The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0163, vs. Lafra

When the time came to mid-June, IS Academy was fully engaged in competitions for all grades starting from Monday.During this period of time, every day Nie Kong finished his morning training and ran to Qi's dormitory to spend the afternoon absurdly.

The three women had a little temperament at first, but with each defeat, they acquiesced to their existence.

Nie Kong went back to his dormitory to take a mandarin duck bath with Charlotte until the three women fell on him weakly in the evening.Charlotte, who had lost her body and mind, actively used her body to help Nie Kong wash his body.He is refreshing and exciting.Nie Kong also enjoyed the legendary chest push many times.

At night, it was naturally Charlotte's exclusive time for Nie Kong.Every night to morning, is Charlotte's happiest time.

A few days before the academy match, Shu, who had disappeared for half a month, returned to the academy and gave Qi an unexpected surprise gift.Qi’s IS dedicated machine, the world’s second fourth-generation machine is completed, and the name of that machine is Hongchun!

With the special machine, it happened to be able to participate in the age competition a few days later.Therefore, Ling, Nie Kong, Charlotte, Cecilia, Lafra, and Zhu can play in the first grade.

There were too many people in the competition, so Teacher Qian Dong decided to divide them into three groups fairly by drawing lots.The results obtained are Nie Kong and Qi, Charlotte and Lafra, and Cecilia and Ling.

"Ah, the opponent we are fighting seems to have come out." When all the participating students changed into IS outfits and appeared in the lounge of the arena, a line of words was displayed on the wide screen of the arena.

"What... I'm going to fight Nie Jun in the first battle, isn't this killing me." Charlotte saw the words appearing on the screen, and almost screamed out with her mouth wide open.Just looking at Nie Kong's face, his body softened a bit, so there was no need to fight.

"Haha... It's great, did the opponent in the first match meet him! The Frenchman over there, don't intervene in the fight between me and him!" Lavra held back her excitement and swept Charlotte glanced at the side and said coldly.

Instructor, instructor, I will definitely take you back to Germany.No matter what method I use, I will defeat him.

"Since you have decided on your opponent, let me deal with the rest of the altar." Seeing the altar sticking to Nie Jun, Charlotte's face began to burn.

"Hmph, I don't care about you! If you dare to drag me back in the fight, I will never spare you." Lavra had already walked on the playing field, turning back to warn him.

"Are the Germans so brutal even girls? It's too difficult to get along with." Charlotte muttered softly, and followed Lavra onto the playing field.


After Nie Kong took the hand of the Qi and entered the field, the school year's competition was finally about to begin.Four mechas of different colors stood on the spot, emitting colorful brilliance in the sun.

All the girls in the audience screamed, yelling Nie Kong to cheer.Because of the girl's gossip skills, what Nie Kong's killer is like has long been spread throughout the IS Academy.

The numbers on the screen began to count down, 4, 3, 2, 1... At the moment when the game started, Lavra rushed towards Nie Kong in the opposite direction, driving the German third-generation aircraft Black Rain.

Heiyu's body is equipped with the third-generation weapon AIC, which has the ability to stop inertia.It can release a special field called an inertial stop enchantment, and even can forcibly stop the shells. The principle of action is the same as the roar of the bombardier dragon carried by the bell-specific IS. It applies energy to the space to produce interference.

"Ji, step back, and Lafra will let me deal with it." Although he knew the information of Black Rain in his mind, Nie Kong didn't know how to use his skills.

"Nie Jun, be careful." Qi drove Hong Chun and voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield between the two of them.

With his right hand unfolding the Snowflake II, Nie Kong drove the Bai Shi and sprayed it towards Lafra at the fastest speed.With a brushing sound, the white phantom flashed away, and in an instant came to the back of the black rain.

Fast, too fast.So fast that Lavra almost couldn't react!

"What a great guy, there will be such a man in the mere IS school." Lafra, in a panic, fully expanded her AIC field.

The white pose that appeared after the black rain started from the hands, from the trunk and the feet to the AIC's nets, and could not move whether it was pushed or pulled.It was like being held by an invisible hand, and the body couldn't move.This is the ability of the Black Rain's body, which is a little weird.

"Do you take the first attack after the war? You are really arrogant." Clicking, as the black rain's huge roller made a rotating sound, the white super-high-level detector issued a warning.

"Confirm that the large railgun of the enemy IS has opened the safety device and loaded the first shell-warning! Confirm that it is locked-warning!"

Although the field of AIC is a bit difficult, if it encounters a powerful force, it has no effect at all.This kind of weird ability can only bully the weak IS body.

"Hmph, your moves are useless to me!" Nie Kong's power directly used the maximum that the white style could hold, and with a bang, the black rain's inertial field was forcibly shattered by Nie Kong's surging power.

"Didi...Warning, warning! The enemy's energy is super dangerous, and it is confirmed that it exceeds the limit of AIC." The voice of the black rain surprised Lafra.The cannon on his shoulder no longer hesitated, and suddenly shot at the white style.

On Bai Shiwei's side, the two blue light beams shifted out, and the cannonball that hit Nie Kong missed.And because of Nie Kong's avoidance, she had to retreat quickly and widen the distance between each other.

At the same time, the blindfold of Lafra's left eye was directly torn off by her.In an instant, the super cute cheeks were exposed to Nie Kong's sight.The two-color pupils, one red and one gold, are a bit more adorable than Lolijiu in You Shaozhong.

The ability in her left eye, called the pupil of the transboundary, is a nanomachine implanted in the pupil with a sensor assist function.If used, it can greatly improve the visual ability and strengthen the body's reaction ability during high-speed combat. It can also aim at a target 20 kilometers away when the IS is not deployed.

In the face of the black rain that Didi warned, Lafra didn't dare to use all of her methods carelessly.

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