The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0136, kill the East Unbeaten

0136I don't know what to do.

"Damn it! Without Akash, it is impossible to seal Alkad again with the strength of the two of us! Although it was thought that after more than a hundred years of calm, it will wake up again." Alkad was in front of him. As one of the three great Pluto kings, Dongfang Undefeated hates the voice.

At this time, the undefeated Dongfang had already solved the seal on his body and exerted his 100% strength.But in the face of Alkad's immortality, his terrifying dimensional sword has little effect.

"Boom!" Dongfang Undefeated had just cut off the huge tentacles coming from the attack, but Alkad's other tentacles shot him away.With a bang, a big pit appeared 100 meters away.

A trace of blood was flowing from the corner of Dongfang Unbeaten's mouth, his right hand was clutching the injured wound, and he crawled out embarrassedly.

"Old man, are you okay!" The chairman of the board of directors, God Noriaki, rushed to the front of the East Undefeated, released the magic circle to block the rushing tentacles, and temporarily kept the East Unbeaten safe.

"Ahem! I'm fine, but if it is not resolved as soon as possible, all human beings will be killed by it. Japan will be destroyed by it within a day, but I did not expect it will come to Hong Kong so soon."

The Eastern Undefeated was a little sad, and he led all the fighting power of the Huang family, but he still couldn't stop Alkad's invasion.

"Hey, don't talk about it, old man, Japan where I live was destroyed in one day, how can the world stop it." Godko Shinori sighed clearly.

"Dad, are you okay." Huang Feihong and Miao Tiantian hobbled before Dongfang Undefeated, and asked in a weak tone.

"It's okay, I can still fight! The group of bastards in Yuga is really hateful. In order to eliminate humans, they will release a horrible monster like Alkad! Now their group of bastards, it is estimated that they can watch our jokes in the sky." Dongfang No. The defeated eyes shot into the sky with murderous intent, and there was a helicopter hovering above.

In addition to the helicopter, a dozen women from Nie Kong also hovered in the sky looking at Alkad worriedly.Nie Kong has been in Alkad's body for a day, and they are naturally worried about his situation.

"Boom!" The loud noise resounded again, and the cracks immediately covered the earth.How can a small Hong Kong resist the ravages of Alkad?Its power is because it swallows countless human relationships, just like a perpetual motion machine is never exhausted.This situation caused a pale touch on Dongfang's undefeated face. Could it be that the scene hundreds of years ago will appear again?

But now that the true ancestor Akash is not there, who can stop its attack?Although resentful, none of them can do anything about it.Their strength is not even qualified to block it.

"Kacha!" Countless tentacles broke through the solid ground and crawled out from under the invincible people in the East.

"Oops, let's get out of here quickly!" As soon as the Dongfang's undefeated shout fell, the terrifying bang resounded loudly.The crimson tentacles, like countless vines, burst out from the ground.In their horrified eyes, the tentacles stormed the sky, and finally poured down on the four of them!

"The two children of Lingling and Fangfang have died in Japan. Is the incense of our Huang family going to be cut off in my generation." Dongfang Unbeaten smiled bitterly, but faced with so many tentacles, he couldn't help it.Besides, his body is still injured.

However, when the tentacles were a few meters away from the ground, they suddenly solidified.The huge Alkad actually let out a loud wailing, as if suffering severe pain.

"Who would it be? Could it hurt Alkad?" The Invincible Touhou and God Koko looked at each other, and at the same time looked at them with shock.

With silver hair and red eyes, a man, two women and three vampires were printed in their sight.

"Akaxia is already capable of coming out of Alkad, this world is saved!" Seeing the familiar faces of Akashia, Dongfang Unbeaten suddenly ignored the wilting faces of Nie Kong and the others standing next to him. Full of excitement.

"Akaxia? Young Nie Kong?" As for Yuko, God Dianming noticed Nie Kong who was holding Akaxia's little hand. Apart from excitement, there was a hint of doubt on his face.Why does Nie Kong appear here, and the two women next to him are all headed by him.

"Boy Nie Kong, it's a pity that I didn't promise to be my son-in-law last year. If there is such a strong and handsome husband, Lingling would laugh in her dreams." Miao Tiantian ignored the two girls and stared at Nie Kong's face.

Compared with him, his husband's appearance can be called a ghost.If it wasn't for the peaceful marriage of the Miao family and the Huang family for years to end the struggle between the Miao family and the Huang family, one's own eyes would never look down on her husband's scar face.

"Mom? Mom is still alive? She is really alive!" Zhu Rangai on the helicopter, her face was full of excitement when she saw Yulu appear.

The holy face of the holy female beast was full of surprises at this moment, staring at the Nie Kong who ran out of Alkad.

In the arms of the celestial female beast, Limeng Xiangbei's teeth bit her mouth tightly, her body trembling slightly, and her red eyes were filled with mist due to excitement.Nie Jun really succeeded and really rescued my mother!

"It's fine if you don't die, it's fine if you don't die!" Xue Bai's mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief. Although their faces looked a little calm, their voices were full of joyful tremors.

"Hey, Akong is such a big man, and we have to worry about it!" Huaxian Beast muttered.

"This terrifying demon spirit... is so strong! He... has he done what Ya Ai didn't do." The first thing Ya Ai noticed was the demon spirit bursting from Nie Kong's body.

The blue sky remained, but the land became lifeless and lifeless under the ravages of Alkad.On the gray-brown land, the scorching flames ignited the sky red.

In the sky, Nie Kong stood in the air holding a woman hand in hand.His red pupils swept slowly, and finally he saw some familiar faces, and a bloodthirsty smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

Is the East undefeated? Now let you try my newly acquired skills.I rewarded my hatred a year ago, and I still remember it clearly!

"Akasha, it's really unexpected to be able to meet again. Come on, let's seal Alkad again with the strength of the three of us." Dongfang Invincible laughed with a hearty smile.

When Akashia saw an old friend, her face was also joyful, and she wanted to rush to reminisce about the past, but Nie Kong's hand tightly grasped her wrist.

"Akaxia, you are already my woman, and I don't allow you to contact any man. What's more, the invincible Oriental still has enemies with me." Hearing Nie Kong's overbearing words, Akaxia's movements stopped. .

"Sorry, I...I am no longer the former Akash! The former Akash has completely died when Alkad was sealed. The current me is the new me." Akashia quietly Said to the East Unbeaten.

"What..." Before the Invincible East wanted to understand what Akashia meant, a drop of golden blood came to them in a flash like a meteor, too fast to react.

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