The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0164, Lavra's runaway

"At your speed, do you still want to distance yourself from me? Lavra MM, you are too naive."

Lavra did not stop her attack on Nie Kong. When she opened her distance, a red laser beam sprayed out from her shoulder for more than ten days, filling up Nie Kong's body.This is one of Heiyu's capabilities, the electronically operated thread knife.Attacking and defending are very precise and fast, and it is found that Lavra IS’s skills are much higher than those of IS academy students.

"Don't call it so disgusting, I didn't allow you to call my name like that. Although your speed is fast now, my cross-border pupil has already seen your movements clearly. Next move, I will defeat you."

"If you can, then you can try it. Come out, and the white night!" The shield energy on his body dropped directly to 80%, and a four-meter-long laser blade was extended in Bai Shi's hand. .This move is to sacrifice defense, and the transformed Snowflake II can directly cause IS body damage regardless of the defense cover.

"Looking for death, I was surrounded by my electronic control line knives and dared to use the skill of scattered white night."

The white model glided in the sky, and the snow flake type II in the right hand swung a few knives easily, and the line knives surrounded by the sky were all shattered!All the skills formed by IS body energy can be destroyed by scattered white nights.

Seeing the white approach, Hei Yu spread his plasma sabers with both hands, slashing towards Nie Kong from left to right.The slashes and thrusts were staggered, and the Snowflake II and the saber violently collided.

Nie Kong was a little surprised. The white attack speed he controlled was already fast enough. He didn't expect Lavra to keep up with his speed after having that left eye.

It was just in the face of Nie Kong's continuous slashing, Lafra's forehead condensed drips of perfume, which seemed very difficult.Lavra knew that if this went on, she could never stop ten moves.So in Hei Yu's shoulder, he once again shot a line-manipulating knife that could disrupt the enemy.

The attack of the plasma hand knife held with both hands and the electronic control line knife reluctantly dragged the white attack speed.

"Your weapon only has the knife, so I can only win by stopping it!" Lavra stretched a distance of ten meters and turned off the Plasma Sabre at the moment the line knife sneaked.

Crack!Bai Shi's body stopped for a moment as if it was stiff, but he recovered under Nie Kong's fierce strength.But Lavra stretched out her hands, palms facing Bai Shi.

"Okay, now you can't do anything about it." A dozen electronic control line knives shot out together, tied Bai Shi's right hand holding the snow flakes and held its arm.The cannon on Hei Yu's shoulder exudes a faint white light.

The girls on the sidelines rioted, worrying that Lavra would fire a shot, so that they would not be able to see the heroic figure of Nie Kong.Cecilia and Ling were not worried at all, thinking that Nie Kong only gave them a little energy, and they were already several times stronger.So you can know how powerful your beloved man will be.

The strength on Nie Kong's body increased slightly, and only Lavra from the opposite side snorted, and he rushed towards Nie Kong with Black Rain.It's just that in the white style, the dizzying noise keeps on.

"Warning, warning! The body's energy is almost full, and the body will face the crisis of disintegration if this continues!" Nie Kong's power is too great, and Bai Shi really can't bear his power.

Ignoring the warning, Nie Kong swung his left arm forward, and his elbow-flexed left fist was already arcing and whizzing, accurately hitting Lafra's temple!

"Boom!" Hei Yu was hit by a huge fist before he could fire the cannon at all.Lafralian brought the black rain as if hit by a truck, and flew out more than ten meters away.The black rain's energy shield didi kept moving, and instantly dropped to the bottom.

A purple electric current jumped on her body, and signs of forcibly disarming IS appeared.

"I actually lost in... Lost in this kind of place, I..." It is indeed a mistake to estimate the strength of the opponent, this is indeed a mistake.But even so, I can't lose!How could I lose!

"I must defeat him! Use my strength to beat that guy, that man... to the end! That man, that guy... is still moving, I must completely destroy him until he can't move! The instructor has promised me As long as he defeats him, he will return to Germany with me. I have already said that."

There was something trembling deep in Lavra's body, as if someone was talking in the deepest part of her heart.

"Do you want...? Do you want to make a difference...? Do you want stronger power...?"

"It goes without saying that if there is power, if I can get it, I can pay any price! So give it to me...give me unmatched power!"

With the roar in Lavra's heart, the already precarious black rain has undergone earth-shaking changes.No, not only was it deformed as simple as that, but the lines that made up the armor melted softly and turned into a black slimy thing, covering her whole body.

The deep turbid darkness swallowed the petite Lolita Lavra, looking more like a huge clay doll that had melted and melted.The armor that was originally black rain covered Lafra's whole body, constantly flowing on its surface.Repeatedly pulse like a heartbeat, slowly descending to the ground.

When the black rain fell to the ground, the whole body changed at a high speed that seemed to accelerate and turn quickly.What appeared in front of Nie Kong was a clay doll that was very similar to the black full-body armor IS. The surface body curve and shape were the appearance of a girl.

The unfamiliar IS mecha face that appeared was not only similar to Qian Dong's level, it was simply a copy.Even the posture she poses is full of the charm of Qiandong.The weapon in her hand is simply a replica of Snowflake II.

"No, the retrospective system of the Valkyrie is gone! Isn't it already stipulated in the Alaska Treaty that any country, enterprise, or organization is prohibited from conducting research?" Shu, sitting in the audience, yelled angrily.

"Go on with the urgent notice and immediately turn on the defense system!" Qian Dong, who had been watching the battle, frowned and issued the order directly.She did not expect that the German military would actually implant the goddess system into the black rain of IS, blatantly defying the Alaska treaty.

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