The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0110, the Shura field sandwiched between the two mothers-in

"What a happy feeling, I have really lived on dogs for the past thirty years." That kind of unforgettable happiness, Kurono Shangye will never forget.

"If you can't taste that feeling in the future, you will really die, you will die of emptiness and loneliness. No, Nie Jun must be the man of our mother and daughter!" She shyly glanced at Nie Kong who was whipping his daughter. , Heino Shangye's eyes flashed firmly.

She really didn't think that Nie Jun would be so powerful. When Nie Jun was fucked, she felt a little bit crisp. After a few times in and out, she couldn't care about anything.What made Kurono Shangye ecstatic, after having done it with Nie Kong once, she actually felt that her strength had risen a bit!

"It's no wonder that Xiao Hu Meng will do everything to get Nie Jun. Compared with Nie Jun, he is so weak. It's a failure. He actually fell in love with her daughter's husband." Her restless heart can no longer be calm. Ye continued the ordinary life of the past. It is estimated that she will not be able to bear it for many days.

Hu Meng yelled, he was soft to the ground, panting weakly.But Nie Kong is still so alive, he doesn't even know the tired Tyrannosaurus!

"It's really my friend, are you still not satisfied after so many times, you want to kill our mother and daughter!" Kuro Shangye glanced at Nie Kong lovingly and hatefully, biting her lip and just wanted to serve her daughter Nie Kong who was not satisfied.

"Kacha!" At this time, the door of the club activity classroom was pushed open, and then it was closed again with a click!But it is strange that people who come in will not turn on the lights. Who will it be?

When Nie Kong felt strange, two beautiful voices came out!

"Hey, it's weird! Where did Nie Jun go? He can't be found anywhere!" Bai Xue's voice reached Nie Kong's ears, causing Nie Kong's movements to stop.

"Daughter, you are so terrible, the level of peeking is not at home! How can such a good husband candidate make him leave his sight?" A familiar voice passed into Kurono Ueha's ears, Kurina An irritation flashed across Shang Ye's face.

"Bai Xue Icicle, that bastard old lady, really wants to have bad thoughts about my Nie Kong. I used to rob men from me when studying, but now your daughter is the same."

"Fortunately, I hid in the warm table, otherwise I would not persuade them to watch. Bai Xue's mother Bai Xue Icicle is not as easy to talk as Heino Shangye." Nie Kong sighed and praised Hu Meng in his heart.

Just as Bai Xue and her mother were about to leave the club classroom to find Nie Kong elsewhere, two more brisk footsteps came from outside.The two mother and daughter Bai Xue, who went crazy in secret, were so scared that they looked for a place to hide.

"Mom, let's hide under the warm table, there will be a good place to peek!" Suddenly Shirayuki pointed to the dark warm table, with a sense of relief on his face.

"Oops, the old lady Shirayuki Icicle is going to come in!" Kurono Shangye wailed in his heart, but couldn't stop this scene from appearing.

Hey, why are your mother and daughter two hobbies so weird? You haven't done any shameful things, so why hide.

"Very well, it really deserves to be my daughter!" Bai Xue Icicle was overjoyed and pulled her daughter into the huge warming table with a grunt!

When the mother and daughter Baixue Icicle entered the warming table, they were severely pressed to the ground by six hands, their mouths were blocked, and their bodies could not move!!

But Baixue Icicle felt a warm top between her legs.Because she is wearing a kimono, she clearly feels that very masculine spirit.

"Woo..." Baixue Icicle wanted to struggle, but the more struggling she only felt the weaker her body!It was filled with emptiness, slowly melting the power in her body, melting her cold body.

"Asshole, asshole! Who the hell is that dare to do this to me." Although Bai Xuezhu was scolded very badly in her heart, her buttocks were twisting uncontrollably, wanting to touch a little deeper. Nie Kong.

"Hey, it's so strange that I seem to hear the voice coming from here. Why is there no one now!" After opening the door, Xiao Zi's doubtful voice reached Nie Kong and the others.

"It's all Xiao Zi's fault. I have to introduce me to your parents. Now I can't find Nie Jun where he is going." Although Mengxiang's face is not visible, Nie Jun knows this time. Her face must be puffy.

"Hehe, don't worry about Mengxiang, let's look for it again. Nie Jun can't escape the small place of Yanghai Academy. Isn't it easy to find Nie Jun." Xiao Zi held Mengxiang's arm , Sajiao walked out of the club room.

As the footsteps of Mengxiang and Xiaozi faded away, the table warmer was suddenly opened with a violent snap, revealing the five figures hiding inside!Among them, Nie Kong and Hu Meng's mother and daughter were not wearing clothes, but Bai Xue Icicle's face was flushed, and her cold eyes were filled with shame and grief.

"Nie Jun...Nie Jun, why are you hiding in the warm table? Who is the girl next to Hu Meng? Why would the three of you hide inside without clothes?" Bai Xue vomited several questions continuously, showing her heart panic.

"Xiaoxue, you don't need to ask, and I don't need to say I know what's going on!" The moment Baixue Icicle saw the upper leaf of Kurono, the doubts in her heart were finally solved.

"It's you Kurono Shangye again. I didn't expect that you would be so shameless to seduce my daughter's son-in-law. You are shameless!" Baixue Icicle pointed at Kurono Shangye and cursed.

"Yeah, I'm shameless, what's the matter! As long as I can get my daughter to get a man she likes, don't be shameless!" Kurono Shangye wanted to stand up and push back against the aggressive Shirayuki Icicle, but because I had just been with Nie Sora fought for a few rounds, his feet were a little soft, and he didn't stand up.

"This kind of thing is only high-sounding that you can talk about. How could Nie Jun be seduced by your old lady." As she said that Bai Xuezhu looked at Nie Kong, who had not put on his clothes, his cold cheeks blushed slightly: "You said Right, Jun Nie!"

"Hmph, because of the love that my mother and I have for Nie Jun, Nie Jun will definitely marry Hu Meng in the future! I see Bai Xuepi, what are you fighting against me?" Hu Meng hugged Nie proudly Empty arms, pressed on his two white balls.

"For Nie Jun, my mother and I can pay any price! You are far behind Hu Meng."

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