, but Wu Qingfang took out a thousand yuan and put it on the table and said, "thank you, sir. I'm at ease." after that, he looked at Lu Chong and couldn't help lowering his head. His beautiful face was full of red clouds.

Lu Chong's heart jumped, but it was inconvenient to say anything at this time, and the old liar quickly put away the money.

Lu Chong didn't expect the old liar to be so brave. He angrily said, "how dare you take money?"

The old liar had too much experience. When Wu Qingfang didn't care, he knew there was a play, so he stroked his beard and said, "Sir, you should thank me. I helped you pierce that layer of window paper. I'm at ease with this 1000 yuan."

Wu Qingfang blushed and turned back to the bench to sit down.

Lu Chong stared at the old liar with white hair and beard: "you're not afraid of me calling the police and catching you?"

The old liar was very calm and calm: "I'm nearly 70 years old. I don't have many years to live. It's the same everywhere."

"Worthy of being an old liar! He pretended when he was exposed." Lu Chong took out his mobile phone and called Shu Zhengfeng: "officer Shu, are you busy?"

Shu Zhengfeng had today's status only by Lu Chong's advice. He quickly and enthusiastically said, "no, you say!"

Lu Chong looked at the old liar and said, "I found an old liar in the pedestrian street who dared to cheat my sister's money. Please help me deal with it."

Before Lu Chong finished, the old liar flopped on his knees, climbed to Lu Chong's feet and hugged Lu Chong's legs: "Sir, spare my life! I'm wrong. I shouldn't take the money and I shouldn't repent. Please let me go. If my bones go to prison, I can't stand the toss."

The old liar's tears and snot flowed out in an instant and burst into tears.

At this time, many passers-by looked here, and many even stopped.

Lu Chong suddenly smelled a smell of chili water and said to himself, "the old guy is really experienced and ready for everything. He sneered:" it's really an old Jianghu. When it's time to install it, it's soft when it's time to install it. I think it's not easy to carry chili water with you when you're old. Give me the money and I won't know about it. "

As Lu Chong said, he picked up the old liar and said to the other end of the phone, "officer Shu, it's all right. I can handle it."

Shu Zhengfeng asked, "I really don't need to go there?"

"Yes, you are busy."

With a bitter face, the old liar handed out a thousand dollars, but suddenly took back two hundred.

Lu asked with a cold face, "what do you mean!"

"Please do me a favor. I'll let this one go today. Can't you let me waste so much words? The thief doesn't leave empty. We should at least leave something in this business. Otherwise, how can we do it in the future? I think your life is precious. It's going to soar into the sky. You must be a famous person in the world in the future, even in history! Why bother with me, a little old man." The old liar had a fairy spirit just now, but now he has become an obscene old slick.

Lu Chong didn't expect that the old liar was so shameless. He suddenly smiled: "I'll ask you a question. As long as you tell the truth, I'll let you go."

"You say!" the old liar quickly put two hundred back into his pocket, with two eyes like a mouse.

Lu Chong resisted the impulse to beat him and asked, "what you just said is clear and correct. You also know the eight characters. It must be handed down by your ancestors or taught by your predecessors?"

"Of course! When my master taught me, he said that if I had been born in the old society, I would certainly be able to take over his class and become a 'grandfather'!" the old liar sighed: "it's a pity that I was unlucky and born in the evil new society."

Lu chongleng shouted, "you talk a lot of nonsense! I ask you, since your business depends on deception, including palm reading, Feng Shui and so on, are there any people who can spell, understand divine powers or have magical abilities?"

"Magic? Supernatural powers? Magical powers?" the old liar laughed: "Young man, to tell you the truth, I've been in the profession for 40 or 50 years. I've never seen anyone, such as fortune tellers, eye readers, bone readers and Feng Shui watchers. But all of them are liars without exception! My master was a Grandmaster in the old society. He gave the spy leader Dai Li eight characters, but he ran away after the approval. He was almost killed by Dai Li. Is he knowledgeable? But he's never seen any magic powers, all of them It's all deceptive tricks. "

Lu Chong asked, "in other words, there is no real immortal in the world?"

The old liar said with great certainty, "absolutely not! Just like so and so, who is said to be very divine, experts all know. If you check how he escaped like a lost dog, you will know what he is."

Lu Chong was secretly happy. His master had said before that he might be the only person with special function in the world. Now even the old liar and his master don't think so. This may mean that Lu Chong may be the only person with magical ability in the world.

Lu Chong was in a good mood: "well, you go. Let me see you next time, I won't be so polite!"

The old liar dried the sweat on his face and said thank you. Then he solemnly rolled up a piece of paper with eight diagrams on the table, put it in his arms and took it away. The rest didn't look, so he turned and left.

Lu Chong returned to the bench and sat down. Wu Qingfang moved to him and sat side by side with him.

Remembering what Wu Qingfang said before and what the old liar said, Lu Chong felt hot and dry in his heart.

Wu Qingfang closed her eyes, leaned gently against Lu Chong and said softly, "don't move. Let me lean for a while. In this way, I will feel that you belong to me."

Lu Chong sighed in his heart and let Wu Qingfang lean against him.

It's already more than 4 p.m. now, the poisonous sunshine is gradually softened, and the pedestrians on the pedestrian street come and go. The two people who depend on each other in the sun seem to form a world. No matter how noisy the outside world is, their hearts are always calm.

Wu Qingfang whispered, "that's nice."

Lu Chong moved in his heart and said involuntarily, "if you like it, I'll accompany you more."

"Don't go back!"

"Don't go back."

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