The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0152, coincident drone incident

"I thought you didn't dare to come out with me, classmate Shininoki!" On the third arena, Qiandong's indifferent eyes stared at the other side.

"I don't want to escape, nor will I avoid the matter of Weaving Yixia. Killing Yixia, I feel that I did nothing wrong." Qi said calmly.

"Haha... I have no time to bother about the emotional dispute between you and Yixia. I only know that Yixia is my brother, and I can't bear to watch him die without being indifferent. Take the sword you killed Yixia, Fight to the death with me! Either you die, or I die." Qian Dong stretched out his sharp saber and pointed at Qi.Her calm eyes burst out with an astonishing murderous intent.

"Although I don't want to fight with Teacher Qiandong, if Teacher Qiandong wants to kill me, I won't stand by." There is still a desire in Qi's heart and the motivation to survive.

"So I can't choose the two options, I want to defeat Teacher Qiandong, you can do it!" Qi pulled out the wooden sword in his hand, staring at Qiandong who was already a little crazy in front of him.

"What an arrogant girl, just because you want to beat me?" Qian Dongren's anger all morning finally broke out again.The sharp and sharp saber flashed across a sharp blade.

Zhiban Qiandong is not only the strongest manipulator known as IS, even his own strength cannot be ignored!Although Xiaozhizhizhi's strength was far inferior to Qiandong in the past, after double repairs with Nie Kong, the strength of the Qiu was forcibly improved.The speed and power are far from comparable.

"What a quick knife, it really deserves to be the IS class guide of our class. But it is far from enough to deal with the current me." At this time, Shino No Kei's strength is far beyond the comparison of human Qian Dong.

The strengthening of Shuang Xiu's pure energy has raised the Qi to a level beyond Qian Dong.I saw Qi Wei Wei's side, while avoiding Qiandong's saber, the wooden sword in his hand pointed towards Qiandong's weapon.

"Hand!" The fast wooden knife cut through the air and struck Qiandong's hand strangely.

"Impossible, how could Qi's strength increase to such a level?" Fortunately, Qiandong used to drive IS before, so facing the speed of Shino no Qi, his body can still keep up with Qi's attack.

"It's not over yet, waist!" Qi's wooden sword went upside down and quickly slapped Qiandong's slender snake waist.Pop, a crisp voice sounded.The saber in Qiandong's hand collided with Qi's wooden sword.

The huge power came, and Qiandong's hands were a little numb.Too powerful, simply too powerful!Seeing Qi's strength, Qian Dong's angry heart gradually cooled down, and he vigilantly dealt with each of Qi's attacks.

In the arena, the two knives kept hitting each other, making crisp noises.However, Qian Dong has experienced countless life and death battles after all, and his experience is much richer than that of Qi.

Coupled with the white blade in his hand, the Qi gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Kacha!" A crisp voice sounded, and the swords collided again, and the wooden sword in Qi's hand was neatly chopped in half by Qiandong's saber!

"Sorry, beam."

Just as Qiandong swung his knife down, the Qi in front rushed in front of her uncharacteristically.

"Teacher Qiandong, be careful!" Before the voice fell, he heard a sharp long howl, and two blue light cannons came straight to the two of them.Pounced forward, Qi subconsciously covered Qian Dong with his body.

With a loud bang, the dirt pit where the two of them stood was overturned, and Qian Dong's ears were like being hammered.Around the two of them, two huge pits appeared.There was a buzzing sound, and I saw an unfamiliar IS body landed in the sky.

"Ahem..." Qian Dong dug through the soil buried in the ground, trying to stand up, but the enemy he just had just pressed on him.She patted Qi's face and found that she had lost consciousness.

Seeing where he was just standing, two huge pits appeared.If he had just hit himself, Qian Dong couldn't imagine the consequences.

"Did Qi save me at all costs?" Qiandong fell silent, and the dispute between grace and enmity made her head a mess.Kill her for revenge?But she just saved herself.

"Didi..." The sound of the electronic machinery disrupted Qian Dong's thoughts.She turned her head to look, and saw an unfamiliar IS mecha stamped into her eyes.

A weird, dark gray IS.Its arms are extraordinarily long, extending down beyond the toes.There is no clear head shape, it seems to be integrated with the shoulders, and the thruster nozzles can be seen everywhere.

The armoring of the whole body is its most peculiar part, and the usual IS only forms partial armor.Because defense is almost always done by shield energy, it doesn't make much sense to form physical armor.Of course, there are armored shields on some models with specialized defenses, but there is no IS without the slightest exposure.The sensor crystals exposed on the head are arranged disorderly, and there are a total of four emission ports on the left and right sides of the forearm, which can emit the kind of light just now.

"Oops, it's a drone!" Qian Dong's face changed color the moment he saw the body.

The drone also spotted Qian Dong and the others on the opposite side, and a huge purple-red beam of light shot straight towards them.At the moment of his death, Qian Dong picked up Qi and jumped to the side to avoid the dangerous laser attack!

"Damn it, forgot to wear the IS body! With human power, you can't fight it at all."

Qian Dong picked up the Qi, embarrassed and wanted to escape.But the drone has locked Qiandong and the others again, and the four beams crossed together to form a huge net rushing towards the face.

"Everything is over." Qian Dong's pretty face with a relieved smile, the burden of grievances and hatred that was pressing on him at this moment was relieved by her.

At the moment of crisis, all the attacks that rushed to their two women suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if everything that had just appeared was a phantom.

"So you are here, it made me look for a long time." A familiar voice came into Qiandong's ears.Qian Dong stared blankly, and the familiar handsome face appeared in her eyes.

"You stupid! Knowing that there are enemies, why don't you come here with the armored IS? Do you want to come here to die?" Although Qian Dong yelled at Nie Kong, he was still moved.

"Don't worry, I can still deal with the mere IS body." Nie Kong finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two women were safe.

"Hurry up and avoid it, it has already rushed over." Qian Dong said in shock.

"Look at me." Nie Kong's body did not retreat but moved forward, speeding up and colliding with the drone.Suddenly, the drone that was more than three meters high was hit by Nie Kong and flew more than ten meters away.

The drone struggled, but the body was crackling with smoke!Nie Kong was speechless, this IS body is too fragile, he hasn't exerted any strength yet.

Qian Dong looked at everything in front of him dumbfounded, and looked at Nie Kong with eyes like a ghost.It's not a dream for me to be able to knock the IS body into flight.

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