The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 001, crossing overture

"How do you know, do you and Kong'er have any secrets that I don't know?" The mature woman's face changed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it turned cloudy, staring at the girl Nie Shuang.

"Nothing, nothing." Nie Shuang shook his head like a rattle.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter! You don't have to say anything! It's all my fault! I haven't fulfilled my responsibility as a mother, and I have always troubled you...I'm really sorry...uuuu..."

While crying, the milf moved to the living room connected to the hall as if about to fall down.Then kneel and sit in front of the altar.On the altar is a photo of her husband who passed away ten years ago.

"The kid's dad... I'm sorry. It's all me, it's all I don't know how to teach children, so he doesn't seem to like girls, Shuang'er seems to have happened to Kong'er something that shouldn't happen, and so on. The incense of our Nie family will be cut off."

"What shouldn't have happened? It's just the one who accidentally saw my brother?" Nie Shuang curled his lips, his tone a little regretful.

"Really?" The mistress stopped crying, staring at the girl who was almost carved out of a mold.

"Really!" Nie Shuang nodded helplessly.

"Huh... That's fine." The mature woman breathed a sigh of relief and turned to curiously asked: "Shuang'er, the one in Kong'er... how is that one? Have you seen it clearly? Tell me what it looks like. ."

"Mom, what do you want to do? It's not that you have a wicked attitude towards your son, I tell you I will not let you do this." Nie Shuang looked at the mother in front of him warily.

" girl, her mouth is open, I just want to confirm it." The mature woman's cheeks are like red apples, covered with red clouds, and she looks like she can't help but want to take a bite.

"The bottom of my brother, it's almost the same as in the movie, but it seems to be a lot, the dark one is so long and so big." Nie Shuang gestured to his mother with his hands.

"This child, has he grown so old after a few years?" The mistress muttered to herself, and the blush rose again.

"Okay, okay, it's okay for my elder brother to take the blame. During the twenty-eight blind dates, he felt that the girls were not cute enough and didn't have any taste in the second element, so he refused without hesitation." Sister Nie Shuang seemed to know her brother very well, thinking that her mother was still worried, she said calmly.

"Hey, I said not to stay at home all day, and see what it is like now. I blame those Japanese animes and Galgame, which have affected my cute space." The mature woman sighed. Tone.

"Don't you really want your brother to have a girlfriend? Just pretend." Sister Nie Shuang whispered, but she also knew in her heart that she didn't want her brother to have a good relationship with other girls.Otherwise, he wouldn't be such a big person, still pestering his brother to play with him all day.

Speaking of it, there is such a beautiful mother and younger sister, especially an otaku, it’s strange to see other girls.

"Twin, what are you talking about, speak louder."

"Ah... I said that my brother may love his mother too much and don't want to get married so early." Nie Shuang said quickly.

"Ah, really?" The milf smiled, and Nie Shuang nodded impatiently.

"Hehe, I'm so happy. So, Shuang'er, take a hot bath first. I'll get Kong'er to wake up. Today's lunch is delicious." The milf is like a change of person, and she feels so good. Started to hum a song.

"My mother is too cunning. It should be the younger sister's responsibility to get the brother up." Shuang'er mumbled his mouth, looking enviously at the mother who went to Nie Kong's room.

But not long before, suddenly from Nie Kong's room there was a mother's scream with horror.

"What's going on?" Nie Shuang couldn't help but feel a jump in her heart. Before she had time to put on her clothes after taking off her pajamas, she rushed out of the bathroom and ran towards her brother's room.

My mother has always been very cheerful. Even if my brother did something to his mother, my mother would never get angry, she would only spoil her son, and she would not bear any harm to him.

Nie Shuang ran to his brother's room and looked around, only to see a scene that shocked her.Her brother Nie Kong, little by little, turned into dust and disappeared in front of them.

"Brother disappeared? Didn't I wake up yet..." Nie's eyes were puzzled and confused, and the mature woman also stood by, seeming at a loss in the strange scene.

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