The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0125, steal the dimensional knife

0125Thank you.

After treating Lingling's wound on the plane, Nie Kong put her in the Dingtian Ring!The few women saw more Jia'er's strange disappearing and appearing many times, and she had already seen it, so she didn't ask much.

Ya Ai woke up from a coma in a dazed manner, her body aching and she couldn't get any energy.Suddenly recalling the battle not long ago, he was surprised.I just wanted to stand up, but found that my body couldn't move.

She wants to break free and free herself!But she just moved slightly, and she felt a tight bondage coming from the delicate and sensitive place of her body.

The cold silver chains rubbed against the skin, giving her a feeling she had never experienced.Especially between her legs, there seemed to be some cool rope stuck in her softest place.

"Yeah!" Ya'ai couldn't help letting out a sweet sigh, her lovely face flushed.

When the people around heard her voice, they all turned their heads to look over.I saw that Ya Ai was blushing, constantly twisting her cute little butt!Following her movement, the silver iron chain plunged deeply into her crotch.A little bit of glittering mucus between his legs wet a small piece of the ground on the plane!

"Sister Yaai, are you finally awake." Xin Ai stuck out her tongue, turned her head blushing, and dared to see Zhu Ran Ya Ai who was lustful.

Ya Ai's face became stiff when she was discovered by the women, and she hurriedly clamped her legs and said in a panic, "Where is that guy."

"Xiao Yaai, are you looking for me!" Nie Kong bent his body with a smile, squatting in front of Ya Ai and looking at her playfully.

"You...what did you do to me? Why can't I feel the evil spirit in my body?" Ya Ai asked nervously.

"It turns out that this is what you want to ask. In order to prevent you from being naughty, I have used magic tools to seal the power in your body!" Nie Kong roughly pulled Yaai's hair with his left hand and pulled her pretty face closer to him.

"Ordinary magic equipment can't contain the vampire's demonic energy, unless it is from one of the three great gods of Pluto God Nen Ming! But your strength is very good, you can actually defeat Yaai me." Ya Ai's eyes Full of unwillingness, he worked hard for so long, thinking that his strength had reached the realm of the three great kings.But Nie Kong's appearance shattered the delusion in her heart.

"I want to win the power of the true ancestor, and it is bound to destroy mankind. Why did I lose to the hands of an unknown little demon!"

"You are also quite good. You can actually use the undefeated Dimensional Sword of the East. I am also very interested in that trick." Nie Kong's heart moved, and the idea of ​​learning this trick from Ya Ai rose.

"Don't be delusional, I won't teach you!" Ya Ai stared at Nie Kong warily.

"Haha now you are my prisoner, and you dare to resist me, don't you think I dare not kill you?" Nie Kong suddenly said with a straight face.

"If you want to kill, you have to scrape it as you like. Since I returned to Miao's house to train as a killer when I was a child, Ya Ai has long put life and death in my eyes!" Ya Ai said disdainfully.

"Then if I take your clothes off, smear them with honey and throw them in the forest. Or catch a few snakes, a few mice, and throw them on your body and crawl, or catch a few cockroaches, a few earthworms to make you live. Swallow it, aren't you afraid?" Nie Kong narrowed his eyes and directly used Jia'er's nirvana.

"You think too much, how dare those little animals approach me as a vampire?" After Ya Ai finished speaking, Jia Er next to her covered her mouth and kept snickering.

Dad, you think too much, not all girls are afraid of those things.

"In this case, I have to use a trick!" Nie Kong put down Ya'ai's hair, stood up and walked to Mengxiang's side, and hugged Mengxiang's waist.

"Nie Jun... Nie Jun, what do you want to do?" Perceiving Nie Kong's big hands moving on her body, the shy Mengxiang wanted to resist, but the physical strength left her body little by little.

"Hey, since you don't say anything, then I will act first and bully your favorite sister in front of you." Nie Kong had already taken the opportunity to print his big mouth on the ruddy little mouth. Do not let go.

Because of someone watching, Mengxiang resisted a bit shyly at first, using that slender right fist to beat Nie Kong's chest, only getting weaker and weaker.The tip of her little tongue had already resigned herself to defeat, and Nie Kong invaded her lips aggressively.

As soon as Mengxiang was "bullyed" in front of her eyes, Ya Ai's teeth were about to be crushed.

"Stop! I'm telling you that is, but can you realize that is your own business!" Ya Ai closed her eyes and wailed.

Nie Kong left Mengxiang's fragrant lips and looked at Mengxiang's blushing face in his arms, almost couldn't help being frivolous.

"Now I can talk about the principle of the use of the dimensional sword. Mengxiang, you guys will also listen to me, and see if you can comprehend something during the time to go to the kingdom of Yuga!"

There are no restrictions on the practice of the Dimensional Knife, and anyone can learn it.But except for those with high talents who can learn it, it is difficult to truly understand everything else.Otherwise, the dignified Huang family is nothing more than the undefeated East meets Huang Lingling.

"Thank you, Sister Ya'ai!" It was only Mengxiang's gratitude, and Ya Ai's ugly face burst into a happy smile.Zhu Ranya Ai is really a perverted sister!

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife is to stagger the object's original space to achieve an indestructible effect..." After Yaai's statement, Nie Kong somewhat understood the principle of Dimensional Knife.The effect of double cultivation not only strengthens his soul, but also improves his talents.Coupled with the frequent use of Dingtian Rings, Nie Kong understood six to seven points after listening to Ya Ai's explanation!

If you want to deepen your understanding, you need to practice many times!Although the Dimensional Sword is very powerful, there are also weaknesses.If you target an immortal body like the true ancestor level, the effect is not great.

Moreover, this trick was developed by Dongfang Invincible. In the original book, he could use the enchantment technique to transform Moonyin's arm to achieve the purpose of defending the dimensional sword.

"Is this the principle of the Dimensional Knife? It seems to be quite simple." Nie Kong thought about its principle, and without thinking about it, his right hand formed a hand knife and gestured to the void.

"Hmph, do you think you are the Unbeaten East? You can make it out by just listening to it!" Ya Ai wanted to see Nie Kong's joke, but only saw the chair in front of Nie Kong was cut into strangely Two paragraphs.

Ya Ai's sneered pretty face suddenly stiffened.

"How come, he just listened to it once and can already use it? It's a lie!" Although the power is small and the movements are very unskilled, it has been successfully used.

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