The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01523The wind and rain are coming

While the FBI was discussing how to deal with the black organization, Gin and the others held a meeting in the black organization.Their lineup is quite luxurious, with two snipers Chianti and Cohen who are among the best in assassination capabilities.With outstanding abilities, the gin who can rank in the top three of the organization, and Belmode, who is unpredictable at the end.

Perhaps I can't understand Belmode, Chianti and Cohen dislike her very much.Because Belmode has been doing its own way for more than ten years, and sometimes even refused to organize the tasks assigned to her!In their eyes, Belmode is very arrogant.Chianti, with a good personality, can't wait to shoot her out.However, only a small part of the organization knows how dangerous Belmode is, even the bosses in the organization are very jealous of her!

"Now you look at the satellite map."

A satellite map projection appeared in front of them. The level of science and technology they developed was much higher than that of the FBI. No wonder the organization's development would be unstoppable.

"The target vehicle will drive from their base to the airport in Kyoto City after 14 o'clock. According to computer calculations, all the route maps towards the airport will pass through the intersection of Bridge B and DP, where we acted. Right." He pointed to a bridge and a park, and said to the three of them.

"Very well, I'm going to beat them up and down." Chianti smiled cruelly, looking very hideous with the butterfly tattoo on his right eye.Comparing with the beautiful Belmode next to him, he was like a dead flower.

"Don't mess around, we must make a good plan. The bulletproof devices on those guys' cars are specially made, and your 7.62mm bullets can't penetrate the glass of the door." Gin said calmly.

"If we can't shoot, what shall we do?" Cohen said, who was always silent.

"Follow the plan. First of all you two lie in ambush next to the DP building and use a rifle to blow their tires. Then Belmode and I drove a motorcycle and used heavy weapons-bombs to take them out of the bulletproof car Force it out! Kill the FBI people as much as possible. If things change, then you must kill Vogat first."

"Haha...If they don't come out, they will die from the explosion. And when they get out of the car, the DP spot will be the best hunting ground. In the end they all become our targets." Chianti laughed.

"Very well, it seems that you already understand my deployment plan. Belmode, do you have any questions." Gin turned to the beautiful woman smoking a cigarette, her tone a little chilly.

Belmode easily spit out a smoke ring and smiled: "Although I have a bad premonition, but I am fine when I am idle, I will accompany you to make trouble. But gin, I advise you not to Have too much hope."

Gin's pupils shrank, "Huh, the only opponent worthy of fear in the FBI is Shuichi Akai. Do you think he can stop us."

"Hee hee, forget it, let's not hit you. Otherwise, it would be too boring for you to turn around and run away." Belmode didn't explain the existence of Nie Kong, she was looking forward to the time when the two met.

If Hideichi Akai is a silver bullet to the organization, then Nie Kong can be said to be a nuclear bomb, which can easily destroy the entire organization after detonation.

"Asshole, are you a spy for the FBI? Why bother to raise others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige." Chianti scolded irritably.

"Oh, I don't allow anyone to scold me except him." Belmode smiled, but his right hand slapped Chianti out at a speed invisible to the naked eye.She pulled Chianti's hair, her pretty smile was very cold.

Seeing his partner being beaten, Cohen next to him instinctively aimed his pistol at Belmode.As long as Belmode moves, he will pull the trigger immediately.

Belmode threw Chianti at Cohen, and the two rolled into a ball and fell five or six meters out at the same time.

The gin frowned and snorted vigorously: "You have enough."

"Hehe, don't worry about Gin, I won't kill them, I just teach them a lesson, because their eyes really make me hate." Belmode pressed his cigarette butt against Chianti's belly and heard her After the screams, he stretched out calmly.

"I'm leaving now, please let me know before you leave." Ignoring the cold eyes of the gin, Belmod stepped on high heels and left the meeting room.

"Damn, damn, I'm going to kill her, I'm going to blow her head with a gun." Chianti's eyes were full of madness and killing intent, and her anger almost made her lose her mind. She had never been so humiliated by others before.

"Shut up! Remember not to mess with her in the future, or she will really kill you." Gin looked at Chianti with cold eyes, with warnings and threats in his tone.

"Why do you have to favor her with Gin? Is it just because the boss is interested in her beauty?" Chianti said madly.

"It has nothing to do with that, and she is far scarier than you see! You guys have a good rest and act in an hour."

"Huh, is she really terrible." Chianti disbelieved, his eyes sometimes crazy and sometimes hateful.

Cohen was silent, his mood was almost the same as Chianti, forcibly suppressing the killing intent rising in his heart.

Gin nodded and left the meeting room. He also had to prepare supplies.Resolutely against the FBI, the guns and ammunition used must not be wrong.

An hour later, after learning that the FBI was about to act, Gin summoned the Belmode three.First of all, they were allocated guns and supplies, and then they got in their own car and set off toward the place stated in the plan.

At the same time, two luxurious sports cars drove out of the garage door of the FBI base building at the same time.One is a world-famous Mercedes-Benz sports car, which carries three of Vogat and James organized in black, and James is responsible for driving.One is Judy’s Peugeot 607, carrying Nie Kong and Judy.

The atmosphere seemed very depressing, and perhaps they knew in their hearts that the duel between the FBI and the black organization had already begun.

Because they captured Vogat, they had to face the troubles they caused.

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