The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0151, the impact of Yixia's death

In the early morning of the next day, the news that Zhiban died in the hands of Shino-no-ki spread all over the IS Academy in an instant.The college was a sensation, and the world was boiling.Everyone's eyes are focused on the development of this incident.

If it was an ordinary student killing incident, it would be simple to deal with.The problem is the identity of the murderer and the victim, so it is very difficult to deal with.

One of the younger brothers of the world's strongest IS driver Chin Dong Chi Chi Chi Chi Tan Yi Xia.One is the invention, design and production staff of IS, known as the genius of geniuses, and the younger sister Shininoki Shininoki who masters IS "nuclear" production technology.

The grievances between the two are entangled, causing infinite trouble to the IS senior management.No one dares to talk nonsense, for fear that careless handling will bring a devastating blow to the IS Academy in the world.

No matter which side, they dare not offend at will.Therefore, in this murder case, the senior staff of the academy can only give them all to the sisters of both sides for negotiation.As for the police law, it has no effect in a complicated context.

The girls in the academy are full of gossip hearts, discussing the reason why Shino no Kei killed Yixia.Some say that they are trapped by love, and some say that one summer wanted to infringe on Shino no Kei and was killed by mistake.

However, only Nie Kong knew the truth of the matter.He used hypnotism to play with everyone in applause.Even when Yixia was dying, she still didn't understand where she had offended the Qi.

In the staff dormitory, Qian Dong's face was frozen with a layer of frost.The eyes that were cold and stern were strangely full of calm at this moment!

"Qian Dongjiang, don't be impulsive. How could my lovely sister Yan do that kind of thing? It must be a misunderstanding." On the display in the room, a person wearing rabbit ears appeared. Cute girl issuing a card.That's right, she is the Shino Nobun of IS.

Shino no Shu has been a friend of Qian Dong since he was a child, and even said that he was a childhood sweetheart.So when she heard the shocking news for the first time, her first reaction was not to believe it.My sister has loved summer since she was a child, how could she kill him.But in the news, the younger sister stupidly admitted that Yixia was killed by herself. Is there any secret in it?

In order to prevent Qian Dong from making any excessive revenge, Shino Nozuki contacted Qian Dong immediately!

"Shinoyuki, I am not impulsive now, I am calm."

Hey, you said you are not impulsive, so why do you keep wiping the saber in your hand? That saber is bright enough.Listening to Qiandong's indifferent voice, watching her wipe the saber in her hand by herself, Shino Nozuki's heart was refreshing.No, we must prevent Qian Dongjiang from hurting my sister.

"Thousand Dong-chan, I'll rush over to find out the truth. Before that, please calm down..." Before Shinanosuke could finish speaking, Qian Dong turned off the screen of the call.

"One summer, elder sister will help you get revenge." Qiandong stood up stupidly and walked out with a gleaming saber.On the plane flying to IS Academy, he walked back and forth in a hurry, wishing to appear in IS Academy immediately.

"It must be the summer that hurt my sister, so my sister would do that kind of thing. No, Qian Dongjiang's personality is very impulsive. If I don't hurry up, my sister will be in danger." I am a genius and I absolutely want to stop the tragedy. happened.

She couldn't imagine that if her best friend killed her favorite sister by herself, her heart would definitely not be able to stand it.No matter who it is, Shu doesn't want them to be hurt.


IS Academy also suspended classes for one day due to this important event.However, Qi stayed quietly in the classroom waiting for the arrival of the legal ruling. No matter how Nie Kong persuaded him, he refused to leave.

Nie Kong had to come to the office of the director of the college alone, hypnotized the director to know the college's decision to dispose of the crap!From the chairman’s mouth, Nie Kong knew

Because of her sister's energy, the IS Academy did not deal with her.But if anyone who doesn't have eyesight dared to mess around, Nie Kong could destroy IS Academy directly regardless of the plot.

After hearing that Qi was safe and sound, Nie Kong stopped paying attention to the stubborn Qi and walked back to his dormitory.After she sits bored, she will leave by herself.

And the other childhood sweetheart Huang Lingyin from Yixia, at this moment, his eyes are absent and wandering like a wandering soul in the campus.Pain and emptiness filled her weak heart.

She wanted to find a place to cry, but her heart was so painful that even crying was very difficult!The empty heart, only the soul who ascended to heaven last night can not be forgotten.

She wanted to vent the pain of life not as good as death, and vent her emotions as boldly as last night.Only the happiness of last night can make one forget all the pain.

After wandering for a long time, when she saw the 1025 nameplate, her heart beat violently.Huang Lingyin murmured a few times, then took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"If you do things like last night with Nie Kong again, it should be fine. Ling is very strong and will definitely be free from Yixia's death."

"Come!" Nie Kong opened the door of the dormitory. Before he could see who it was, he threw a soft body into his arms.The familiar fragrance rushed over his face, and Ling's crazy eyes caught his eyes.

"Huh, Ling, why are you looking for me?"

Ling didn't say a word, she pressed her hands on the skirt of Nie Kong's student shirt and slammed it upwards, madly kissing Nie Kong's exposed body.

"I want you to play with me fiercely, toss me like last night!" Ling's hot hands kept walking around Nie Kong's body. Not long after, the clothes Nie Kong was wearing were completely taken off by Ling's hands. .

Although Nie Kong was strangely proactive, there was no reason for the girl who brought him to let it go, no matter what her reason.

The two of them hugged each other and rolled on the ground enthusiastically, and a heavy breathing sounded through the room.Ling vented actively again and again, and her heart-wrenching pain vented.

After her final shout, Ling finally fainted contentedly.After Ling had vented, her lovely face was no longer lifeless, she showed a sweet smile.

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