The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 01057, Ah Ye is crazy?

After the fourth cooking class, Xia Yin appeared in front of the classroom as scheduled, and poked half of her cute head inside.After seeing Nie Kong inside, she was a little bit frightened and relieved.Nie Kong greeted her, and she cleverly came to Nie Kong.

"Huh... Senior, who is she?" Qian Cong looked at Xia Yin, who was as cute as a doll, and couldn't help asking.Really, there are too many girls around Senior.

The light spring onions in the second grade of junior high school have changed a lot from the first grade. The orange hair is draped behind, tied in a ponytail, and no longer wears rustic black glasses.

With a delicate face and big smart eyes, the whole person looks slim.Since his figure often eats lunch with Nie Kong, his nutrition has been fully supplemented, and the breasts that were originally the size of an egg can see considerable bulges.

"Didn’t I tell you at the hospital a year ago? I saved two children who were adopted there in the monastery behind. She is one of them. Now she has grown up and studied in junior high school! Xia Yin, come and he Sisters say hello." Nie Kong pulled out Xia Yin who was hiding behind, and said softly.

"Hello elder sisters, I...My name is Natsuyin Yase, a freshman in the first grade of junior high school, please give me more advice in the future." She said obediently.

"Wow, Xia Yinjiang looks so cute. My name is Lan Yu Qian Cong." Qian Cong recalled her encounter with Nie Kong, obviously letting go of her guard, and smiling and holding Xia Yin's little hand.

The bodies of the two women are equally full of spiritual power, and they have the talent to be a witch.

"It turns out that Xia Yin is a freshman in the first grade. I said how could there be a cute girl like you in school, I...My name is Xiandu Mu Youma!" Lan Yu and Qian Cong are like two words from the second grade. , I don’t know how many love letters they received, but they did not respond to their classmates’ confession.

Her pretty cheeks are becoming more and more like Ah Ye. The black hair on his head is not short ears, but long hair. It grows to the armpits, almost a small version of Ah Ye!!The three women introduced themselves to each other, and they seemed to have a very harmonious conversation.

"You don't have to be humble, they all look cute. Especially You Ma, almost can catch up with Ah Ye, you are more and more alike."

Nie Kong brought the food to the table and told them to come for lunch.You Ma Qiao blushed, and said Jiao Han: "Why, it's far from your mother."

"The librarian? It really looks alike." Qian Cong nodded in agreement.

"Stop talking, you guys are hungry."

Xia Yin's innocent eyes looked at the ingredients behind, gleaming, she seemed to be thinking about giving the kitten food.It just so happens that Nie Kong’s cooking is takoyaki made with octopus that is more than ten meters in size. The kitten will probably like it very much.

Nie Kong patted Xia Yin's little hand lightly, and told her to finish her lunch.

Xia Yin obediently listened to Nie Kong's instructions and gently enjoyed Nie Kong's sweet and delicious cuisine, feeling very happy and happy.Somewhat disappointed is that my monastery partner is more than a year younger than me, and he is not old enough to go to junior high school.

Lunch with laughter as usual, exuding a warm taste.Originally Qian Cong and You Ma had already learned how to make cooking, but Qian Cong stopped You Ma and whispered that if they admitted that they had learned how to cook, they would not be able to taste the cooking of their predecessors, so the two girls planned to hide from Nie Kong.

Xia Yin gobbled up her cute face with oil stains. Nie Kong helped to wipe it clean. She would smile shyly, but didn't intend to slow down.

It took half an hour for lunch, but Xia Yin only took ten minutes.She hurriedly used a clean paper box filled with takoyaki and slipped out of the classroom. She was really a child who liked animals.

"You guys, take it easy, I'm leaving..."

The two women looked at Nie Kong in doubt. Nie Kong shrugged and said, “Don’t worry about Li Xia Yin, she probably will bring food to the monastery behind to feed the kittens she picked up. She is a very kind girl, you two Take good care of her." They suddenly admired Xia Yin.She is kind and holy, really like a holy nun.

After lunch, the two women squinted and burped.Qian Cong said that if he grows fat in the future, it is all the fault of the senior.Indeed, Nie Kong's cooking is so delicious, they are full each time.

After resting for ten minutes, the two women held hands and waved goodbye to Nie Kong. Since the two women were in the same class, they dropped in.

Nie Kong lazily packed the tableware, but the moment they helped to close the door of the classroom, a girl's scream suddenly burst out!The situation is not right, it was Yuma's voice, what happened?

Nie Kong frowned and rushed out of the classroom without any consideration.The scene he saw in front of him was beyond his imagination, and many people outside were stunned.

Outside the classroom, an A Ye wearing a black and white kimono was indifferently pulling Yu Ma, waist and black hair exactly like her, tears of pain flashed across Yu Ma's eyes.Qian Cong behind was at a loss, and kept persuading Ah Ye.

"Aye, what are you doing! Stop it, she is your daughter." Nie Kong said loudly.

Ah Ye didn't speak, and waved his hand cleanly.The black hair of Yuma's shawl was cut in two neatly by the ear, and black silk fluttered in the sky.After everything was done, A Ye glared at Nie Kong with crimson eyes, and rushed out desperately.

Nie Kong didn't understand what A Ye was going crazy, so he ignored her and slowly squatted down to comfort You Ma first.

"Father... Father, please leave You Ma, hurry up and comfort your mother, I... I think Mother Mother seems to be sad." You Ma covered her hair and begged to look at Nie Kong. .

She, who has always been strong, actually showed that expression, and Nie Kong also felt that she was different from usual.Having said that, I really rarely accompany Ah Ye this year. Have you neglected her feelings? She said she would break her destiny.

"Qian Cong, you can help take care of You Ma, I want to ask why she is doing that kind of thing." Nie Kong left the two girls alone and chased Aye alone.In this world, Ah Ye, who is as beautiful as a goddess, Nie Kong cannot lose her.

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