The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0140, Jiaer's strangeness and the world of is

This is an unknown huge city, surrounded by various skyscrapers.The noisy sounds of countless car crowds are intertwined with each other to form a bustling city.

"Is it finally here? I don't know what the world is, but it depends on the situation, it shouldn't be a world with a high force value!" In the dark alleys of the city, a black hole suddenly appeared.An evil and handsome young man walked out of the black hole leisurely, scanning the surrounding environment with lazy eyes.He is no one else, but Nie Kong who ran over from the cross.

"It's better to understand what anime world is here. If you are boring, you can start the Poyuan Formation and leave." Nie Kong didn't care, because the power of belief in the Ring of Heaven was still sufficient, enough for him to proceed to the next dimension. journey of.The power of belief in the last world can actually be stored in the Dingtian Ring without losing it, which is very convenient.

However, Nie Kong didn't know that the content of the power of faith was a decisive factor for him to break through the third layer of the Goddess Cultivation Technique.The molding of the golden body is constructed with a huge power of faith.The power of faith is not just a purpose for breaking through the dimensional blockade.

When I was going out from the alley that I was leaving, I suddenly found Jia Er calling to herself in her heart.Nie Kong was stunned. He just came to a new world. You know Jia'er too soon.

Nie Kong put his consciousness into Dingtian Precept and released Jia'er who was playing with Mao Mujing and the others.Nie Kong was also very puzzled, why did Jia'er call himself when something important happened.

"Huh, Dad's arms are Jia'er alone, so happy." After Jia'er appeared, the first thing was to plunge into Nie Kong's arms to act like a baby, and enjoy Nie Kong's familiar breath alone.

"Jia'er, has something serious happened?" Nie Kong touched Jia'er's head and asked strangely.

"Dad, look at my dark sacred plan." Jiaer took out the dark sacred plan pinned to her waist and said with surprise in her eyes.

As Jiaer said, the dark plan she was holding in her little hand was emitting a faint dim light at this time, which was a bit strange.

"Why is there such a thing? We have already left the Digimon world. It stands to reason that this kind of thing shouldn't happen. Jia'er, is there any discomfort in your body?" Nie Kong was also confused. It was beyond his knowledge.

"I...I feel as if there is a force in my body that is restless, something in this world is calling me." Jia Er covered her flat chest, her pure eyes staring at the distant sky staring blankly.

Nie Kong had a faint feeling that this kind of magical event that happened on Zijiaer must have an absolute relationship with the strange situation that happened in the dark zone last time.

"No, Jia'er can't help it anymore..." Jia'er broke free from Nie Kong's arms suddenly, floated into the sky alone, turned his face to Nie Kong and smiled softly: "Dad, don't worry about Jia'er, Jiaer found Will be back after the answer."

You are so strange, how can I not worry about it.Besides, if you leave alone, what should you do if you encounter danger?Nie Kong hurriedly scanned Ding Tian Jie, and finally released Ya Ai and Ka Ai.

After the two women appeared, they looked around strangely, a little surprised why the destroyed human world suddenly recovered.

"This is not your original world, so don't be surprised. The space you were in just now was created by me with my own strength. Mengxiang and the others are still there. Now I am looking for you, there is something to hand over You do. Ya Ai, I love you two, hurry up and protect Jia'er, don’t let her encounter any danger." Although the strength of the two women is weaker than the three Lilith beasts, they are better than they look like humans. It is really appropriate to protect Jiaer.

"No matter in which world there are nasty humans, I think your world is better, only the existence of our monster race! But if Nie Jun wants me to protect Jia'er, I don’t guarantee that I will be there. What's going wrong in this world?" Ya Ai said sweetly.

"Mom said I want to listen to you, give me Jiaer's safety." For the man who has become his father, Karai is a little shy and dare not face Nie Kong.

"Okay, okay, I give you the greatest authority in this world! As long as Jiaer's safety is guaranteed, you can do anything here." Anyway, my purpose is to collapse the world. Two more troublemakers will not help. Less busy.

"That's it." Ya Ai leaped and chased in Jiaer's direction.

"Goodbye, my father!" Kuai gave Nie Kong a flustered look, and left Nie Kong like a run away behind her sister.I don't know what Yulu said to the girl, why is she so afraid of seeing herself.

With full of doubts, Nie Kong walked out of the alley and came to a majestic doorway.On the banner at the door, it says Infinite Stratos College recruits new exams.

Countless beautiful girls walked into the entrance of the school called Infinite Stratos in groups.

Wait, IS Academy?Did you come to the world of InfiniteStratos?

In order to clear up the doubts, Nie Kong grabbed the next uncle who was coming for the exam with his daughter and asked, "Uncle, can men enter and study."

The uncle smiled disdainfully and said: "You want to take the IS selection exam, boy, but there is no hope! IS body can only be operated by women. Boy, I understand your desire very well."

Day, I am not as wretched as you think.But Nie Kong finally understood from his mouth that the world he lives in is the IS world of anime!

"IS body? I don't think I can't control a mere machine. Living with the girls in the school is what an expectation." Nie Kong smiled slightly, ignoring the strange looks of the girls, and stepped into it. Inside IS Academy.

The current IS college is recruiting new students for the new year. As long as you can operate IS and get the approval of the teachers who are assessed, you can be admitted to the school.

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