The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 017, Nie Kong who wants to suck blood! !

"Damn it, is there no way to stop the Vampire Beast." Watching the door slowly close, he hit the ground with one punch.

"Taiyi, we are not good, the strength is too weak to compare with him!" The ball beast said depressed.

"What should I do now, the Flower Fairy Beast is still in the hands of Vampire Beasts, and now the door to Japan is closed again. Is there any way to save my Flower Fairy Beast." Meimei said in tears. .

"More than that, if a large group of people go to Tokyo to make trouble, it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil." Suna said with some worry.

"Now we can only go out and ask the old man Xuan Nei to see if he has any way to open this door again. Of course, there is also a way to eliminate the blood-sucking beasts." Guangzi Lang made a good suggestion.

Awa and Azhu's eyes lit up, they had no choice but to do that.

"Then, let's leave the city of darkness first. The old man Xuannei's message won't be sent here!" Taiyi calmed down and led the other six people out of the city of darkness.

As soon as he walked out of the castle, the virtual image of the old man Xuan Nai appeared in front of Tai One Seven.

"Looking at you, it seems that the battle has failed. What a shame." As the most mysterious figure of Digimon, no one knows whether he is a human or a Digimon.The only thing that is clear is that he guards the Digimon world together with the Four Holy Beasts.

"Old man Xuan Nei, it's a pity that it's useless! If this continues, the eighth child and the Flower Fairy will be killed." Ahe said anxiously.

"Is there no way for us to open the door again?" Guangzi Lang asked.

"There is a way, but it needs to be explained with props, please come to my house." The image of the old man Xuan Nei disappeared, and a beam of light appeared in the distant sky.

"Follow this light, and you can reach my home." The old man Xuan Nei's voice sounded again, and the seven selected children headed by Taiyi followed the light to the old man Xuan Nei's house under the river at the same time.

"To open that door, you must need this!" The old man Xuan Nai spread ten cards with Digimon on the table."In front of the gate to Japan, there are nine holes. Nine of these ten cards must be placed in the card slot one by one so that the door can be opened."

"But there are ten cards here, please add one more. How do these cards correspond to the holes?" Guangzi Lang asked.

"Well, I don't know about this issue! All in all, these cards will be given to you first. But don't just leave them randomly. If you go to another world, it will be troublesome." The old man Xuan Nei touched his baldness. Head, casually.

"But... but the Vampire Beast is so powerful. Our seven complete Digimons were defeated in one move. I want to ask you, can you evolve again after evolving into a complete body?" asked the ball beast. .

"This, it can evolve again in the complete body, but only a few Digimon can evolve successfully!" The old man Xuan Nai thought for a moment, or told Taiyi and others this information.Although he doesn't know what effect it will have, it is always good to give them a little hope.

"Really, how can our Digimon evolve again?" Taiyi grabbed the hands of the old man Xuan Nai excitedly.

"I have said that only a small part of Digimon can meet the conditions for evolution. Unfortunately, I don’t know if your Digimon can evolve again. But I have a few words to tell you, you give me Remember carefully. When angels appear, they will shoot arrows at the people they guard and their favorite people. A miracle will appear at that time..." The old man Xuan Nei said seriously.

"If the strength of the eighth selected child cannot defeat the enemy, please remember the words I just said." The seven selected children nodded.

On the other side, after passing through the layers of mist in front of the gate, the carriage carrying Nie Kong finally stepped onto the hard and flat concrete.

"Vampire Beast King, look at how tall the rooms in this world are built!" The little evil Beast standing on the top of the carriage exclaimed excitedly, looking at the surrounding scene.

Nie Kong got off the carriage and looked at the familiar road and the countless towering buildings, and he also missed it.In a daze, he felt that everything he had experienced some time ago was like a dream.

"Is this Japan? I don't know if my mother and sister will appear in this world." Nie Kong sighed, "Let's go, find a place to settle down first!"

There is no place to stay, and it will be bad in the daytime.Although his strength was only reduced by a quarter, it was very uncomfortable to be exposed to the sun, and Nie Kong didn't like that feeling either.Sometimes he couldn't help despising the vampire beast, he was just a vampire at the bottom, afraid of light.

"Yes, Vampire Beast King!" In the black night sky, the Death Beast was driving the Evil Dragon Beast fast in the streets of the city.Fortunately, there are not many people at night, otherwise you will be scared to death if you are seen.

At this moment, a very beautiful girl came out from the corner of the street and stopped in the middle of the carriage, and the death beast had to stop the carriage.

"Master, there is a human girl in front of you, are you going to kill her!" The Dilumon on the roof jumped off and opened the door of the carriage!

"A mere human, let my little evil beast be solved!" The little evil beast quacked and said.

The girl in front of the carriage, looking at the monster in front of her in horror, was so frightened to the ground that she did not dare to move!

"Wait, don't make your own claim!" Nie Kong got out of the carriage and looked at the girl.Sure enough, it's a two-dimensional world, and a girl who walks out is so beautiful.

Nie Kong gently walked towards the Japanese girl. The girl looked at Nie Kong who was like Prince Charming on stage, her eyes were completely attracted by Nie Kong's noble and evil face.

For some reason, he felt hungry when he came to this world, something that has never happened in the Digimon world.

The dream was like the feeling of taking drugs, spreading from her neck to her body, she felt her whole body floating.But when Nie Kong sucked blood from the girl's body into his mouth, he couldn't help but vomit the blood out of his mouth.

"Evil Dragon Beast, swallow her for me!" Nie Kong threw the girl over. The girl screamed in fear, but the Evil Dragon Beast opened its mouth and swallowed her alive.

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