The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0165, the white rebirth

Perceiving the strangeness on the battlefield, Charlotte and Qi in the fierce battle stopped at the same time, and cast their sights on Nie Kong in the arena.Although I wanted to decide the outcome, Nie Kong's affairs were more important than anything else.

The black weird IS rushed towards the white style. Judging from the posture that she would hold the hilt tightly, she should be trying to use the swordsmanship of Qiandong.

"Have you completely copied Qiandong's battle data? Although Qiandong is very powerful in the IS world, he is already defeated by me." Nie Kong once again ignored the white warning sound and used his restless power again.The power of the white style is limited. Nie Kong only used one-tenth of his body's less than one-tenth of the power, and it couldn't stand it and issued a warning sound.

"Boom!" Two sharp blades, one black and one white, smashed into each other, and the huge force touched them and caused the underground floor to crack open.The huge black rain took a few steps back.

Nie Kong won the chase, and the white-style scattered white nights kept swinging and forcing the black rain to retreat.Qian Donghua's black rain was completely suppressed by Nie Kong.

"Kacha!" After Hei Yu finally staggered, Nie Kong's light blade cut off one of Hei Yu's arms.When Nie Kong thought he was about to win, Hei Yu's mutation happened again.After the Valkyrie backtracking system got the battle data of Nie Kong just now, the vague face turned from Qiandong to Nie Kong again.

Perhaps after knowing where the stronger is, the Valkyrie system has undergone a transformation, pursuing a stronger existence.

Day, no way.Nie Kong was dumb, and the audience around him was dumb.

"Although you copied my moves, you absolutely can't copy my strength and speed. My strength is still the same as before. Why do you beat me?" Nie Kong disdainfully, the snow flake II in his hand pierced the air again and whispered He slashed towards Hei Yu's neck.

"Clang!" Nie Kong thought he was going to win, but he simply intercepted it for Hei Yu.Under the contrast of power, it is not worse than the white style.Not only copying moves, but also all aspects of his own data.

The intelligence of the Valkyrie backtracking system is powerful, but it is unstable and often riots.No wonder the Alaska Treaty in the IS world prohibits the embedding of the system!

What surprised Nie Kong was that the strength of the opposite Black Rain had really increased to his level, reaching the highest limit of whiteness!

Just like Nie Kong's attacking moves, the sharp blade of the opposite Hei Yu constantly resisted and counterattacked.The fierce battle even destroyed the arena directly into a mass of ruins.The surrounding audience grew their mouths, staring intently for fear of missing the scene of the fight.

"The power of the white style combined with his own strength is really terrifying." Qian Dong exclaimed, feeling a little lonely while gratified in his heart.Has my own time really passed.

"Dangdang!" The two blades collided again, and I have to say that the Valkyrie system is really difficult.It takes a lot of effort to defeat it with the white power alone.

"It doesn't matter, the white style is broken. Anyway, such a weak mecha will not help me at all in the future!" Putting on the white style did not improve his strength, but became a burden.Then this equipment is better not to be.

"Boom!" Nie Kong suppressed N Long's terrifying dark energy and directly broke through his body.The terrifying aura formed a raging wind pressure, and the mountains swept out with Nie Kong as the center.

The black rain approaching was directly blown back a few steps by the wind pressure.

First of all, the white style worn on Nie Kong's body, could not stand the cracking sound of such terrifying energy.The mecha made of special metal broke through a series of terrifying cracks, and hung on him in pieces.

"What happened?" The audience outside the protective shield looked inside the battlefield for unknown reasons.They couldn't understand Nie Kong's horror without personally experiencing that surging power.

"Didi, the core of the body has been damaged, please inject repair energy as soon as possible!" Nie Kong, who had not yet come, stretched his muscles and bones, and heard a mechanical ticking sound in his mind.

Repair energy, how can I repair energy.I don't need you anymore, you can die with peace of mind.Suddenly Nie Kong didn't know what he thought of, and his heart moved.I wonder if the energy of my own blood can repair the core of IS?

With this curious thought, a drop of golden blood came out from the palm of Nie Kong's hand, dripping into the white style.

"Boom!" The white mecha flashed red, bursting out a dazzling red light.Under the surging energy structure, the white formula that had been fragmented was once again condensed.

When the red light passed, the reborn Bai Shi appeared in front of Nie Kong.The scarlet metal emits a faint and evil red light.From a distance, Bai Shi like an ancient Chinese heavy armor clings to him.On the back wings of the armor, wing-shaped thrusters have been increased from the original 2 to 8.

The scarlet iron armor, which looks like DXD's red dragon emperor's hand armor!But the function is far worse than it.From the information, he knew that the information was white after rebirth.The speed and strength are increased by 110%, and their energy can be converted into a defensive cover-the so-called absolute defense.

However, the white style does not take up much space, and it is also good to wear as an armor.As for how to raise it to a level that is more useful to Nie Kong's strength, I can only wait for the future world.

"Didi...The body was successfully repaired and strengthened, and the defensive cover was activated!" After being reborn, the white pose was able to withstand 100% of his energy.So as not to miss Lafra in a second, Nie Kong slowly condensed his strength.

The snow flake II in his hand was once again condensed in his palm, forming a scarlet flame sword, which was the same color as a blood whip.

Hei Yu, who had no self-consciousness, lost his awareness of danger.After being pushed back by Nie Qi, he rushed over again without fear of death.Swinging the knife down is the same trick as myself.

"Your imitation has fallen behind, and my current strength has long been improved to the point where you dare to imagine."

Cang!With a blow from his waist, Nie Kong tore Hei Yu's knife to pieces, and the scarlet sharp blade slashed on it vertically.

The purple electric current jumped, and the black IS was cut in half.In the depths of the black IS, Lafra's weak body fell out of it.The golden left eye and the red right eye looked at Nie Kong with a very weak look.

With one hand across her neck and one hand across her knees, Nie Kong hugged Lafra directly.Feeling the warmth, Lavra rubbed a few times in her arms.

Qian Dong puts his hands around his chest, his eyes are puzzled and curious!

"That idiot, what did the dialogue style do? How did the white style become like that? The second form of the white style is not that way at all."

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