The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0124, go to the country of Yuga

"Cut, it turns out that Sister Ya'ai is smaller than mine. I finally have a place to beat her!" Xin Ai touched her chest, the triumph on her face flashed away.

Because Ya Ai was beaten by sin and blood, all her clothes were burned.But the burn on her body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye due to the body of a vampire.Nie Kong's small figure suddenly appeared in Nie Kong's eyes.

"Beloved, don't make trouble, business matters now. Nie Jun, may I ask, what should Nie Jun do with Ya'ai sister?" Although she is a half-sister, Mengxiang still cares about Ya'ai.

But Ya'ai killed the younger brother who claimed to be Nie Kong's fiancée again, so Mengxiang felt it was difficult to deal with her sister.

"Don't worry about Mengxiang, I won't kill your sister! But for safety, she should be tied up better, lest she wake up and make trouble for me. Ayano, you go and bring Concubine Ruin here, by the way The next chairman, is there any props to seal the evil spirit?" Nie Kong naturally couldn't leave any girl he liked when he was about to leave Yanghai Academy.

"Yes, my master!" Like a rigorously trained maid, Ayano intellectually bowed to a maid's salute before turning away.It didn't take long for Ayano to bring her to him.

"Master, this is the demon sealing lock that the chairman of the board gave you!" Seeing the appearance of the magic equipment in Ayano's hand, it is basically the props used to seal the moon sound ghoul in the original work.

"Meow, we have to go to class tomorrow. Where are our friends department going now?" Mao Mu Jing twisted his fat ass and walked to Nie Kong, asking strangely.

Except that Ayano knew something, all the girls were curious about Nie Kong's behavior.Although they would follow Nie Kong wherever he went, they left a bit hastily after all.

"Well, it's time to tell you something. The place we are going this time is the headquarters of the Kingdom of Yujia, to wake up Alkad, the ancestor of the vampire!" Nie Kong didn't mean to hide it, but he didn't have any What he said was that, besides the awakening, he wanted to trigger a full-scale battle between humans and monsters and absorb the power of the true ancestor of the vampire.

"Nie Jun, can we not go, that ancestor of vampires is terrible!" Mengxiang's seal is about to be completely unsealed, so she can already remember the memories of her childhood.

What is still fresh in my memory is that Ya Ai fought with her mother, and then awakened Alkad under the castle!In order to save her, her mother sacrificed herself to enter Alkad and sealed it again.

You must know that even the mother who is known as the true ancestor is Alkad's opponent, if you release Mengxiang, it will cause serious consequences.Because no one except mother can stop it.

"I have also heard of its prestige. In the past, it almost destroyed the entire human world with the power of one person. It absorbed countless monsters in its body and turned it into a huge monster. It only took 7 days to turn the continent into a sea of ​​flames! "Bai Xue Icicle said solemnly.

"You're right, I never thought that Alkad was really not destroyed! My magical combination is a unique trick based on it." Ayano said proudly.

"Of course I believe in Nie Jun. Since he dares to let it out, he has a way to subdue it! I love you to death, Jun Nie!" Heino Shangye plunged into Nie Kong's arms carefree, squinting. I really enjoy it.

"Don't worry about Mengxiang, even if it riots, I will never let it hurt you. It is only the human world that is affected, and it has nothing to do with us." Nie Kong smiled and continued: "And I I want to pull your mother out of that monster and rescue your mother."

"Is it possible that Jun Nie did that to save Mengxiang?" Mengxiang was moved to cry after listening to Nie Kong's words.This is the man I found, so reliable.

"As far as the human world is concerned, even if it is destroyed, I won't feel sad, Xiao Zi hates humans the most." Not only did Xiao Zi have no disgust on her face, but a touch of joy.

"Hee hee, did Nie Jun really want to destroy the world? No wonder you would write that question on the question of making friends. But my Bai Xueyu's answer is that he will always accompany you to the end of the world." Bai Xue said on her face. With some happiness.

I didn't have any friends before, thanks to the newspapers that Teacher Mao Mujing gave her, otherwise, how could I know my beloved Jun Nie?

The members of the Friends Department seemed to realize that since they had joined the Friends Department, they could not go against the purpose of the head of the Friends Department.

"The master has tied up Ya'ai, we can set off." Nie Kong thought why Concubine Ru didn't speak, because she was binding the unconscious Ya'ai with great interest.

"Concubine Ru, how can you tie Sister Ya'ai into such a shameful posture? What if Nie Jun is attracted." Mengxiang's face flushed red, and she quickly tried to untie Ya'ai's chain. .

But Mengxiang, who doesn't understand the binding, can untie such complicated knots. After working for a long time, she didn't untie the chains on Ya Ai.Instead, as Mengxiang messed around, the binding became tighter and tighter.

"Let's go, just tie her up like this! Ayano, you can lead the way." Nie Kong was happy in his heart, admiring Concubine Ru's skills.It seems that if you have time, you must play with her.

Taking the injured Huang Lingling, Nie Kong and a group of people followed Ayano and walked out of Yanghai Academy!

According to Ayano, the headquarter of Mika no Kuni is on an island in the sky, so you have to fly over there.Ayano had already driven one when she came, so now only Ayano needs to fly over.

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