The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0141, defeated Qiandong

"Really, aren't you recruiting new exams now? Why do you have time to come to me?" In the staff dormitory of IS Academy, Chibana Chidong lay down on the tatami and ate senbei leisurely.After seeing Yamada Miya entering, he asked in surprise.

"Thousand Dong-chan, something big happened, something that shocked the world!" With big dim eyes wearing dark green glasses, Yamada Maya shook his body and rushed to Qian Dong's front hurriedly.

"Is there any major event? Could it be that the world is about to happen and the third war will fail." Zhiban Qiandong replied bored.

"It's even stranger than the Third World War! Qiandong sauce, you see, the whole world knows that IS bodies can only be used by women, and now two boys have successfully activated IS! Guess who one of them is. , Is your younger brother Yixia." Yamada Masayoshi ostentatiously took out two pieces of information, which contained the information about Nie Kong and the original protagonist.

"Hey, how could there be such a thing! Could it be that Shinozuka helped Yixia, but the other man obviously didn't know us." Qiandong took the two files in amazement and carefully It seems.

"Right! Qian Dong-chan will be able to live with her brother in school immediately, which is really enviable." Yamada Maeya clasped her hands on her chest and stared at Qian Dong with gleaming eyes.

"Hmph, how could our IS Academy let them in so hastily. Really, let's go. I will test these two men myself. If I don't approve, I will never admit them!" Qian Dong put on an OL costume and pulled Walking towards the examination room with Zhenye's little hand.

"Finally, some boys in school said, Qian Dongjiang, you have to relax. With your strength, which one will be your opponent's said." Zhenye persuaded the tough Qiandong from behind.

Chihiro Chidong was fifteen-year-old driving the White Knight, and single-handedly solved the 2341 missiles, 207 fighter jets, 7 cruisers and 5 aircraft carriers that attacked Japan. The strength is terrible.

Because of that incident, the "Ultimate Mobile Weapon" IS established its image in people's hearts overnight.The fact that just one airframe surpasses the military power of a country has rapidly accelerated the conclusion, improvement and popularization of IS application restriction treaties worldwide.

The two women came to the examination room and found that the remaining candidates had already been assessed.There, only one boy who seemed to have a domineering temperament was sitting idle.

"There is another boy, why is it missing?" Qian Dong walked into the examination room and asked the examiner of the girl present.

"Qiandong, you mean weaving the spot for a summer, your brother has already entered the examination room for the assessment, and it is estimated that he will come out soon." The beautiful teacher present answered honestly.

"Since it has already started, then forget it, and leave the remaining male candidates to me for the assessment." Zhiban Qiandong said.

"Hee hee, Qiandong, are you going to play, then he will be miserable." In IS Academy, Zhiban Qiandong is the idol of all teachers and students, so the beauty examiner accepted it directly without even thinking about it.


To say why Nie Kong can control the IS body is because he used his powerful soul power to invade the core part of the IS body!So during the assessment process, he triggered the IS body assessment as a male!

"Perhaps Shinanosuke, who invented IS, did not want boys to control IS because men's ambitions were too difficult to control, for fear that the IS machine he invented would cause new wars!"

"Hey, come with me, I'm the examiner for your assessment this time!" The cold voice interrupted Nie Kong's meditation. I don't know when there was a girl wearing a teacher's OL standing in front of him.

The black stockings completely wrapped her straight legs.There was no expression on her beautiful face, just like a powerful female officer, exuding a heroic temperament.

"Teacher, I'll be there!" Seeing the girl's face, Nie Kong clearly showed her information in his memory.Chin Dong, the first woman in the IS world to use IS.The male lead Yixia's beautiful sister, strong and cold, can't do housework.

Following Zhiban Qiandong, Nie Kong came to a playground several hundred meters in size.The large examination room ensures that the body can fully stretch.

"You sit in the second-generation machine-iron, let me see if you are eligible to enter the IS Academy." Only a few candidates in the academy will have special planes, and the rest of the students can only do this. A model that is ready to be eliminated.

"Examiner, your body, why haven't you sat on it yet?" Nie Kong climbed into the control slot of the old-fashioned iron-strike IS model, and couldn't help asking when he saw Qian Dong standing still in front of him.

"To deal with new students like you, I am not qualified to force me to use the IS body. I only need the saber on it." Qian Dong picked up the huge blade in the iron hand in his right hand, his cold face without any expression.

Humph, really an arrogant woman.Do I still use this tattered machine against you? I'm afraid it will drag down my strength.Nie Kong, who was sitting on the IS body, didn't dare to use force, for fear that he might accidentally ruin the body.

"But since you want to find abuse, then I don't have to be polite to you." Nie Kong sat on the black body. Although he could only exert the maximum strength that black iron could bear, Qiandong who was able to deal with the human body was enough.

"If you can catch my three tricks, you will pass the exam. If you can't, I'm sorry you are not eligible to join our IS Academy. Nie Kong candidate, are you ready." Qian Dong's strength is very strong, and he wields a huge saber. Did not show a sense of effort at all.

"Examiner, you can attack at any time!" Nie Kong was too lazy to use the energy in the hammer, and directly used his own power to bring up the huge iron body.The energy contained in mere ironing is not as powerful as one's own finger.

"First move!" Qian Dong's huge saber attacked Nie Kong's ribs at a very fast speed, with a very tricky angle.

But as the true ancestor of the vampire, Nie Kong's strength level is too different from her, so such slow moves have no effect on him!Controlling IS's body twisting slightly, the saber in Nie Kong's hand collided with Qian Dong's saber.

"Crack!" Under the impact of the huge force, Qiandong's sabers in both hands flew out of her tightly gripped hands.Qian Dong only felt that his hands were not strong at all, and they were numb.

"Caught you, Teacher Examiner!" The body's two huge steel arms grabbed Qian Dong's arms at an extremely fast speed.

"A lot of power, has he exerted such a small amount of iron?" Suddenly feeling the power from his arm, Qian Dong's cold and pretty face showed a surprised look for the first time.

"It's not over yet." Qian Dong refused to stop, stretched out his right leg and kicked at Nie Kong's body.

"I would have expected you to make this trick." Nie Kong smiled slightly, and slightly opened his armour's legs to clamp the black silk straight leg that was kicking over.It was a pity that Nie Kong could not enjoy the touch brought by the black silk straight legs.

Astonishment flashed across Qian Dong's face again, how could his actions seem to be seen through?

"Now it's my turn to fight back, instructor!" Before Qiandong could react to the meaning of this sentence, he only felt that his small body was directly pressed to the ground by the IS body.No matter how hard you struggle, you can't get rid of the heavy strike.

The handsome face in front of me looks so nasty at this time, I really want to teach him a lesson.

"Let...Let me go, you are already qualified!" Qian Dong said helplessly.

"Haha, the instructor's body is so attractive, you can't bear to leave your side of the iron body." A strong girl, Nie Kong can't help but want to tease one or two.

"Asshole, I remembered you classmate Nie Kong, you are the first man who dared to molest me!" Qian Dong's expressionless and pretty face showed an angry flush under Nie Kong's molesting.

"Then the examiner teacher, after entering IS Academy, please take care of me." Nie Kong smiled and pulled Qian Dong up, quietly looking at the beautiful woman in front of him..

"Hmm, I will take good care of you." Qian Dong left a word and fled out angrily.

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