The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0111, Bai Xue's mother's speech

"Heine Hu Meng, is this your decision. In order to get Nie Jun, don't you even care about sacrificing your own mother!" Even the opponent Bai Xue was shocked by this determination.

"Well, I personally think that I still like the feeling of serving Hu Meng and Kurono's mother. It really strikes my heart." Although Nie Kong wanted to lie, he already said his own when the mother and daughter hugged him. Feel in my heart.

"Yeah, victory! Nie Jun, don't worry, my mother and I will always be by your side and serve you well." Hu Meng slapped excitedly and kissed Nie Kong's left cheek.

"Huh, Nie Jun is so good!" Heinai Shangye, unwilling to show weakness, kissed Nie Kong's right cheek.Two beauties, one big and one small, kissed Nie Kong's cheek affectionately, looking at the rival rival with triumphant eyes.

It's so cool, it feels great to be able to beat the enemy in a lifetime.Kuro Shangye almost couldn't control it, and cheered loudly regardless of the image of her mature woman.

"Konai Hu Meng! You are fine, and successfully angered me! Mom, what do you think!" Bai Xue stared at the opposite mother and daughter with angrily, and then asked Bai Xue Icicle in a calm tone.

"Daughter, since Heonai Hu Meng can save everything, where is your determination to win?" Baixue Icicle clenched his fists tightly, obviously holding back the anger in his heart.

"Compared with the determination to like Nie Jun, I will definitely not lose to Kurino Hu Meng! But mother, are you willing to pay for Bai Xue's happiness?" Bai Xue asked in a trembling voice, holding her mother's hand moved.

"How could I lose to the old lady of Kuro Shangye, why can't I if she can do it!" Thinking of the keen male reaction that had just been against him, Bai Xue Icicle's body became hotter.

That hot strange and familiar, not only melted her cold body, but also melted her cold heart!

"What are you saying, how can we let you succeed! Nie Jun's words belong to our mother and daughter!" Heino Hu Meng heard the conversation between the mother and daughter opposite, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Little Hu Meng, take Nie Jun first, and I'll stop them two!" Kurono Shangye just said aloud, and the two women on the opposite side moved at the same time.

"Kacha!" Under the sudden attack of the two, the mother and daughter Hu Meng on the opposite side turned into ice cubes and stood on the spot instantly!!

"Bai Xue, aunt! What do you two want to do?" Nie Kong couldn't help but asked coldly when he saw this scene.He has had enough of the Shura field or something!When are these stupid women going to fight!!

"Nie Jun, don't be angry! What Hu Meng can do for Nie, Bai Xue can do too!" Bai Xue's cheek flushed slightly, and she gently pulled a ribbon on her body.I saw Bai Xue's white body completely in Nie Kong's eyes.

"Could it be Shirayuki..." No, there will be such good things in the world?Mother and daughter flowers will come to the door one after another?

"Mom, you... take off your bathrobe too, now it's up to our mother and daughter to conquer Nie Jun, and snatch Nie Jun from Heino Hu Meng and others!" The shy Bai Xue stammered to her Mother said.

I'm sorry, dad, I have found a man who is more important than you!As for mother, you haven't touched your mother once since I was born!My mother said to me, because our Snow Girl's body is too cold, so you dare not touch it.In that case, why can't my father fulfill my happiness and my happiness!

"Stupid daughter, mom will do everything for you!" Baixue Icicle gently pulled the ribbon around her waist, and the bathrobe she was wearing floated away from her body.

"What a beautiful skin!" If Hu Meng's mother and daughter are characterized by unmatched breasts, then Bai Xue's mother and daughter have white and red skin.It was like the goddess of ice and snow, standing in front of him.

Compared with Bai Xue, her body is more mature and perfect!Time has shaped her body very beautifully, smiling and frowning with a mature taste that girls don't have!

"Nie Jun, it's me! Our mother and daughter will definitely not lose to Hu Meng's mother and daughter!" Behind Baixue joined the battle right behind her mother!

Later, even the two girls of Hu Meng, who were frozen, unraveled the ice and woke up from it!When they saw that the mother and daughter Bai Xue had succeeded, they still wished to rush to teach them a lesson.

"Damn it, damn it! Finally, Jun Nie has already chosen me and said, why Bai Xueguo you want to take a kick!" Hu Meng yelled, just about to go up and kick Bai Xueguo a few times.

But as soon as he approached Nie Kong, he was taken into his arms and placed Hu Meng on Bai Xue. Nie Kong finally enjoyed the ice and fire that stimulated the cells of his body!

In the end, all the four girls present were knocked to the ground by Nie Kong, and they had no temper at all!The two pairs of sisters Hua declared that they belonged to Nie Kong and would serve Nie Kong all their lives.

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