The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0143, Nie Kong's hypnotism

Nie Kong wanted to try to see if he could take apart the two of his childhood sweethearts, but unfortunately it ended in failure. The relationship between the childhood sweethearts in the second dimension was unexpectedly strong.

"That... do you have time?" Cecilia summoned up the courage and walked to Nie Kong with grace.

"Um... are you talking to me." Nie Kong raised his head and looked at him. A girl with natural shining blonde hair with clear blue eyes that are unique to whites was looking down at him from a slightly upward angle.Under her waist-length golden hair, there is a tender face with flawless white jade.The slim figure exudes youthful vitality.

"What kind of answer is this? It's an honor for this lady to talk to you. Shouldn't you show the attitude that should be done!" Cecilia stared, dissatisfied.

"Sorry, I don't know you yet. Is it an honor for me to know you, my eldest lady?" Nie Kong leaned slightly and smiled and gave Cecilia a western chivalry.

Cecilia's fair face was slightly flushed, and she exhilarated: "Well, since you want to know me so much, I will show you compassion! This lady is a representative candidate for Britain, Cecilia Alcatel ! The elite who passed the entrance exam with the first place. If you don’t know anything about IS, um... As long as you cry and ask me, it’s okay to ask me to teach you. After all, I’m here. In the entrance examination, the only elite who defeated the instructor."

This Cecilia is really a really arrogant eldest lady, I'm afraid she will be smug if she praises her slightly.

"Well, I will!"

"What's your attitude!" Cecilia just wanted to say a long story again, when the class bell rang.

"Forget it, you must remember to come to me when you have time." Cecilia snorted proudly and turned back to her position.After that, Yixia and Shinanoki seemed to have finished talking and returned from the corridor.

The faces of the two of them are still the same, it seems that nothing has happened, just like the original text!

Time passed quickly, quietly passing by on the first day of IS.No matter where they are, there are many girls whispering to themselves, talking about something.Maybe the appearance of two men in the school is very strange to the lonely girls.After school, Nie Kong, who was sitting in the classroom about to leave, was suddenly stopped by the deputy supervisor Zhenye.

"Ah, classmate Nie Kong, it's great that you haven't left the classroom yet." Nie Kong, who was called by his name and raised his head, saw Zhen Ye, deputy detonator X, standing there with a file in one hand and looking at him with a smile.

"Well, your dormitory room has been allocated. Please ask Nie Kong to find the time to go to the room. Dinner time is from 6 to 7 o'clock. Remember to please go to the first-year student dining room in the dormitory. By the way, although Each room is equipped with a shower room, but there is also a common large bathing area. The time used by each grade is different, but... uh, that, student Nie Kong, as a boy, you can’t use it now.” Zhenye finished saying Give the room number paper and key to Nie Kong.

This IS academy is a closed education for all staff. It is the duty of all students to live in the dormitory. The purpose seems to be to protect prospective IS controllers from being abducted by other countries.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhenya."

"Then, because we have a meeting, we will leave first. Nie Kong, please go back to the dormitory obediently, and you can't molest the female classmates of the school!" Zhenye may know that Nie Air Conditioning played Qian Dong, so she said in her tone. Silky naughty.

After watching Lori Ju X Zhenye leave the classroom, Nie Kong picked up the number paper and key in his hand and hurried over.He didn't want the guy to sleep in the same room as Shino Noki as in the plot one summer night.

Although it is not on the same bed, it is not good!

I remember that one summer in the plot is the 1025 dormitory. After confirming the room number, Nie Kong clicked and violently opened the lock and opened the door.Upon entering the room, the first thing you see is two big beds side by side.

On the other bed, the male protagonist in the original book was lying in the summer.But strangely, Shino no Kei didn't seem to live in this room.Nie Kong opened the paper in his hand and found 1025 written on it.

Own intervention has changed the story of IS.Perhaps because IS has joined two male classmates, the school has made adjustments to allow Nie Kong to live with Yixia.

"It turned out to be classmate Nie Kong, I am your roommate for a summer, please take care of me in the future." Yixia walked forward with a shy smile on his sunny face and extended a friendly hand to Nie Kong.

I still want to find you alone, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself.Well, let you try my newly acquired skills.

"Hypnosis!" Nie Kong ignored Yi Xia's friendship, his eyes sent strange waves into Yi Xia's eyes.Gradually, Yixia's eyes lost the look they should have, and they became extremely dull.

"You are a dog now, you should be lying on the ground and biting my shoes." Nie Kong's faint voice spread into Yixia's heart.As Nie Kong's words just fell, Yixia opened her mouth whisperingly, actually listening to Nie Kong's words, lying obediently under him enjoying his dirty shoes.

Although the hypnosis skills may fail, the soul power of ordinary men is too weak for a summer!So Nie Kong's first hypnotic skill used, successfully hypnotized all summer!

Have you succeeded, then start implementing my plan!Shino-no-ki, see how you escape my palm!

"You are not a dog now, you have recovered humanity for a summer! Now everything I say, you must keep in mind! Starting tomorrow, you will start to guide Shino no Kei, but you can't touch her with a finger .When she likes you, you can take her to our dormitory! After remembering it, I will wake up immediately after I count 123. But in addition to what you said just now, you have to remember it in the subconscious mind. You will forget all of the things. 1, 2, 3..."

Nie Kong smiled wickedly. If Xiao Zhizhi knew that the summer she liked had given her to other men to enjoy, would her heart collapse?

The feelings of childhood sweethearts?See how I break it.

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