The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0116, beloved jealous

"Good morning, elder sister!" Just as Mengxiang just came out of the dormitory, there was already a little Lolita waiting there on the road outside, not who Zhu Ran's beloved was who fled yesterday in embarrassment.

Although a day has passed since that incident, Beloved still feels hot on her face when facing Mengxiang!She thought wildly last night, would her sister hate her because of this?

"It's beloved, have you already entered Yanghai Academy?" Mengxiang asked in surprise when she saw the schoolbag in her hand.

"Well, starting from today, Beloved will be able to go to school with my sister! I would like my sister to take care of me!" Finding that Mengxiang did not hate herself, Beloved couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Great, my sister didn't hate my beloved because of that!But it seems that Mengxiang's sister has changed a lot in the past few years when she is away from home, a bit less strong, but a bit more gentle.

"My sister is also very happy to meet my beloved at school!" Mengxiang has been studying abroad since being sealed by the cross, and she hasn't seen her sisters for several years.

I don’t know what happened to Sister Mouai and Sister Yaai now?As long as this year is over, Nie Jun should have made a choice.If everything goes well, maybe you can take Nie Jun home and introduce him to his father and sister.

"My sister, how is your strength compared to the bad guy who bullied me yesterday?" he asked expectantly as he walked to school.

"Are you talking about Jun Nie?"

"Anyway, it's the little white face who bullied me yesterday. With my sister's strength, defeating him shouldn't be a problem." Because I was abused by Mengxiang countless times as a child, my beloved heart was full of worship for Mengxiang.

"If your beloved wants me to avenge you, it's a pity, sister, I'm not Nie Jun's opponent!" If my strength is better than Nie Jun, I would have captured Nie Jun a long time ago and will go back to get married. How could the current situation arise? what.

"I don't believe it, how could a vampire such a strong sister lose to other monsters!" My beloved did not believe it.

"Nie Jun is not another monster, he is a vampire stronger than me, so it is normal that I am not his opponent." Meng Xiang comforted.

"Is he also a vampire? No wonder the power is so powerful, he can easily take my attack! It seems that I can't count on my sister's help, and my beloved can only rely on my own revenge, no matter what method is used." Recalling the shameful scene last night , Beloved and bitterly gritted teeth.

"If you love you, forgive Jun Nie. He didn't know that you were my sister yesterday, so he made a little heavy hand! I will introduce Jun Nie to you after school today, and explain your misunderstanding clearly."

"Why does my elder sister care about him so much, and what does it have to do with him?" Xin Ai blinked her lovely eyes and asked the most worrying question in her heart.

"This...this, I and Nie Jun are just ordinary friends, don't guess randomly." Meng Xiang said with a blush.

"Sure enough, your relationship is not simple. Isn't he the lover my sister found in school?" Seeing Mengxiang's shy look, the heart of love was extremely lost, as if he had lost the most important thing.

"Beloved, don't talk nonsense, Nie Jun... Nie Jun said that after this year, he decided to marry Mengxiang or not." Isn't it a lover? They have already talked about marriage.

"Asshole, not only did you slap your beloved ass, scared your beloved to pee in your pants, and took away your beloved sister! Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!" Beloved threw away Mengxiang's hands and stared with red eyes. Mengxiang.

"What's so good about that guy? How could a girl who is such a perfect sister like him!"

"I love you when you are young, and you don't understand what your sister feels! When you grow up and find someone you like, you will understand." After several double repairs with Nie Kong, Nie Kong's figure has already filled her. Atrium.

"Sister, I won't give you to him. Sister wait for me, I will let you know that he is not worthy of your sister you!" After saying love, she shook off her step, covered her eyes and ran away Get out.

"Woo, why does my sister still treat my beloved as a child? Why don't you understand the feeling of my beloved sister?"

"Beloved!" Meng Xiang sighed, but she didn't expect her sister would not support her relationship.Reluctantly, Mengxiang had to give up the idea of ​​going to school with Nie Kong, and chased after her beloved.

Seeing that her beloved is in this state, Mengxiang is really a little worried.But it is a pity that Mengxiang lost her beloved shadow after entering the teaching building.

"I hope the girl that beloved will not trouble Nie Kong without authorization, she is not Nie Jun's opponent at all." In desperation, Mengxiang only needs to walk back to the classroom first, as long as she waits for the next time she sees her.

Today's Nie Kong feels very surprised, but today he did not see Meng Xiang waiting for him to go to school with him.Although the other five women looked very excited, they were also faintly worried about this cute fragrance in their hearts.After a year of getting along, no feelings are deceiving.

Especially after experiencing the same bed with Mengxiang, the feelings of the women are very complicated, and they want to monopolize Nie Kong, and also want to be able to maintain such a friendship with them.But how can there be such a good thing in the world, and want to occupy the pit, and want not to shit.

"Hmph, Mengxiang is probably still sleeping late. Don't worry about Nie Jun, let's go to school first." Hu Meng took Nie Kong's arm and comforted Nie Kong unusually.

"Cow go away, if Mengxiang is not in Xiaozi, take care of this position first! Nie Jun's right hand is Mengxiang!" Xiaozi did not know where he took out an iron basin and slammed it on Hu Meng's head. .

"Stare!" As for the two snow girls, they hid in the corner and stared at Nie Kong shiningly, refusing to miss a glance.

With the mediation of the women, the happy atmosphere was finally restored, but Nie Kong felt that something was missing.

After arriving in the classroom of Class 3 of the second year, she found that Mengxiang had already been sitting in her position, and when she passed her position, she quietly handed herself a note.

During class, Nie Kong opened the note Mengxiang gave and found some apologies written in it, saying that he could not go to school with him if something happened this morning.Mengxiang is so cute, she would apologize to herself for such a thing.

Nie Kong crumpled the paper and looked at Mengxiang amused.But Mengxiang seemed to be in a daze, her charming face faintly melancholy.

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