The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0115, scared to pee?


She just returned the appearance of a little pepper, but now she has become an obedient loli under intimidation!But being eaten at Yanghai Academy is really uncommon.Because this is the school of monsters, there are all kinds of monsters!!

"Dad, I think we'll let her go like this! She was shocked by her appearance, and she seemed to be a monster vampire just like us." Jiaer raised her head and bit Nie Kong's ear lightly. Soundtrack.

The nose was swept by Jia'er's hair, Nie Kong couldn't help sneezing loudly!


Beloved thought that Jiaer was quietly discussing with Nie Kong how to eat her.Coupled with Nie Kong's sudden sneeze, his legs softened and his heart screamed in horror.

"No, I wanted to let you go, why are you so desolate!" Nie Kong said with a sweat, just about to let go of Lori's beloved.But he only felt a wet touch on his knees, and there was also a warm feeling!

"Dad, what a smell, it's a bit showy." Jia Er sniffed gently, strangely.

When did my sneeze have so much power?Nie Kong was thinking about this question in an incredible way.

"Nie Jun... Nie Jun, has something happened to Jia'er!" At this moment, Mengxiang, who followed from behind, finally came to Nie Kong's face, asking out of breath.

"Yes... is it your sister's voice? Woo, but how could my sister know that bad guy? Is it because I miss my sister's illusion too much." My beloved calf trembled, and she was afraid to turn her head and look.

Under the pink hair, is the face that I think about day and night, not my favorite sister Mengxiang who is?

"Woo...Sister, hurry up and save me, that bad guy wants to roast and eat his beloved." Beloved cried at Mengxiang, as much grievances as there were in his eyes.

"Hey... it's my beloved, so are you here? Jun Nie, what happened?" After seeing the beloved, Mengxiang asked Nie Kong in surprise.

"Mengxiang, she is the girl who fought with Jia'er. But I didn't expect to be Mengxiang your sister, the world is really small." Nie Kong smiled awkwardly, and put his love down, moist. Two hands were wiped naturally on the beloved skirt!

Anyway, your skirt is almost wet, I don’t care anymore, it was you who peeed!

"Sister Mengxiang, you want to avenge me, that bad guy... that bad guy bullied his beloved and wanted to eat his beloved!" Beloved threw herself into Mengxiang's arms, her cute big eyes staring expectantly without blinking. With Mengxiang.

Nie Jun is really amazing, no matter how I teach her before, my beloved will not admit defeat!But now I was scared by Jun Nie. I was so scared of Jun Nie and peeed his pants.

She glanced at her beloved wet skirt, and Mengxiang blushed. Maybe she was ashamed for her sister.

"Don't be afraid if I love you, Jun Nie is not a bad person, he is a friend of my sister! He can't eat people, he just scared you!" Mengxiang touched her beloved hair, amused in her heart.

"Really." In Mengxiang's warm arms, she felt her heart gradually settled down.And in the smell of my sister, there is actually the smell of that bad guy. It seems that my sister is right.If my sister is so gentle and powerful, her friends will definitely not harm me.

"Hee hee...see if you dare to trouble me, now be afraid! A shame face, you will pee your pants when your beloved is so big!" Jia Er made a grimace at her beloved, gloating.

At this time, Beloved finally felt a cold whoosh sensation between her legs, free and relaxed, and completely liberated herself!

"Oh!" Beloved retracted her little hand and covered her crotch, her cute face with tears was full of shyness!

I... I actually peeed my pants in front of a strange man, and was discovered by Mengxiang sister!Oh, it's really shameful.Is there a hole next to it? I really want to get in.

The beloved at this time is simply adorable!Even Nie Kong has some bad ideas about wanting to put his love in his arms!!

"Nie Jun is true, look at how you scared your beloved!" My sister also has such a cute side. Who is Mengxiang to blame Nie Kong, but her eyes are shining at her beloved.

"Hmph, I haven't complained yet. That naughty little girl actually peeed on my pants! Look, it's all wet." Nie Kong pointed at his pants with a smirk, teasing Said lovingly.

"Is that so? No wonder Nie Kong is you."

" guys, you really hate you, my beloved hates you so much." The shy beloved disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others at an invisible speed.

She has never been so embarrassed, it was the man who caused her to become like this!Beloved, full of resentment towards Nie Kong at this time!The original purpose was to enter the academy and defeat his longing sister.But now, under Nie Kong's trouble, it has directly transformed into taking revenge on Nie Kong!!"

Mengxiang looked at her departed beloved amusedly, and then said strangely: "Xinai hasn't answered my question just now. Shouldn't she stay at home? How could she appear in Yanghai Academy?"

"Don’t be surprised, Yanghai Academy was originally a monster academy! Beloved, as a great monster of strength, of course would be eligible to study here." Nie Kong was very clear about all of this. His love came here just to find a favorite. It’s just my sister.

"In other words, my beloved may have to live with us in the future!" Meng Xiang had a headache when she heard this.My sister has been so fond of pestering herself since she was a child, and she hasn't discovered her messy relationship with Nie Kong when she came here.The most important thing is that Nie Jun obviously scared her just now. Will my beloved forgive Nie Jun so easily?

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