The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0153, two transfer students

"Sure enough, it is still the best produced by Feather Moon Company."

"Huh? Will it? Don't you think Yuyue's only design can be seen?"

"It's just a beautiful design!"

On Monday morning, the girls in the class were chatting and laughing lively.Yixia's death has faded out of their sight.Everyone held the catalog in their hands, exchanging opinions on the above products.

"So, where did Nie Kong's IS suit come from? I haven't seen that type of clothing. Tight-fitting clothes will completely expose Nie Kong's figure."

"Well, it is said to be specially made. Because there are no boys' clothes, it seems to be made by a certain research room. I really want to see Nie Kong wearing IS clothes, he should be very handsome." Since a summer After his death, the attention of all the girls in the class shifted to Nie Kong's body.

Every moment, Nie Kong could feel the sweet breath of a young girl on his face.The key is that the girls in school are getting bolder and bolder. Many of them don't wear underwear in school.

Although she was wearing a skirt, she could see all the scenery inside when she was blowing in the wind.He is so happy, he is the only boy in the school, so happy.

And to the left of Nie Kong's position, Qi had already sat in that position for some time.From time to time during class, he lowered his head and spied on Nie Kong on the right. He looked very cute.

Chu's older sister, Shu, sat down underneath, looking excitedly at her lovely sister in front of her.After the drone incident last time and Shu's arrival in time, Qian Dong reached an agreement with them.

Qi wants to be imprisoned forever in IS Academy as a murderer, and he is not allowed to leave here without Qiandong's promise.Shu has nothing to say, and stayed with his sister in IS Academy.

"Damn classmate Qi, it's not enough for you to play with classmate Yixia, do you want to hit my perverted master's idea?" On Nie Kong's right, Cecilia's eyes shot sparks at the opposite Qi.The eyes of the two women shot sparks on Nie Kong in the middle.

"The so-called IS operation suit is a tight-fitting combat suit that is automatically pierced through voice control when the IS body is unfolded. At the same time, it also has a certain IS body automatic control function, but the reaction speed is extremely slow. The IS operation suit passes Detecting the electrode changes of the contact part of the body and the clothes can directly transmit the actions of the operator to each part. The IS body performs the necessary actions based on this. At the same time, this combat suit is very protective, and the bullets of the general small-caliber firearms It is impossible to penetrate at all. Of course, a large part of the impact on the body will be absorbed.” Yamada-sensei gave a fluent explanation and walked onto the stage.

"Shan Shan is really clear!"

"No matter how I say it is a teacher...Huh, Xiao, Xiaoshanshan?"

"I took a different look at Shan P sauce!"

"Today is the day when everyone starts to apply for costumes, so I have to preview before coming here, hehe...No, do Shan and Shan P call me?" The school started about two months ago.Zhenye has about eight nicknames, which is the result of his personality.

The classroom, which had been so noisy until now, turned into a well-mannered and orderly army.Teacher Qian Dong, the instructor of the first class, made a grand debut.Qian Dong's temperament was much colder than before because of Yi Xia's death.

"Starting from today, we will enter the real combat training. Because there is a training machine, IS will be used in class. Everyone has to focus on me! Don't forget to put on their own IS suits, and those who forget will wear them for me. The swimsuit designated by the school comes for training! Even the person who didn’t bring that...well, it’s okay to wear underwear."

The girls in the class turned crimson with a brush, and a dozen of them even pulled up their collars and looked down. There was no underwear at all.

"Then, Mr. Yamada, please start calling early."

"Okay, okay." After explaining the contact information, Sister Qian Dong scanned the classroom and handed it to Zhenye.But Yamada-sensei seemed to be wiping her glasses, and she was hurriedly wearing her glasses, looking like a panicked puppy.

"Well, today we are going to introduce transfer students, and there are still two!"

Suddenly hearing the introduction of transfer students made the quiet class noisy.Of course, for these adolescent girls who like gossip more than three meals, it is inevitable to be surprised if transfer students escape their intelligence network, and there are still two people.

The door of the classroom opened, and when the female students in the class saw the two transfer students entering the classroom, the noise suddenly stopped.This is no wonder.Because one of them is a handsome little man.

"My name is Charles. De Noah transferred from France. Since I still have many things that I'm not used to in this country, I would like to ask everyone for advice." Charles said with a pretty and pleasant face with a smile. , Bowed to the students below.She has an easy-to-reach face and behaves like a maiden with polite features.The hair is bright blond, tied neatly behind his neck.The figure is so slim that people feel a bit too slender, a pair of straight and slender legs, looks very handsome.

" cute, handsome guy who is the opposite type of Nie Kong." The female classmate in the class shot her bright eyes.

"Charlotte De Noah MM, are you finally here? You who pretend to be a man, you should be assigned to the same dormitory as me after you die in the summer." She molested her as a boy. Will you be shy and let yourself be bullied?She would never think of it anyway, she already knew her gender clearly.

"Enough, be quiet! The self-introduction is not over yet!" Qian Dong slapped hard on the podium, and the loud noise interrupted the noise of the girls.At this time, Nie Kong noticed that there was a lovely and beautiful girl in Charlotte.

She had silver hair that shone like a vampire, and she was hanging down almost to reach her waist.Although it is very beautiful, it is not specially organized.Her left eye was wearing a black blindfold. Although the other opened right eye was red, the temperature contained in it was almost endlessly zero.

The icy temperament is exactly the same as Qian Dong next to him!That's right, she is Germany's MM Lafra Budiweiyi!

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