The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0145, defeating Cecilia

Nie Kong controlled the mass-produced second-generation IS body quickly rushed out of the pipeline and came to the third practice field.The pulsating black shadow looked very fast, not weaker than the dedicated machine.

"Oh, you didn't run away. Did classmate Nie Kong want to win my blue tears by hitting iron? I haven't heard such a joke for a long time." Cecilia grinned, and she crossed her hands again. On the waist, there was a proud young lady.

"If you don't want to expose your miserable appearance to others, you are here now to call me Master obediently, then I can't forgive you!"

"Cecilia, don't be proud, I never thought that I would lose to you." With a clanging cry, Nie Kong drew the only weapon in the iron-a two-meter saber.Strike can withstand very little strength, but it should be enough to deal with her.

"Really? It's a pity, in that case..." Cecilia IS took a shooting position, moved the laser gun in her hand skillfully, and aimed at Nie Kong and slightly pulled the trigger.

The roar sounded, and a blue and white laser beam shot towards Nie Kong.Compared with the speed of the bullet, I don't know how much faster!

"A long-range attacking body?" Cecilia, whose iron-hardened wings ejected flames, turned sideways to the sky at the moment of the attack, and approached the sky at a very fast speed!

The IS airframe has two capabilities: flying and absolute defense.In the IS battle, as long as the opponent's protective energy is zero, you win.In order to prevent the death of the controller, IS must have the so-called absolute defense capability.It can block all attacks, but it will extremely consume protective energy.

"Hey, I actually want to use close-range fighting equipment to fight against the mid-range shooting type of me... It's ridiculous! Dance, dance to the waltz of my blue tears!"

Facing the very agile Nie Kong, Cecilia was taken aback.Don't dare to be careless, directly use all of your strength.

The wings on her blue wings unexpectedly flew out alone, turning into a horrible muzzle.Laser cannons, like a rain of bullets, came in endlessly, crossing the sky.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!" Faced with the countless artillery fire, Nie Kong didn't retreat but instead advanced, and the saber in his hand swung out strangely against the void in front of him.

"Boom!" In the chaotic space, the rushing laser was twisted so that they were all entangled together, bursting a colorful firework in the sky.

"Impossible!" She knew how strong her attack was, but Nie Kong, who was on the opposite side, broke her trick with a simple knife.Does the mere ironing machine actually have such a powerful force in his hands?This is much better than myself, even if it is not much worse than the teacher.

"Student Nie Kong is amazing!" Zhenye, who was watching the live screen in the monitoring area, said with a sigh. Seeing Nie Kong fighting hard, it was completely different from the person who started IS for the second time.

Compared to Zhenye, Qian Dong showed a solemn expression. The sword skill just now obviously scared her.

"It's not just that it's so simple, but I didn't even understand the principle of the trick just now. Is there such a powerful sword skill in the world?"

"Yeah, it's no wonder that you can pass your test in the exam and bravely molested our Qiandong sauce." Zhenye said with a smile.


When Qian Dong and the others discussed, the battle situation changed dramatically.Nie Kong's body was already close to the blue tears, and the muzzle of the Cecilia's rifle had not had time to aim at him. This was a good time to solve the opponent.


The light of the knife flashed, and a huge crack appeared on the body of the third-generation blue Yulei of the IS mecha Cecilia was riding.Didi's alert sounded, and her body energy shield ability was 0!

This was because Nie Kong had recovered 90% of his strength, otherwise even Cecilia would be split in half.

"Winner, classmate Nie Kong."

At the next moment, as the energy of Cecilia's body was dissipated by Nie Kong, the blue tears of the body instantly turned white light and drilled back on Cecilia's wrist.Her body in a tight-fitting battle suit fell from the sky in an instant.

"Cecilia, you are defeated." Nie Kong controlled the body to hit the iron and hugged the fallen Cecilia, leading her to slowly land on the ground.

Being hugged by Nie Kong in front of all the students in the school, Cecilia's blush was all over her ears.

"Know it, Cecilia, I... I will keep the promise!" After saying this, Cecilia covered her flushed face and disappeared into the wide arena.

************** water was sprayed from the shower head, and after a little drop of water was washed on the skin, it flowed down the curve of the body.The well-proportioned body, which is rare among whites, and the curves produced from it, are a little proud of Cecilia.

After the battle, Cecilia returned to the dormitory, sinking into thought while letting the water hit her chest.She never thought that the proud herself would lose to the man, to the humble man.

"Classmate Nie Kong?" When she first saw Nie Kong, she had already paid attention to the boy sitting in the corner.Incredibly, even she could notice that her chest was getting hot.

Recalling what was agreed this morning, and thinking of just failing, Cecilia's heart beat faster and faster.

"What a shame, Cecilia will... call him master in the future. He... is he a pervert? If he asks Cecilia to be fat, should I agree to his request. "

"No... no way, who told him to be my master, then... today's fat time please don't wash it." Cecilia looked at the pure white fat time hanging on the hanger, her face Slightly red.

If Nie Kong knew that Cecilia's words in the morning had been mistaken for a pervert who liked fat times, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

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