The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0127, it turns out that Zhu Ranyicha was hit by a hatchet

0127It turns out that Zhu Ranyicha was a hatchet

"Not only do you know Alkad’s secrets, but you also know the plans of our Yuga Country. If you go against us, it’s really a big trouble. But since you are here, don’t do without my permission. Want to leave the fortress. Are you so confident, I will definitely cooperate with you." Yulu asked curiously.

For Nie Kong in front of her, she felt that she could not see through, giving her a sense of mystery!

"Moms, don't be careless! His strength is not easy, he just learned the Bengyue Dimensional Knife from my hand." Ya Ai whispered while being held by Nie Kong.

"What do you think." The only threat to Nie Kong is the three Pluto kings. For the rest, he has no fear at all!That's why Nie Kong dared to take the girls to the enemy's nest together.

"Commander, what are you afraid of? As long as you kill him, Chi Ye Mengxiang will fall into our hands. Trash like him, I can handle it with one hand! I am a thunder beast, living in the sky and sweeping the land. Incarnation!" Looking at the coquettish girls behind Nie Kong, the fire of thunder beast thunder disaster and jealousy burned in his chest.Why, why can such a little white face be able to get the hearts of so many beautiful girls!As long as you kill him, they are mine.

"Don't be impulsive to the thunder disaster!" the woman wearing the mask said calmly.

But it's a pity that Lei Mi can't listen to anyone's advice. With such violent energy from Thunder, his temper will become very violent.The thunder disaster turned back into its true form as soon as he spoke, and two long horns appeared on the top of his head, and his terrifying face looked like a monster coming from hell!

"Let Lei Mo test his strength, and see if he is qualified to work with me." Zhu Ranyulu pursed her lips and smiled.

As the blue electric light flashed, the huge size of Thunder Beast appeared behind Nie Kong instantly, as fast as a white horse passing through the gap!Leiju is a monster that controls thunder and lightning. As long as it is where the current flows through his body, he can instantly move to wherever it is.

"Just because you want to catch the speed of thunder and lightning, it's ridiculous!" With a dazzling electric glow in the claws of the thunder disaster, it bombarded Nie Kong's back.

"The speed is good." Although the speed is very fast, it is even less dangerous than Kia Ai's quirky asynchronous method.

"Let's try it with you. I have just learned my Dimensional Knife soon." Nie Kong's right hand formed a hand knife, strangely slashing in front of the void.But there was another panic scene of everyone present, and I saw that the thunder disaster unexpectedly changed direction behind Nie Kong and rushed in front of Nie Kong, appearing under Nie Kong's dimensional knife.

"Zi!" Lei Mo remained in a charging posture and stopped in mid-air.I saw a scary wound on his chest!With a click, Leiju's huge body was divided into two halves by the Dimensional Sword.A monster without an immortal body can't stop a move of the Dimensional Sword at all.

"Sure enough, this is the result. After he learned my Dimensional Knife, even I couldn't see through his strength." Ya Ai, who was caught in the palm of her hand, had a deep impression on her face.

"That guy's strength is really as unpredictable as Ya Ai said!" Mou Ai's eyes exuded unprecedented splendor.

"Is this okay, any of you want to do it?" Nie Kong has found Alkad's true position, so he doesn't care even if he turns his face here.

"No, come in with me, you are already qualified to cooperate with us." Yulu swayed her slender waist and walked into the fort first.The rest of the team members followed Yulu closely and didn't care about the lightning disaster that just died.

"Mengxiang, do you feel weird? Your father looks like a robotic doll without consciousness. Following Yulu's orders, he is not like a husband and wife at all." Nie Kong said strangely.

"I... I don't know what's going on. I haven't seen my dad since I left a few years ago. But my dad seems to have really changed from another person. He didn't say hello to me when he saw me just now." Xiang sighed.

Could it be what happened in the past few years after leaving, but father will become so much.

"The relationship between Yulu's mother and her father broke down many years ago because of Akash's mother. But her mother didn't know what method she used to her father, so she changed her father like this." Xin Ai said honestly. .

"Huh, my father is no longer our father. He was made a puppet by Yulu's mother and my mother a long time ago, so he would be so obedient. This is all father's fault, because he only likes Aka in his heart. Mother Xia, I ignored Mother Yulu and my mother." Ya Ai's face didn't show any expression, and she whispered to Nie Kong and the others.

"What? Sister Ya'ai, is it true that what you said is true? Is Dad already a puppet." Xin Ai said in surprise.

"Yes, so he is not our father at all, just an unconscious puppet!" Ya Ai didn't feel sad for his father's end, but was somewhat happy in her heart.

"So in the past few years I left, have so many things happened." Li Mengxiang felt that she was no longer suitable for this family, and this family could no longer bring her any warmth.

Zhu Ran a tea ah Zhu Ran a tea, who would let you open the harem without any capital.Now I know that I was wrong, but unfortunately there is no regret for taking the medicine anymore. Your woman has turned into a hatchet girl and killed you.But I still want to thank you for leaving such a lovely daughter and wife to me.

No wonder the two women are so crazy, it turns out that they are all caused by love.

"Bai Xue feels that if Jun Nie really wants to leave me, I can't bear the sadness and despair. I want to freeze Jun Nie into an ice sculpture and stay by my side forever." Bai Xue nodded in response.

"So, Nie Jun, don't abandon us." Bai Xue Icicle climbed onto Nie Kong's waist, with infatuation on his face.

"Only you mother and daughter will be so unconfident. If you are as good as us, how can Nie Jun be willing to abandon us? Acridine, Xiao Hu Meng!" Kurono Shangye laughed.

"Mom is right, Nie Jun will not be willing to leave our mother and daughter." Hu Meng proudly raised his chest, very proud.

"Go away from the cow. Nie Jun said that he really likes our loli figure." Xiao Zi said unwillingly.

"Although I am dissatisfied that they are pestering Nie Jun, it feels so good and so happy. I will feel warm only when I am next to Nie Jun." Li Mengxiang smiled slightly on her face.

Even the captured Ya Ai was stunned by the smile on Mengxiang's face.

"It's decided, never leave Mengxiang's side next to Sister Mengxiang!" With this realization, Ya Ai glanced at Nie Kong who had grasped her gently, not knowing where she was floating in her heart.

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