The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 016Go to Japan

Nie Kong looked for the memory of the blood-sucking beasts in the Central Plains in his mind, and found that opening the dimensional gate to Japan requires a special key.Nie Kong knew from his memory that the key was nine Digimon cards.It is necessary to put the cards in the card slot one by one before the door of the dimension can be opened.Each key can only be opened once, and you must look for it again if it fails.

With the key, Nie Kong came to the front of the dimension gate.The gate in front of you is 20 meters high and more than ten meters large.Baptized by the years, it exudes a simple and strong atmosphere.

In front of the gate, there was a small raised stone with nine card slots. Nie Kong knew that it was the keyhole to open the gate.Dilu Beast Little Evil Beast and many other subordinates had waited for Nie Kong in front of the gate for a long time, and they all knelt on the ground when Nie Kong appeared.

The death beast floated in front of Nie Kong strangely, and respectfully said: "Vampire beast king, all soldiers are ready, please order!" Behind the death beast is a group of fierce beasts dressed in white cloth.

"Master, our side is also assembled." Dilumon half-kneeled on the ground, behind her were the super sea dragon beast, the death flame beast and other powerful Digimon that she found.

"Vampire Beast King, your car is ready." Beside the little evil beast, there was a carriage pulled by an evil dragon beast.

"Listen well, our purpose is twofold, one is to find the eighth child who was selected, and the other is to conquer another world with me!" Nie Kong made a pre-combat speech with great authority.

"Yes, Vampire Beast King!" The Digimon standing below cheered.

Nie Kong didn't want to talk too much, so he took out nine cards and placed them next to the card slot, and put the cards into the card slot one by one according to the memory method.

"Open the door of another world!" With Nie Kong's yelling, the stone platform released a dazzling colorful light, shining on the simple door.The rigorous door slowly opened a crack in this light.Slowly the cracks grew bigger and bigger, and the world on the opposite side finally appeared in front of them.

"Go!" Dilumon waved back, and the many Digimon standing behind her walked out the door neatly one by one, with patience and excitement.

"Hold on, stop the Vampire Beast for me!"

When all the Digimon present walked out the gate, Taichi Iori's voice came from behind the passage.After a rush of footsteps, the seven selected children and their Digimon have arrived in front of Nie Kong.

"Your purpose, Elder Xuan Nei, has already told us that I will not let you go to our world to make trouble, and let you hurt the eighth selected child." Taichi Iori shouted.

"The old man Xuan Nei also told us that the eighth selected child is your nemesis, right, as long as you find her before you, you are dead." Ahe also looked at Nie Kong coldly.

"It's great for you to come, but unfortunately, you still can't stop me. Let's witness the moment of historical change." Seeing Tai Yiqi appearing, a smile appeared on Nie Kong's face.

"Abominable blood-sucking beast, you quickly return the Flower Fairy Beast to me!" Meimei glared at Nie Kong, ready to do it herself.

"It's a pity that Huaxian Beast is not here now! If you are destined to see you in another world, I will kindly let you meet. Little evil demon, let's go!" Nie Kong didn't have time to pay attention to Taiyi and the others, and the door was about to close.

"Agumon, stop him!" Tai Yi said anxiously.

"Knowing Taiyi, Agumon evolves Tyrannosaurus beast! Tyrannosaurus beast super-evolved, mechanical Tyrannosaurus beast!" Agumon, who knew the horror of vampire beasts, directly evolved into a complete body.

"You guys also help, Gabumon!" Ahe also took out the Divine Plan and the badge of friendship.

"Everyone, let's go." Gabumon followed Agumon and also evolved twice in a row to become a full-body orc Garuru.Suna's Bhikkhu, Kokoro's Beetle, Asuke's Goma, and the three Digimon all evolved into perfect bodies.Even Awu's Badamon can successfully evolve into a mature angel beast at this moment.

"Vampire Beast, I will never let you take a step here and destroy the cannon!" Two black shark missiles spurted out of the mechanical tyrannosaurus chest, aiming at Nie Kong.

"Heavy hammer sparks!" The evolved complete body of the Goma Beast took out a heavy metal hammer and smashed it.

"Don't give up, you are not my opponent at all! Devil's blood whip!!" A blood-red whip appeared in Nie Kong's right hand, aiming at the mechanical tyrannosaurus trick.

The Ultimate Destructive Cannon was slammed by Nie Kong, changed its direction and slammed into the hammer of the Zu Dunmon.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the huge body of Zu Dunmon was shaken back a few steps.

"Vampire demon, disappear under the sacred light, Fist of Heaven!" The angel beast's fist lit up, and then a beam of light directed towards Nie Kong.

"Abominable light attribute attack, watch my night demon fly!" Numerous bats flew out of Nie Kong's cloak, blocking Nie Kong's front.Although his light resistance has increased to 50%, his body will feel uncomfortable even in the boxing of heaven by the angel beast.

As the light and darkness collided, Nie Kong's night demon's flying attack gradually swallowed the fist of heaven and rammed into the angel beast!With the improvement of Nie Kong's strength, the power of the Night Demon's attack has also increased a lot.

"Caesar's sharp claws!" The orc Garuru's agile body came to Nie Kong in a flash, and his sharp claws grabbed Nie Kong's neck.

"Super Horned Cannon!" The huge Super Bido beast spouted a red energy cannon from its huge horns!One left and one right, taking advantage of Nie Kong's opportunity to deal with the angel beast, attacked.

"Good job, just kill him in one go." Taiichi encouraged from behind.

"Vampire Beast King, the gate is about to close, don't play." Little Evil Beast stood on the carriage and reminded Nie Kong.

"I will let you go today. I am waiting for you in the world over there, and see who can find her first." Nie Kong stretched out two blood whips in both hands, facing the orc Garuru. Flicked away with Super Bidomon.

Compared with the previous time, Nie Kong's strength did not know how much it increased.The blood whip quickly hit the orcs Garuru and Superbido Digimon first.

The two complete Digimons were knocked out by Nie Kong's power for more than ten meters, and fell to the ground and directly degenerated into juvenile stages.

"Too great, he is even better than before!" The degenerate unicorn of Gabumon tried to get up, but the pain spread throughout his body even it couldn't bear it.

"Devil blood whip!" Nie Kong's attack was not over yet, and the two blood whips quickly danced, one by one, all the other Digimon were injured and degraded to their infancy.

With a single whip, he was able to kill the entire body in a flash, and the children who were called were a little unbelievable.Because at that time yesterday, Nie Kong was not so good at all.

"The selected children, look forward to the meeting in another world. I won't be merciful by then! Haha..." Nie Kong got into the carriage, and the evil dragon beast slowly pulled the carriage and disappeared into the gate. .

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