The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0167, do not resist

The night at IS Academy is very quiet, and the girls have entered their dreams.In the 1025 dormitory, the rough gasps gradually calmed down as the girl screamed.

Suddenly outside of Nie Kong's dormitory, a girl in cute pajamas walked quietly.Although she is already a high school student, she has a lovely figure like a 13-year-old Lori.

Under the crimson right pupil was Lafra's worried face.My original idea was to ask Nie Kong to marry himself, and then return to the German military base with himself to accept the position of coach.

Ever since Nie Kong defeated her in the arena and rescued her from the rioting black rain, Lafra left the shadow of Nie Kong in her heart.After Qian Dong's persuasion, Lafra finally made up his mind to take Nie Kong away.

It's just that Lavra didn't expect Nie Kong to be so popular in school, and she rarely had the opportunity to be alone with Nie Kong.Lavra, who didn’t know how to fall in love, could only quietly call the German Black Rabbit Special Forces to request assistance. The Black Rabbit Special Forces Clerisa told her that pushing forcibly is the king’s way. heart.

So tonight, Lavra decided to do what the captain said, and came to Nie Kong's dormitory.With a click, the unlocking skills that Lafra learned in the special forces are perfectly reflected.

Carefully opened the door of the dormitory, Lafra walked into the room cautiously on tiptoe.After seeing that the bed in the dormitory was empty, she finally let out a deep breath.

"It seems that classmate Nie Kong lives by himself, Charles Frenchman does not live with him. Lavra, your luck is coming." She encouraged herself secretly, and Lavra faded her lovely Pajamas climbed onto the bed.

"Yeah...what did you push? I didn't say it clearly in the book. I remember it was written about two people taking off their clothes and sleeping together. It should be." Lavra murmured and got into the quilt. .

"It's so comfortable and warm." Lavra's compact body climbed onto Nie Kong's strong body, and her legs naturally diverged on both sides of his body, and the whole body was pressed up.Her posture made every piece of her skin tightly printed on Nie Kong's body.

The naked bodies of the two were wrapped together under the quilt, and Nie Kong could clearly feel that the extremely soft Loli of Lafra's body was constantly touching his whole body!

"Originally, I just wanted to fall asleep after I fed Charlotte. Why did Lavra MM suddenly cause the night attack?" Now I want to give up exploring the secrets of Lavra's body and go to sleep. I can't do it at all. Arrived.

Nie Kong stretched out his hands and hugged Lafra's compact body into his broad arms.Loli is small but well developed.The fruit on the chest is already the size of an orange.

"Lafra MM, why did you appear on my bed?" The long flowing silver hair was scattered along the curve of her waist, and fell on Nie Kong's face.

"My wife, are you still asleep? I heard that to become a real husband and wife, one must do a very sacred thing. So tonight, I will push you forcibly and don't resist."

Nie Kong wanted to ask her, who is the guy who instilled her 18X knowledge?My lovely sister Lavra, it can't be so H.

"Then do you know what you mean by pushing it?" Nie Kong quickly raised her head and looked at her directly.

"It's easy, aren't we doing it now. Good luck, just sleep with me for one night." Lavra turned her head, her pure face drifted with a faint crimson.Blushing and looking away, it's a, it's very cute.

Please, where did you see these things?

"Wrong, what you said was not pushed to the end." Nie Kong denied directly.

"Isn't that true, what should I do?" Lavra turned her face in surprise, her eyes widened as if she was surprised.

"Well...what should I say, this kind of thing is not clear, so let's show it to you personally." Nie Kong held down Lafra's little head, and stamped her mouth on her mouth. .

"Is this kissing? This is not kissing." An electric current came from his little mouth.

There was a hint of fruity sweetness in Lavra's fragrance, which attracted Nie Kong to continuously devour it.

"No... isn't it just pushing... falling? Come... come on." Lavra pretended to be bold and trembled.

"Coming soon!" Nie Kong gently hugged Lafra's body and hugged her gently.

"Aha..." Lavra felt that her body had been torn apart, and she hadn't had that pain since she was born.

Seeing that the lovely Lavra was so uncomfortable, Nie Kong did not move, waiting for the relief of the double cultivation technique.As the energy entered Lavra's body, Lavra's eyes widened.

"I...I don't have any pain, my wife, you can continue."

"Should be called husband, not wife!" This little loli is too naughty and needs a severe lesson!

The fierce voice sounded again, giving people unlimited reverie.

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