The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0126First see Yulu

"Master, our destination is almost here!" A few hours after the plane took off, it finally came to an altitude of 4,000 meters above Tokyo.

During this time, Nie Kong worked hard to perfect his Bengyue Dimensional Sword!Although the other women didn't understand, they were still trying their best to ask for advice.Of course, Moexiang is not interested in these, so it is Moexiang in the real body of the vampire present here!!

"Time flies, is it already here?" Nie Kong walked to the cockpit and looked down.I saw a huge sky fortress floating strangely in the sky!The mechanized island is like a cold steel city!

This fortress is protected by a barrier that is no weaker than Yanghai Academy, and it cannot be observed and detected from the human world.Only the real members of the Kingdom of Yuka can enter!Nie Kong knew that Alkad, the legendary ancestor of the vampire, should be buried under this fortress!

Because the plane Nie Kong and the others were seated on was owned by the Yujia Kingdom, the barrier automatically opened a gap for them to fly in as they proceeded.

At the landing position of the Kingdom of Yuga, it was surrounded by people at this time, and even the commander of the Kingdom of Yuga, Zhu Ranyulu, and all the branch ministers were standing here.Beside Zhu Ranyulu, Zhu Ranyulu, who looked very similar to her, stood tall!Mother and daughter Hua stand together, just like sisters.

If Zhu Ranyulu is mature and charming, then her daughter Yulu will be more cute and less mature!

"Mom, do you think Sister Ya'ai can bring my sister Mengxiang back? There is no problem with her strength, right?" Zhu Rankuai is well aware of her sister's strength, even if she wins every battle against her sister. Pitiful few times!

"As long as the god of the gods of Yanghai Academy does not interfere, no one should be her opponent! Think about the master named Ayano, it's really funny, she can't help but wants to cooperate with us." Zhu Ranyulu gracefully covered her. Mouth, laughed like a silver bell.

Behind Yulu, Zhu Ranyicha stood silently beside her, just like Yulu's servant!

"Commander, don't underestimate the master of Ayano, his real body is not simple, he is a vampire just like you! The most weird thing is that he seems to know the affairs of Yuka's country very well, if you are not sure, I think he will not Let her servant come over." Jincheng Wudu, who had been in contact with Nie Kong, was a little afraid of Nie Kong's mystery.

"Hey, I'm a little curious to hear you say that. I didn't expect that besides Zhu Ran's family, there are other vampires in the world." Yu Lu's face showed a slight curiosity.

"Mom, don't think too much about it. Even a vampire can hardly escape from Ya Ai's hands. It is estimated that he has been killed." Gu Ai said coldly.

"Don't talk, they're already here!" The girl with the mask spit out her voice slightly.

Just when the atmosphere was dignified and very depressing, the small plane in the sky dragged a strip of white smoke and landed on the island!

After taxiing for a long distance, the plane finally stopped in front of Yulu and the others!

Da Da heavy footsteps came out from the door!Just after listening to the steps, Yulu and others felt something was wrong.There is only one person in Yaai going out, how come there are so many people suddenly?

"Oh, did you even run out to greet us on purpose?" Nie Kong walked out of the cabin and appeared in front of Yulu and them surrounded by women like stars holding the moon.

As for Ya Ai, it was brought out by Nie Kong.However, Ya Ai's body was already wearing a black veil skirt, which concealed her delicate figure!!

"How is it possible? Is Yiya's strength still caught alive? Who are they?" Mou Ai's white face scanned Nie Kong and the others in amazement, and finally fixed his eyes on Nie Kong.

"What a handsome handsome guy, is he the so-called master of Ayano. Compared with him, Fujisaki is a scum. As expected of our vampires, handsome enough."

"Daughter Mengxiang, it's been a long time since I saw you, why don't you come over to see your mother?" Although Yulu was a little surprised, she immediately calmed down after seeing the wind and rain.Compared to other things, she is most concerned about Mengxiang.

Ever since she knew in Ayano's mouth that Moexiang was the key to awakening Alkad, Yulu felt regretful, why didn't she hold her firmly in her hand as a child!

"Mother Yulu." Although she saw her mom and dad who she hadn't seen for a few years, Mengxiang didn't feel any familiarity, but rather felt strange to them!Li Mengxiang shrank behind Nie Kong, and did not walk over.

"Very well, Mengxiang has grown up, and her wings have become hard. So beloved, do you want to be your mother's enemy." Yulu's face turned cold, staring at the two daughters indifferently.

"Mom...we came here and didn't intend to be your enemy. Nie Jun and Mengxiang just want to cooperate with you." Xin Ai said in a trembling and scared tone.

"Mengxiang, I already knew your details and wouldn't go with you!" Nie Kong stood up and walked in front of Yulu, looking at the woman who commanded Yujia Country.

She has short blond hair and ears, just like a capable woman.On the fair and beautiful Guazi face, the little vermilion lips and shiny eyes set off her incomparably beautiful.

"Hmph, do you want to cooperate with our Yujia Country? I don't know if you have that ability." Zhu Rankuai's slender figure stood up and looked at Nie Kong provocatively.

"The master's strength is not your turn to question!" Witch vampire Ayano walked over and said coldly.The dignity of the master does not allow others to blaspheme.

"Don't forget, Jun Nie still has us by his side." The girls walked out like a scene of a hundred flowers in a garden.

"Alkad's awakening, without the resonance that Akash gave Moexiang's true ancestor, would never wake up! I know this better than you. And we have the same goal-awakening the true ancestor Alkad, there is no conflict between my cooperation interests and yours!" Nie Kong was not the only one who watched Alkad.

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