The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0117, the beloved strategy

It is not just Mengxiang alone who feels distressed, but also Zhu Ran's beloved.Running away from home with hope and hoping to find my beloved sister, how can I know that my sister's heart belongs to!

Although she made a big story before leaving that her sister had left the man named Nie Jun, she was not sure at all, otherwise she wouldn't be so distressed now.Can't beat and beat, what else can I do if my sister doesn't help herself?

"Does Beloved really want to give up the sister he likes, but my heart hurts when I think of losing my sister Mengxiang!" Beloved covered her eyes and kept sobbing.

The girls of Zhu Ran's family are all a little abnormal. The eldest sister Zhu Ran Yaai is a younger sister who pursues the power of the true ancestor of the vampire peak, but only likes Mengxiang!The second sister has a pure and innocent character, but she is the number one killer of Zhu Ran's family.If the third sister Mengxiang were normal, two different personalities would not be derived.The youngest sister is beloved, she is a sister, and she loves her sister Mengxiang in her heart!

As for the current mother, Zhu Ranyulu, it is even more abnormal. She actually kicked Zhu Ran a tea and became the current head of Zhu Ran’s family.Not only that, she is also the commander of the Kingdom of Yuga, and wants to use the power of Moexiang's true ancestor to awaken and unlock Akash's seal on the true ancestor Alkad, thereby destroying the human world.

"Who can tell my beloved, is there any way to disassemble Mengxiang sister and them?" Beloved, who had no intention of attending class, was wandering around the Yanghai campus without giving up.At this moment, a savory sucking sound awakened the thinking love.

Looking at the beloved, godless eyes, a pair of lovers in the shade of the tree were kissing intimately there.Beloved's face was hot and she didn't dare to look at it.

"Why are you a lover again, don't you die if you don't fall in love!" Zhu Ran was dissatisfied in her heart, and when she was about to leave, suddenly came a girl with acne on her face not far away.

"Papa!" Two loud slaps fell on the cheeks of the man who was still kissing, interrupting their affectionate kiss.

"You slaying a thousand knives, you already have an old lady, and you dare to come out and mess with flowers, don't you want to live, don't you!" The girl who walked up like a shrew, angrily scolded the man in front of him!

"What! Didn't you say that you haven't been in love, don't have a girlfriend! Isn't it true that all of this is a lie to me? I have misunderstood you!" He slapped the face twice, just now The girl kissing her left the man angrily.

"My dear, I was wrong. Forgive me this time?" The man knelt on the ground, begging the girl with acne.

"What do you think you are, you actually want to hook three and four! My old lady, I have seen you not pleasing to your eyes. From now on, we will kill you!" The acne girl snorted at the man who was kneeling on the ground. saliva.

In the blink of an eye, the relationship between a couple who had been close to each other suddenly became so bad!This scene brightened the eyes of the beloved who was already desperate!

"It turns out that it's so simple to break up a couple. I didn't even think about it after thinking about it for so long?" Her heart was very excited, and the fire of hope was burning in her heart.After pacing in place for a long time, a proud smile finally flashed across the face of his beloved.

"Before surpassing you, Beloved will never give you, Sister, to anyone!!"

After the morning class was over, Nie Kong originally planned to talk to Mengxiang to find out what happened to her.But after class, Mengxiang screamed and disappeared into the classroom.

"What is Mengxiang doing? Something has gone wrong since this morning." Nie Kong felt helpless, and it seemed that he could only wait for the club room after school to speak.

So when class was in the afternoon, Nie Kong unexpectedly found another piece of paper inside the table!

"Does Mengxiang change her interest and want to play a game of teaser with me?" Nie Kong lightly glanced at Mengxiang, who was sitting in her seat, and found that there was nothing unusual.Open the note curiously, and it says: If you want to know Mengxiang more, come to the rooftop during the first class in the afternoon-Zhu Ran's beloved!!

Huh...this is written to me by Mengxiang's sister!Well, I just wanted to know what happened to Mengxiang today that would make her so strange!

Looking at the time, he found that there were still two minutes before the agreed time, Nie Kong walked out of the classroom regardless of his preparation!The classmates had already taken offense, and no one expressed surprise.

"Why is Nie Jun suddenly absent from class? It's weird." Although she wanted to follow up to learn about one or two, she looked at the note in her hand and Mengxiang resisted the urge to follow Nie Kong!

"Sister Mengxiang, please go to the rooftop after the first get out of class today. My beloved has something very important to tell you!" I have found my beloved that I can't find for a long time, and now I have an appointment to meet with myself.Mengxiang wants to see her beloved, and tell her clearly about her relationship with Nie Jun, hoping to receive her blessing!

"Nie Jun's words, let me put them aside and wait until I see my beloved. Anyway, Hu Meng and others are in class like themselves during this period. Nie Jun's words should be safe." Thinking of this, Meng Xiang sat in a stable position. Listen to the class and look forward to meeting your beloved after class!

Because of the class now, there are no people on the road quietly on the rooftop!Nie Kong climbed the stairs, pushed open the tightly closed doorway, and came to the roof of the teaching building!

Nie Kong turned his eyes to the sky, and saw a super cute little loli sitting on the highest rooftop. She was not someone else but her beloved!

"Let's go, I love you, didn't you say you want to tell me about Mengxiang?"

After seeing Nie Kong's appearance, a trace of excitement flashed across the face of her beloved, and she jumped down from the two-meter-high rooftop.But the skirt of the lower body floated uncontrollably.Nie Kong can see all of her pure white cute and fat times.

A blush appeared on the beloved and cute face, and he hurriedly reached out his hand to cover the floating skirt corner.

"I must say something about my elder sister, but before that, there is something very important for my beloved to tell you Nie Jun alone." The tone of expression came out from his beloved mouth.

Beloved moved a small step, the cute face slowly approached Nie Kong.

"Yes...what's the important thing?" Nie Kong felt his heart beat and missed a beat. After the mother and daughter flowers came, would the heavens give him a pair of sister flowers.When did his own charm become so great, and only met little Lori's beloved one to have a good impression of him?

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