The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0137, the power of blood burst

The golden drop of blood exudes a coquettish brilliance in the sun, and it spans hundreds of meters with a scream!

Nie Kong looked forward to surprises for himself when he tried the newly acquired skill for the first time.Although the previous life-death screaming was a long-range attack skill, it was far less handsome than the blood burst.

"He... his name is Nie Kong, why did that boy suddenly attack me?" Although Dongfang Unbeaten was shocked in his heart, he would not sit and wait for death after numerous battles.The right hand formed the appearance of a hand knife, and Dongfang Undefeated swiped into the void against the golden drop of blood.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!"

When he slashed across the space in front of him, a twist that was invisible to the naked eye flashed.

"Blast it for me!" When the golden drop of blood hit the distorted space, Nie Kong's voice suddenly resounded like thunder in the sky!

"Boom!!" The golden blood drop burst into an unprecedented bright light, which looked like a small sun from a distance.Immediately afterwards, the earth-shaking sound that caused people's eardrums to crack, resounded across the sky!

The extremely terrifying energy storm, in an instant, swept out from the distorted space impact, and in an instant it filled a radius of 100 meters!Under this terrifying energy explosion, even Alkad slapped the ground restlessly!

The smoke dissipated, and there was a 100-meter deep pit where the East Invincible stood.Under this terrifying blood explosion, the unbeaten body of the East was completely evaporated clean.

The god of the god Nenaki, who was a little close to the East Undefeated, fell on the ground a hundred meters away, covered in blood, and his appearance was seriously injured by the aftermath of the explosion!!The worst was Huang Feihong, the position below the waist had disappeared, screaming half-dead.

The least injured person was Miao Tiantian. As the heir of the Miao family, the inheritance of the Miao family's martial arts has been practiced to the point where his insight is far from Huang Feihong's.

"What a terrifying strength, just a drop of vampire blood already contains so much energy. Nie Jun's strength, as expected, has surpassed the true ancestor!" Akxia sighed, feeling a little joyful in his heart. Lost.It turns out that in the world, there really is a power above the true ancestor.

"I hate those pro-human fairies a long time ago, Nie Jun killed well." Yulu smiled and couldn't help kissing Nie Kong with joy.

At this time, all the girls in the sky flew towards Nie Kong.Except for the girls in Zhu Ran's family, the rest of the girls looked at Akash with a little surprise, because her appearance was almost carved out of Mengxiang.

"Ahem... I will introduce you, she is Mengxiang's mother, Akash, and she is her beloved mother Yulu. Remember to get along well in the future." Nie Kong interrupted the embarrassing scene and said coughly.

"Hey, I'm still so worried about you, the master. I didn't expect you to go in and pick up girls." Huaxian Beast puffed her cheeks, terribly cute.

"The power of the true ancestor that I dreamed of, I didn't do it but he did it. Even that power is stronger than the true ancestor!" Ya Ai whispered.

"Mom, are you... have you become Nie Jun's woman?" Li Mengxiang stammered and asked again.My dear mother, how can you be as confused as Hu Meng and their mothers, and you can’t escape the palm of your life after so long.

Rie Moexiang didn't know whether to cry or laugh. What she was crying was that her mother wanted to serve her husband together. What she laughed was that the man she chose would have such a great charm.

Nie Jun, are you a killer of mother and daughter? How come any mother and daughter can't escape your palm.

"Mengxiang, you really are my Hu Meng's worst enemy. After seeing my Hu Meng pull his mother in, did you also pull her mother into the battlefield. It seems that our battle will last a long time." The Akashia is so beautiful, Hu Meng had to be extremely vigilant.Kurono Shangye squeezed her daughter's little hand inspiringly, and his eyes conveyed the meaning of always supporting her.

"Stare..." As for the mother and daughter Bai Xue, her golden eyes behind the crowd spied on Nie Kong.

"Mom, you... do you want to be with Nie Jun with your beloved?" Beloved looked at her mother Yulu timidly, and honestly walked out to greet her.

"It's my lovely daughter, so good. Look at Nie Jun, my daughter is so cute, don't you want to have one with me." Yulu touched her beloved little head and turned her gorgeous face to Nie An empty smile.

"Huh..." Akashia hummed dissatisfiedly, and took Mengxiang's little hand to Nie Kong's side."Compared to her daughter, Mengxiang will not lose to your beloved."

"You're great, but I won't lose to you. I have more than one daughter, and I won't let me down with love!" Yulu shouted to the sky.

In the helicopter in the sky, a beautiful girl suddenly jumped out, and the scenery of the skirt was exposed to Nie Kong's eyes.Under the white pattern, there is a cute puppies pattern. She looks so sexy, so she will wear that kind of fat time.

"Mom, it's great that you're okay." Kuai Ai's tears fell into Yulu's arms.Yulu held the two daughters with one hand, her eyes full of triumph.

But Akashya seemed to have ignored Yulu's provocation, and turned to ask: "As for Jun Nie, what should I do with Alkad. If it continues to commit evil, not only the human world, but the world will be destroyed. of."

"It's okay, even if the world destroys the owner, we can guarantee our safety." The holy angel beast said.

"Well, the celestial beast is right! Now you are in a circle, I will take you to a new world." Nie Kong will naturally not stop the destruction of the world stupidly, even he hopes to go to the new animation world soon in.

The girls who had never been to Dingtianjie all around curiously gathered.Except for the three big Digimon who didn't want to go in, there were a dozen girls who disappeared in place, appearing in the vast Dingtian Ring.

The space for Ding Tian Jie now has the size of one and a half China, and it seems a bit wasteful to live with a dozen girls.But if you regain all the girls in the anime world, you will probably be full.

After receiving the women into the Dingtian Ring, Nie Kong threw the injured Miao Tiantian in again, then turned and dived into the sea outside the port, and collected the boundless seawater into the Dingtian Ring.In the forest, the river, the land, what is lacking now is the vast ocean and the countless fish in the sea.

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