The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01522, the action of escorting Vogat

Nie Kong twisted the doorknob and found that the careless Judy hadn't locked the door, so Nie Kong easily slipped inside.

In the living room, Judy in a casual dress holds the phone between her shoulders and jaw, while the two free hands are trimming her toenails.Sitting on the sofa with legs apart, the posture was really unsightly.

Seeing someone suddenly standing in front of her shocked her.As an FBI intelligence agent, you must always be vigilant.When she was able to see the person in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to fix her nails.

"Brother Nie Kong, where did you come from?"

"Can you blame me, your door is not locked. By the way, can you have a little sense of safety yourself." Nie Kong squeezed a pillow of the sofa into the bottom of her blooming skirt.

"Oh." Judy noticed the commotion of the foreign object there, and her legs were severely clamped against the pillow that struck.After discovering that Nie Kong was making trouble, her white face turned reddishly, and she glanced at Nie Kong in an annoyed manner, and her heart was almost broken.

"That's not the case, because Brother Nie Kong is not an outsider. If other people dare to break into the house privately, I must put him in a prison." Judy blushed in defense.

"Yes, yes. Then you hurry up and change your clothes now. Didn't you say you want to escort Vogat back to the United States."

"Who knows that Brother Nie Kong came so fast. I thought you would come only after trimming your nails. Now, I've only trimmed half of it now. I want Brother Nie Kong to help me with the rest." His little feet leaned against Nie Kong's knees.

"Really, Judy is almost a thirty-year-old girl." Nie Kong held her small white feet with five fingers, only feeling that she was holding five white pearls in her hands.Nie Kong used a delicate knife to help her trim the white nails in her feet.Judy squinted her big blue eyes and swam, and a very happy smile appeared on her cheeks.

Finally, two or three minutes later, Nie Kong awoke her from her daydream.

She reluctantly retracted her feet, stretched her waist and slowly returned to her bedroom.The last dressing took more than half an hour. She changed into slim jeans and a short-sleeved shirt.

Vermilion lips are dotted with reddish lipstick, and her fingernails are rarely painted with purple nail polish, dressed as a mature and feminine beauty.Judy happily took Nie Kong's arm and left the apartment.

After she found that Nie Kong was not driving, Judy drove her car out and let Nie Kong ride to the FBI base in Kyoto.


The FBI set up the Japanese branch in the building of an energy company run by the Americans as a cover for them.

When Nie Kong and the others arrived, several FBI intelligence agents had gathered in the conference room on the third floor of the building.Nie Kong knew two people, the American giant Andrey who met yesterday and James who met more than ten years ago.As for the one who looked a little cold at the end, Nie Kong guessed that he might be Shuichi Akai.

After James saw Nie Kong, his old eyes were bigger than bullseye, "Ju...Judy, he...Is he...Nie Kong."

"Hehe, you can say so, because theoretically he is the son of Brother Nie Kong." Judy blinked at Nie Kong and replied with a smile.

"That's it, the tiger father has no dogs. It seems that you were able to catch vodka alive yesterday. He should have helped you a lot." James said with emotion.

"Yeah, thanks to Jun Nie, he was caught." Judy said proudly.

Seeing Judy Dese's cheek, Shuichi Akai suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"His Excellency, let him be an outsider to participate in our FBI secret meeting, is it really okay." Andrey said dissatisfiedly.

"It doesn't matter, he is actually not an outsider. Now that everyone is here, let's discuss the specific details of taking Vogat back to the airport plane. Judy, spread the road map." James said.

"Yes." Judy searched out a large one-meter wide street overlooking satellite image from the data she provided.The satellite image is very clear, as small as a tree is marked.There is a red line with the relevant route, which seems to be the route they are going to set off.

"Do they really dare to attack our FBI?" Andre snorted.

"There is something they dare not do. Just in case, they must be fully prepared." Akai said, shaking his head.

As a gin partner, Vogat cannot remain indifferent watching the FBI take him back to the United States. Hideichi Akai understands his harsh character.Perhaps he had planned to kill all FBI personnel.

"That's right, their strength has already exceeded our expectations, and underestimating them will suffer a big loss." James said to Andre in a lesson.Because of his disposition, the last plan went wrong and failed.

"Once they learn about the situation in Vogat, they are likely to ambush us with a sniper rifle in a tall building." Hideichi Akai frowned, because there are many great places on the map to set up ambushes.

"Nie Jun, what do you think." Judy shoved her brother Nie Kong and asked in a low voice.

Nie Kong glanced at the satellite image and crossed out all suspicious locations more than 600 meters from the street with a pen.

"Look, it's much simpler now. Now you can pick a route at will." Nie Kong said lazily.

Xiu Akai was shocked and looked at Nie Kong squarely, feeling that he was not easy in front of him.

"What do you mean by that." Andre was a little grumpy.

"Andre, you shut up." James gave a cold voice, his eyes unable to remove the map.

"Even if they have a very good sniper, it is difficult to kill the target from 600 meters away. Hehe, you really deserve to be Brother Nie Kong." Judy said with joy.

"That's right, between 600 meters and 500 meters is indeed a huge threshold. Few people can break through that limit. It seems very intuitive now. Only ten suspicious locations are left." Akai Hideichi Nodded and said.

"So now, it seems that the best route is. Shuttle from the commercial street to the road around the city, and there are only two ambush locations." James drew the safest route with his pen and nodded in satisfaction.

"If you are dispatching Japanese police to help, there should be no problem."

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