The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01058, compensation

After giving orders to the two women, Nie Kong followed her behind her back.Ah Ye, who left angrily, rushed to the quiet library of the school.Since most of the students are having lunch, there is no one.

Nie Kong caught her little hand from behind and pulled her in front of him.Seeing her long black hair and Youma's short hair, and the pretty face that distinguished them from each other, Nie Kong seemed to understand something.

"Don't follow me, go back and comfort your daughter!" She was so angry that she wanted to shake off Nie Kong's hand, but Nie Kong forcefully pulled her body into his arms and pressed her body behind the library On the wall.

"Aye, are you getting angry with Youma? Can you tell me the reason? Let's say we should be Youma's real parents." Nie Kong asked softly.

"Huh, what is she worth to Yuma. There will only be one Xiandumu Aye in the world, she is just a copy of me, why should you be so good to her?"

Because of the handcuffs, Ah Ye had to carefully observe Nie Kong's every move. He was irritated by their words during lunch, and the dissatisfaction that had been hidden in his heart exploded.

Cutting off You Ma's long hair, although a bit stupid and reckless, the purpose is very simple to distinguish Nie Kong and the others from her and You Ma, for fear that a copy made by themselves will ban their existence in the future.

"A Ye, you are so stupid! Although You Ma looks exactly like you, you are unique in my eyes. The love for You Ma comes from you." Nie Kong clung to A Ye's The wrists, the two people's bodies pressed tightly.He looked at her with gentleness.

"Who...who cares, I just... just refuse to see my face."

"I'm so sorry, I've neglected you in the past year, and I will treat you well in the future!" Nie Kong whispered in the ear of A Ye who was struggling, and his hot breath sprayed on her snow-white neck. A pretty face is rare.Turning his pretty face slightly, his moist eyes did not dare to look at Nie Kong.

It will become the same month as it was then.

" this kind of place...someone..." She uttered a babble of rejection, but she didn't have much power, and instead sent out a silent invitation to Nie Kong.

"Don't make a noise, be quiet! If you show it to others, I don't care..." The kimono with twelve black and white kimonos is unheard of before, like locks protecting her chastity.Nie Kong, who is a good understanding man, still has nothing to do with it.

In the end, Nie Kong was really impatient, and with a slight force in his hand, he tore her belt with many knots.The kimono split into two sides and split from the middle of Ah Ye's body.Flawless skin was revealed from a gap in the tightly locked clothes.

Nie Kong stared at the delicate and beautiful face, and the black hair scattered on Ruyu's shoulders, showing a girl's unique softness.The indifferent face melted and took on a beautiful crimson.

The noise of students outside caused Ah Ye to bury his face in Nie Kong's arms.She didn't mean to loosen it. Instead, she hugged herself tighter and tighter, just like rubbing herself into Nie Kong's body.The intense shame stimulated her heart.Nie Kong arrogantly prevented her resistance, she whimpered softly, not daring to shout out loud.

"Yes... we shouldn't... this way..." A Ye let out a delicate voice, intending to persuade Nie Kong.The strange feeling from the base of the neck made Ah Ye let out a "".

"Aye, you smell so good." Nie Kong groped her body greedily, and her whole body was in a state of excitement.

"Could it be...should you say you want to suck...suck my blood?" The vampire's impulse to suck blood comes from sexual impulse, so it's no wonder Ah Ye has that conclusion.

"No, I want to really get Ah Ye, it's not a vampire impulse. I can't delay it, otherwise Ah Ye will leave me if I continue." Nie Kong said softly.

"Aye, you are so beautiful!" His eyes met, all resistance disappeared, and only shyness remained in the crimson pupils.

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