The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0144, duel?

Yi Xia after hypnotizing and waking up didn't feel anything strange, as if she had just stretched out her hand to greet Nie Kong friendly, she really forgot what she had done to him just now.

The next day, as always in the classroom, Qiandong MM stood on the podium with a stern face.

"Then, what I want to explain in this lesson is the characteristics of the various equipment that will actually be used." The content of this lesson seems to be very important, even Zhenye holds a notebook in her hand.

"But before that, we must first select representatives who will participate in the class match held next week. The definition of class representative is equivalent to its literal meaning. Not only must attend the match, but also attend the meeting held by the student council and attend the class union. Yes. Well, it can be regarded as the class leader. By the way, the class match is used to measure the strength of each class at the time of admission. Although the gap between classes at this stage is not large, as long as there is competition, it will trigger Sincerely, once the class representative is selected, I will no longer plan to change candidates in this year. Everyone must be mentally prepared." Qian Dong held his hands on the podium and scanned the students below the class with cold eyes.

"I recommend Yixia classmate!" The beautiful girl with long red hair stood and raised her hand and said.

"me too……"

"I recommend classmate Nie Kong!" The girl next to Nie Kong raised her hand to object.

"me too."

"me too!"


In an instant, the entire classroom became very lively.A group of lively and beautiful girls all eagerly glanced at the few male students in the class.Especially Nie Kong, attracted the attention of many girls.

"In that case, Nie Kong became the class representative of our class with 30 votes!" Qian Dong lowered his voice, seemingly dissatisfied with the result in his heart.My little brother of Qiandong, is his charm so different from his.

It's too arbitrary, I haven't agreed yet, hello.Just as Nie Kong was about to refute, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a high-pitched sweet voice.

"Please wait, I can't accept it!" Cecilia patted the table and stood up.

"I can't accept this method of selection! To be honest, it's shameful to have boys be the representative of the class! You actually want me to... I Cecilia Alcott must endure that humiliation within a year ?"

Because IS can only be controlled by girls, the status of girls in the world has suddenly increased to the largest, and the world has become a contrast between men and women.

"I can't accept this method either. It's possible to become a squad leader in a summer, and I can't make a decision based on appearance." Shino Zhizhi continued.

"You unexpectedly chose a man for the reason of strangeness, which is really disturbing! The class representative should be the strongest person, and that person is me, Cecilia!" Cecilia stood up Chest, staring at Nie Kong proudly.

"Since some classmates disagree, you will re-select Teacher Qian Dong." Nie Kong is not interested in the thankless position of the monitor.

"That said, if you are not strong enough, you can never lead our class. Then what are you going to do, Cecilia." Qian Dong asked with playful eyes.

"Duel! I, Cecilia, will win the title of class representative with absolute strength!" Cecilia raised her pretty face and pointed her right finger at Nie Kong.

"I can promise your duel request, but don't cry after you lose."

"The mouth is so big, then as the party who fails the duel, as a promise, it is to be the other's servant, no, it is a slave!" Cecilia frowned, looking at Nie Kong's indifferent eyes and expressions. The underestimated anger rose in vain and said this.

"Yes! If Cecilia loses, remember to call my master, Cecilia, my lovely little slave girl from now on." Nie Kong smiled.

The girls around all couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You... wait, who is the master and who is the slave is not necessarily the same. When you lose, I will order you to wash my clothes for a month." Cecilia was furious and proud. The young lady's character was revealed unintentionally.

I am a candidate in the UK. As an elite, how could I lose to a man is a joke.Classmate Nie Kong, just wait obediently to be my slave to Cecilia.

"Does Cecilia want me to wash it for you?" Nie Kong's words caused the girls around to sneer and laugh again.The female students present all stared at Cecilia with ambiguous eyes.

"Who...who would." Cecilia's lovely face turned into a big lantern with a shriek, and the pure blue crystal pupils were unconcealable shame.This pervert, you... actually want to wash... wash my fat times.

Thinking of this, Cecilia felt a strange feeling in the place where she felt fat.

"Okay, okay, have you reached a consensus? Then, the time is set to hold a duel in the third arena after school today. Nie Kong and Cecilia, remember to prepare yourself. ,Classes begin."

Although you can beat me in the test, if your opponent is a British IS special machine... Qian Dong seems to have seen the embarrassing look of Nie Kong being beaten up, with a devilish smile on his face.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, IS Academy has reached school time.

And the girls of the whole first grade rushed to the third arena very curiously.The woman was really gossip, and it didn't take long before it spread throughout the college.

All the girls are discussing this issue. How could the British candidate fight the only two male students of IS?Does Nie Kong think that boys' wrist strength will still play a role in this era?

In the third practice range, Cecilia was already riding blue rain tears in the sky quickly galloping in the practice range.The blue alloy emits a dazzling light under the sunlight.

"Student Nie Kong, don't give up so fast, I look very good at your iron armor." Qian Dong looked at Nie Kong who was using a clumsy mech in front of him, and couldn't help laughing like a silver bell.

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