The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 003, boy, go through! !

"Simply put, it is to let you destroy the two-dimensional world created by the gods of the Japanese kingdom, the fundamental reason why the Yanhuang clan believe in that world, let the faith return to the mainland, and save the Chinese clan! If you let the two-dimensional development continue, this The world will soon be completely replaced by the second dimension, and everyone will become slaves of the Japanese nation!" Dihuang Shennong continued.

For Nie Kong, he still likes the two-dimensional things, but he didn't expect that liking anime would have such a big consequence.Although he is not an angry youth, he also dislikes Japanese people very much.The only thing that likes Japan is actually harmful to the Chinese clan.

"For the sake of China, I am willing to perform this task." Nie Kong felt a surprise in his heart. Two-dimensional girl is waiting for his rescue. How could he not agree."But the three ancestors, do you first give me a bunch of innate spirit treasures and a bunch of spirit medicines to improve my strength."

Traveling through the past in this way, not to mention whether the original plot can be destroyed, whether it can survive is still a reason.If you crossed into the Dragon Ball world at once, wouldn't it be looking for death?

"Because the power of the world's rules is different, although these things you said are useful in our world, they are useless at all in that two-dimensional world." The Emperor Shennong said lightly.

"This time, it’s the power of the three of us to forcibly open a space channel to let your soul pass. In short, it’s smuggling. The world is different, and the law of power is also different. The only connection between the two worlds is the soul. Power, the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" that I have comprehended before the Dao is passed on to you, to help you condense the power of your soul." Human Emperor Xuanyuan pointed towards Nie Kong's head.

In the confusion, Nie Kong seemed to understand a lot, but also didn't seem to understand at all, extremely mysterious.Countless postures that made his blood boil, countless ways to condense the soul were carved in his head.

"This is simply the golden spear not failing and replenishing the double break magical skill. It is more useful to me than any exercise. The ancestors are really kind. Legend has it that the emperor Xuanyuan night and the maiden soared three thousand, it seems that it is true. of."

"Although there is no innate spiritual treasure, this ring of faith was made by me over a hundred years, and there is a universe inside. The ring of faith is strong enough in your soul, or it collapses the two-dimensional world, the world of the Yanhuang clan The power of faith can also help you break through the space in the two-dimensional world." Emperor Fuxi did not know where he took out a simple ring and threw it into Nie Kong's soul.On the ring, there is a golden dragon, and you can see that it is not Fanpin.

Nie Kong felt that his soul had merged with the ring. He explored the inside of the ring and found that there was a small space a few meters away, and a few meters away was filled with mist. With his weak soul power, he could not search for a larger space.But he knew that the space of this ring would definitely not be small, that is, the only three emperors in the legend who were on par with the saints, what happened to the garbage.

"The last question, can the ancestors help take care of my sister and mother. I'm afraid they will be sad if I'm not here." Nie Kong said with a greedy smile.

"Don't worry, the time in this world is stopped during the time you go to the second element. If you can come back safely, you still have the opportunity to reunite with your family." Emperor Fuxi said.

"In that case, I can set off at any time now. The first one I want to travel to the world of the second dimension is the hottest One Piece in China now. I want my soul to be possessed by Luffy!" Nie Kong thought of being able to. Become Luffy, and unscrupulously bag the beauties such as Empress, Markino, Nami, Robin, and feel inexplicably excited.Especially Luffy’s rubber ability is simply a goddess artifact!!

The three emperors asked and nodded, the second element called One Piece had absorbed nearly half of the faith of the Yan and Huang clan.

"Get ready, the three of us will send you over, and with the power of the three of us, we will infuse your soul into the person named Lu Fei." Without the help of the Three Emperors, with the soul power of a mortal Nie Kong, It's strange to occupy Luffy's body in the second dimension, and it's not bad to be swallowed.

Although he could not see the faces of the three emperors, Nie Kong still felt that they were becoming serious now.In an instant, a ray of light burst from the three emperors, and the surrounding space was turbulent.

"Open!" The three emperors shouted loudly at the same time, with their hands condensed enough to destroy the earth, and at the same time they shot out in the middle.

The three dazzling rays of light condensed together, but the surprise was that it did not trigger a super explosion, but penetrated the space just like piercing the paper.In the blink of an eye, a black circular channel appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Huh!" The Three Emperors wrapped Nie Kong's soul with only the remaining power, and cast down the black circular channel.Nie Kong didn't have time to react at all. He was suddenly controlled by great power, and the whole person felt like the sky was spinning.

The dramatic intense dizziness began, but fortunately Nie Kong closed his eyes.Even if I opened my eyes, it was as dark as a power outage.You Kong is currently sitting on the Yunxiao Speed ​​car with the safety device removed, and he doesn't know whether he has lost his blood or rushes straight into his forehead.The floating feeling of not catching the center of gravity continued.Even with my eyes closed, I still feel dizzy.The reason why he didn't lose his consciousness was to worship the golden energy that surrounded him.

"Not good, lack of power, offset the target space by a few vectors!" The emperor's fuzzy face was rippling.

"There is no way, I hope he can survive smoothly!" The emperor also looked very regretful. The three people had already communicated with each other, and the cooperation between the three was perfect.But after the power of the three of them passed through several planes, they were disturbed by the power rules, and the direction was severely distorted.

"People are not as good as the sky. It is a success to send him over smoothly. I hope he can live." Renhuang Xuanyuan said in a low voice.

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