The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 018, create dense fog! !

It is so big in Japan, how difficult it is to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people, even if you know the name of the eighth selected child!Nevertheless, Nie Kong must find her before the selected children come to avoid changes in the situation that he cannot control.

The evil dragon beast pulled the carriage quickly up and down on the flat road, while the little evil beast sitting on the top looked around, looking for a place to stay temporarily.

The evil dragon beast's mouth kept spitting out heat, although it was a mortal servant, it was huge and heroic.Whether it was a roadblock or a car parked on the side of the road, all were crushed forcibly by it.

The carriage jolted, and from inside and outside the car came the whisper of the little evil beast: "The vampire beast king, has reached the destination. I have found a good place for you to temporarily base the little evil beast. I believe you will like it. ."

Feeling that the carriage had stopped, Nie Kong opened the door of the carriage and walked out.The front of the entrance is a wide basement, but although the wide basement is filled with various cars.

The environment feels very dark, but the air is particularly muddy.If it's a vampire beast before, you might like this place.But Nie Kong's soul is a human being, so naturally he would not want to live in the parking lot.

Now Nie Kong's resistance to light has been enhanced. If it were not for direct sunlight, he would not feel uncomfortable at all.So as long as you hide in the house and don't go out, you won't hide in the basement without light like before.

"Asshole, do you want to live in such a dirty place for the dignified vampire beast king?" Nie Kong glared at the little evil beast, dissatisfied.

"But... but the Vampire King, the environment here is similar to that in the castle. I searched for a long time and found that the only place without sunlight is here. And the new base has just begun to be established, and it is too late for David to live in right away. , Lord, you can endure it for a while." The little evil monster knelt on the ground immediately, and kept explaining.

Nie Kong, the loyal little evil beast, knew it, but every time he would take care of what Nie Kong had confessed to, Nie Kong was helpless.

"Since the master is not satisfied, then go find another place. The little evil beast is not fast enough, just leave it to me Dilu beast. Master, what kind of place do you like?" Dilu beast asked Tao.

"Why don't you still use me? Of course, I want to live in the best house." Nie Kong narrowed his eyes and looked at a luxurious villa opposite the exit."Just like that one."

Dilumon and the little evil beast looked at each other, and they felt that Nie Kong's taste had changed greatly.He has always liked darkness, why would he want to live in such a bright house on the ground?

After a while, Dilumon found the house Nie Kong requested.The house is far from the noisy city and belongs to the sparsely populated suburbs. Compared to any villa Nie Kong has just seen, it is much more gorgeous.I just don't know why, the villa under the dark night is surrounded by a faint mist. The mystery that sets off the villa is simply a base tailored for Nie Kong.

The villa is covered by a piece of natural clarity, and pink flowers bloom in the flowerbeds.Such a huge and beautiful villa was empty at this time.Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of being solved by his subordinates. Nie Kong did not feel a trace of guilt for the bad thing of occupying other people's houses.

When he found a place to stay temporarily, Nie Kong arranged the countless hands of Dilumon and the little evil beasts to find a little girl named Yashen Jiaer, and he himself took the little evil beasts to change the environment of the city.

He wants the dazzling sunlight to shine in this city, creating a battlefield that is beneficial to him.In other words, he used his superpower to create a fog that enveloped the entire city like the original book.

Standing at the highest point of the city, Nie Kong began to use his superpowers.In the dark night, the fog in the city became heavier and heavier. At this time, all Japanese people were still immersed in dreams, but had no idea about the crisis that was about to come.

Seeing Nie Kong's hand lightly raised, the thick fog danced in the night sky.With Nie Kong's superpower control, the fog spread around the city centered on him.A devil's carnival is about to take place.

These thick fogs can not only block the sun and the line of sight, but also block the magnetic and electric waves of communication!At this moment, the telephone and TV in the whole city were paralyzed.

The dense fog paralyzed the city’s communication and transportation systems and cut off contact with the outside world. Even if all the Japanese were killed, the people in the rest of the city would not know.

I have to say that ordinary human beings are so helpless in the face of natural disasters.

After doing all this, Nie Kong's body couldn't help shaking badly.He only felt that his head was about to explode, and there was a feeling of weakness and weakness in his body.He knew that this was a sequelae of exhaustion of mental energy.

Using superpowers to change the environment of a big city requires too much spiritual power.The original Vampire Beast was able to control this smoke by absorbing human blood to supplement energy.But Nie Kong felt that if it weren't for the blood of a virgin, he would feel very sick and couldn't swallow it at all.

If there are vampires living in Japan in the real world, they will probably starve to death.The speed at which women are made in Japan is many times faster than the speed at which girls are born.

"Vampire Beast King, are you okay." Little Evil Beast said worriedly.

"I don't have any problems, just rest for a while. During my absence, you should find out the girl named Yashen Jiaer as soon as possible. There is nothing important and don't disturb my rest!" Nie Kongqiang resisted his dizziness. Feeling like, ordered the evil dragon beast to return to the base.

This time, the mental power was exhausted, and there would be no one or two days to fully recover.Of course, if Nie Kong gets energy everywhere, it will be different!

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