The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0154, will not affect me, right

With arms around his chest, he glanced boredly at the girls in the classroom, and then focused all his eyes on Qian Dong.

"Hurry up, Lavra!" Qian Dong said.

"Yes, instructor."

"Don't call me like that here. I'm not an instructor anymore, and you are also an ordinary student here. You should call me Teacher Weaver.

"I know." Love stretched his straight hand to his side, standing upright beside Qiandong in a soldier's posture.

"Lafra. Budiweiyi, from Germany."

The atmosphere in the classroom cooled down, Qian Dong sighed, and Yuanchang said, "Ah! Then the roll call is over. Everyone immediately change their clothes and gather in the second playground. Today we are going to have an IS simulation battle with the second class. Disband now!"

"Damn it, classmate Nie Kong and the others are still in the classroom. How embarrassed to change clothes in front of them." The girls around were frolicking, their clothes dwindling.

Looking around, Nie Kong's sight was filled with white flowers.The sweet bodies of the girls were completely in his eyes.Hello, I'm still here, don't seduce me.

"Student Nie Kong, don't you get out when you want to see it. Take care of Charles, you are also boys." Qian Dong banged on the podium with a dangerous look in his eyes. Gu Lulu peeked at the girl Nie Kong changing clothes.

"Stupid master, is Cecilia's body good-looking?" Cecilia was still carrying the pink fat in her right hand, and the snow-white waves of flesh continued to roll in front of Nie Kong.At this time, there was no clothes on her body.

"Don't watch Nie Jun, go out." Before Nie Kong could appreciate the scenery of Cecilia, Qi blushed and pushed out of the classroom.

"Qi, you are too much. The master hasn't appreciated my perfect body yet, how could you push him out so quickly."

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you show Nie Kong's words to him." After Nie Kong went out, there was a noise of dissatisfaction in the classroom.

"You are classmate Nie Kong? When we first met, I was Charles!"

"Don't be so polite, call me Nie Jun. Anyway, we boys have to change clothes in the empty arena locker room. Let's go, I will take you over." Nie Kong took Charles' hand and ran directly to the dressing room. room.

The slender Qianqianyu hand feels soft.If you don't know that she is a girl, Nie Kong is likely to have the urge to engage in foundation.

"Hmm..." For the first time, his little hand was pulled by a boy, and Charles's face was slightly crimson, with a little twist and unnaturalness.

"Ah, everyone will soon find out about transfer students!"

"And also with classmate Nie Kong!"

"Come here, hurry up and surround yourself!" The girls on campus rushed out of the classroom excitedly, and Nie Kong seemed to have entered a daughter's middle school.After untold hardships, Nie Kong finally broke out from the crowd surrounded by girls.The girl in IS Academy is so enthusiastic that even he can hardly bear it.

"Huh, are you at the end." The door slid horizontally, and Nie Kong arrived in the locker room of the Second Arena without incident.Charles, who was running continuously, had a blushing face with a little sweat.The thin pink lips opened slightly, breathing heavily.

"Well, time is running out, let's change clothes right away." Nie Kong said as he unbuttoned all the buttons of his uniform, threw it on the bench, and took off the tights in one breath.

The sturdy upper body was all presented in Charles's eyes, and the unique breath of men came to his face.Charles' face turned into a red lantern in an instant, and he turned around and dared not take a look.

So cute, who told you to pretend to be a man, who didn't tease you?

"Charles, why don't you change your clothes? If you don't change quickly, you will be late?" Nie Kong took off all his clothes, and everything was exposed to the air.

"Well, eh? I, I will change? But, but..." When he looked at all of Nie Kong, Charles was cautious and thumped so hard that he was a little uncomfortable to speak.

That... Is that something unique to men!Charles stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, and turned his face to the floor in a panic.But in my mind, the scene just now kept coming up.

"Since you haven't changed your clothes now, can you help me pull my pants? This IS-specific outfit is very tight and it's stuck under me." Nie Kong has already put on his top, but the tight pants underneath are really It's too tight.

"Okay...Okay!" Charles hurriedly turned Wei Wei's face toward Nie Kong to the direction of the wall, and his panicked little hand trembled, pulling his pants and squeezing it inside.

How should I say, it is really a tragic state.Originally tightened in the pants,

"It's so uncomfortable. Wearing this dress will not affect my development. If it can't grow up, it will be miserable."

Bah, you are not big enough, you almost scared me to death.Charles was so embarrassed that the roots of his ears were red, and a layer of mist was condensed in his bright eyes.Charles, who is an innocent girl, could not bear such a stimulus.

After Nie Kong changed his clothes, Charles quickly took off the clothes he was wearing at the moment Nie Kong turned his head, revealing the special IS suit inside.It turned out that she had already put on her special clothes in order to avoid revealing her identity.

"Are you going to change it, let's go." Nie Kong stretched into the tights and put it in a more comfortable position, but still couldn't hide the clear outline.

"Good, good." And under Charles' tights, Nie Kong could still observe her

"Don't you feel uncomfortable under you?" Nie Kong said with a light smile.

", but...maybe my development hasn't started yet...Nie Jun, don't worry about it." Charles blushed, shaking his hands to explain in a flustered manner.

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