The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0166Follow me back to Germany

The dazzling sensation of sunlight shining from the window awakened Lafra in a deep sleep.

"You're awake." A familiar voice sounded, and Lavra was able to determine where she had heard it in an instant. It was the voice of her beloved instructor, Chiba Chindong.

"I...what's wrong with me?" I tried to stand up, but I didn't have any strength.

"Your whole body is overloaded, causing muscle fatigue and bruises. You probably won't be able to move for the time being. Don't force yourself." Qian Dong pressed Lavra and stretched out the quilt to help her cover her.

"What happened... What happened...?" The memory in Lafra's mind was the infinite darkness and the moment when Nie Kong hugged herself before coma.For the rest of the blackening incident, the impression is very vague.

Because Lafra's face had just moved, the pain that penetrated the whole body was distorted.But her red right eye stared at Qiandong with a completely different golden color, revealing confusion directly.

"Huh... Basically, because this is a major case, everything is classified." Qian Dong also knows Lafra's stubborn character, not someone who will give up when he hears this answer.So after she said in silence that she can't tell others the next thing, she slowly said: "You should know the VT system, right?"

"Yes! The official name is the Valkyrie Backtracking System. It is a system that can record the opponent's battle data. I remember it is..." Lavra said, not knowing what she thought, her lovely face was pale.

"Yes, according to the IS treaty, all countries, organizations, and companies are now completely banning research, development and use! And your IS has it, and it is very cleverly hidden! The mental state of the controller, the accumulated damage to the body, and The most important thing is the wishes of the controller! No, it is a wish! It seems that all these conditions must be prepared before the launch. Now the school is asking the German army, and the committee will probably launch a mandatory search in the near future."

Lavra grabbed the sheet hard, lowered her gaze and dared not look at Qian Dong, and said sadly: "I just want to be stronger, I hope to defeat him, and bring the instructor back to our Germany again."

"Although Heiyu's VT system riot helped, you still lost the game. You know now, IS Academy is not as simple as you thought. If your goal is to find instructors who can improve your skills, I have There’s nothing to teach you. I’m afraid the classmate Nie Kong has completely surpassed me in strength. Hmm... After all, you have to stay in this academy for three years. It’s not as good as your own training and become a German instructor. Come on, little girl." Qian Dong got up from the chair and left. She has said everything that should be said, and she is ready to return to the post of teacher.

After Lavra heard that classmate Nie Kong was better than the instructor, Qian Dong couldn't listen to anything behind him.

"What does Teacher Qiandong mean? Why do you say that I am weaker than Nie Kong? Does she mean that I should choose a better instructor and take Nie Kong back to Germany." Then, Qiandong left the room. Minutes later, Lavra suddenly became strange.

"Do you want me to choose an instructor who is stronger than Teacher Qiandong?" A vague memory fragment suddenly appeared in her mind, the plot of herself fighting Nie Kong fiercely in the arena.The power of destroying the world shook Lafra's heart.

Even if he became a copy of the instructor, he actually lost to classmate Nie Kong.Even after forcibly collecting Nie Kong's data and becoming him, he still lost.

Although just laughter would affect the whole body and cause pain, but Lavra still felt very happy.Lost completely, the loss was inexhaustible, but she felt extremely good.

It turns out that there are really people who are stronger than Teacher Qiandong.Nie Kong, do you want to go back to Germany with me?

The academic year ranking competition was suspended due to an accident, but because the ranking competition is related to future personal data, the second and third grade competitions have to restart.

The next morning, Nie Kong came to the classroom with the four girls.It's just that the girls at school today don't know if the aunt is here in a group, and their pretty faces all look very depressed.

"Winning... the opportunity... is gone!"

"The victory date...wasted..."

I saw dozens of girls crying around Nie Kong, and said pitifully: "Student Nie Kong, since the game has no results, then you can date me." It turns out that everything is the teacher Zhenye encouraged the school The enthusiasm of sister paper secretly announced at the school that the classmate who won the first place in the school year would have the opportunity to date classmate Nie Kong.

Just when Nie Kong thought that he was going to crush countless girls to death, a bulldozer blew into the air with countless beauties and rescued Nie Kong who was trapped!

It was Mengmei Zi Lavra who broke in and disturbed my communication with the girls!

She was covered in black IS black rain, no wonder she was so awesome, she was able to knock down dozens of sisters more than him.

Really all of a sudden, Lavra grabbed Nie Kong's collar and pulled it towards her, and then her lips kissed Nie Kong's mouth.

Sun, did you get kissed by little loli?The earth was shaking, even Nie Kong's head was in a mess, and he couldn't figure out what happened.All the girls present opened their mouths, including Ling, and all the girls had this expression.

"La... Lafra, what are you going to do."

"You, you are my bride. It has been decided! Do not accept your objection and go back to Germany with Lavra!" Lavra's undulating eyes looked straight at Nie Kong boldly, and a strangely charming face appeared on her cold face. The crimson.

"Ahhh... Lavra, you are too much, how can you do this to classmate Nie Kong."

"Woo, I... I want to kiss classmate Nie Kong too."

The surrounding girls woke up and rushed to Nie Kong and Lavra, and the sound of babbling kisses continued to sound.Nie Kong felt that his cheek had kissed the girls dozens of times at least.

"Hey, I'm so angry. Master pervert, you are too popular." Cecilia's mouth was bulging, and her feet kept stomping on the ground.

Qi wailed, wondering whether he was happy that he had such a popular man, or whether he should be crying and being assaulted by a group of girls in front of her.As for Ling, she had already joined the robbery of Nie Kong.

Within a few minutes, Nie Kong snatched the first kisses of dozens of girls in the class.Should I be happy, but I want to cry, you guys are too unreasonable!

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