The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 002, Huoyundong!

Nie Kong felt very comfortable, very comfortable. He has never been so comfortable since he was born. It feels like his soul has ascended to heaven.To be honest, if someone told him that handjobs are happier than having sex, he would never believe it.Although he is still a virgin to the bottom, but the feeling given to him today is a hundred times better than before.Compared with the feeling at this time, the mood of twenty-eight failed blind dates is simply worthless.

"What kind of wife do you still marry? I'll get a handjob in the future. I'll leave it to my younger sister. Even though there is a high chance that a close relative will give birth to mental retardation, there is also a high chance of giving birth to a genius." Nie Kong thought in his heart, thinking about it. Time can no longer pretend to think.

His soul seemed to have gone out of its body, drifting higher and higher, as if it had left the earth.Even the body cannot feel any gravity at this time.

"Isn't that the earth? It's so blue." Nie Kong, who was enjoying all of this, opened his eyes and saw the huge and beautiful planet in front of him.

"Wait... how come, am I not in my room? How can I see the earth?" Nie Kong suddenly woke up from an extremely comfortable feeling, his eyes were like goldfish's bulging eyes.

Obviously, while watching this month’s new animation, why did he suddenly jump out of the earth?

He felt that his "body" didn't stop after he was awakened, but instead rose up at a faster speed.Although very comfortable, facing the strange scene, he still felt a panic of fear even though he was very nervous.

If someone asked him how old he would not start to believe in the existence of ghosts and gods, he would not bother to care about such silly topics.Having to answer the words, Nie Kong can say with certainty that he didn't believe it from the beginning.

However, if you ask him whether there really is a two-dimensional world.On the contrary, until now, Nie Kong still confirmed the existence of the dimension in his heart.Maybe it's just that I have never wanted to admit it.Because, deep in Nie Kong's heart, he is very eager for those two-dimensional characters to suddenly appear in front of him.Compared with the ordinary world in real life, the world depicted in the animation is more attractive. He also wants to live in that world!

But now what Nie Kong has encountered has completely subverted his previous cognition, and he began to wonder whether there really are gods such as Buddha, Sanqing, and God in this world?

"Buddha, Sanqing bless you, I haven't done anything that hurts the world and reason. If it is a nightmare, please wake me up soon!" Nie Kong prayed while looking at the smaller and smaller earth in his eyes.

But things backfired. After the soul soared for an unknown period of time, he seemed to have broken through a barrier and came to a strange space.

Birds and flowers fragrant, misty air floating in the sky, everything is like a fairyland in myth.Nie Kong took a deep breath, only feeling extremely comfortable, his body lightened a bit.

"Huoyun Cave!" In the middle of the fairyland, a magnificent cave mansion stood there. Looking up, the three big characters of Huoyun Cave were printed on the top of the cave mansion, which seemed so sacred and majestic.

"This is not the legendary cave house of the three emperors of the Chinese nation. The legendary adventure, is this coming to me? I am not dreaming." With respect and curiosity, Nie Kong stepped into it. This sacred place.

As soon as he entered, Nie Kong only felt suddenly brightened in his heart!The verdant trees are pine, the dragon scales are heavy, the bamboo is pretty and the phoenix tails are added.Meng velvet green grass, soft dragon beard, towering old trees, antlers.Although the outside of the cave is also beautiful with beautiful mountains and green waters, and ample aura, it is not comparable to the fairy aura here, without the smoke and dust of the world, it is a fairy home resort!

In the middle of Huoyun Cave, three blurred figures of Nie Kong who couldn't see their appearance were sitting on the futon.The warm breath from the three of them inadvertently still made Nie Kong not far away feel kind.

Although it is not clear whether the three above are the Three Emperors, Nie Kong reported that he would rather kill mistakes than let go.

"Excuse me, three seniors, what do you call me to come here?"

The three emperors on the stage nodded slightly, "It's not wrong to call us seniors. The three of us are the three emperors of the human race. They are outside the three places and are not among the five elements!"

One of them is a green robe, the one on the right is wearing a yellow robe, and the one on the left is wearing a red robe.It was Emperor Fuxi, Dihuang Shennong, and Renhuang Xuanyuan.The three emperors have a great relationship with the human race, and the human race.

"Today's faith is lacking and morality is degraded! The Chinese Yanhuang clan has reached a precarious position." Huang Xuanyuan, the person of the three emperors, couldn't help sighing, his tone of compassion was indescribable.

"The tiny little country, the use of comics, and shameless movies are eroding the faith of our Chinese people a little bit." Emperor Fuxi pointed toward the sky, and saw a mirage-like picture in front of Nie Kong.

The screen shows that corrupt officials are rampant, pedestrians are indifferent, food crises in the Huaxia region... everything looks so pale, so ugly, so unsightly.

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