The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 015, ring upgrade

Time does not know how long it has passed, and the Flower Fairy Beast regained its energy from the deepest sleep.I was about to get up, but felt a soreness in my lower body, and I couldn't help but let out a bit of pain.

Huaxianmon opened her smart eyes, but found that Nie Kong was pressing on her petite body, looking like she was sleeping soundly.Nie Kong, who completely took off his black cloak and clothes, could not see that it was a Digimon at all, but was exactly the same as a human body.

"They look no different from Tai Yi Mei Mei. I didn't expect it to be a Digimon like me."

"I really can't relax for a moment with you." A blood-red whip suddenly appeared and tied her up, and the Flower Fairy Beast looked at the bed in astonishment, just when it met Nie Kong's smiley eyes.

"Vampire Beast, you... when did you wake up?" Huaxian Beast was guilty of not looking at Nie Kong's eyes. It was difficult for a time to find a suitable expression to face such a scene.

Nie Kong pulled her blood whip forcefully to pull her past him, and put his arm around her Xiaoman waist and said, "If I don't wake up again, I don't know if I run away for you."

Seeing his resolute expression, Huaxian Beast was filled with joy and distress at the same time.This badass Vampire Beast, is it really asking me to fight against Meimei and the others.

After experiencing the double cultivation of the two not long ago, Huaxian Beast felt that Nie Kong had become the closest person in his heart, and even his partner Meimei could not match it.But first, she was born with a mission that was carved into her bones.From the time they were born, it is estimated that the old man Xuan Nei instilled children who were waiting to be called to save the world together.

"The dark forces are the enemies of the chosen children. Don't want to use my power to help you and Meimei and the others." Huaxian Beast struggled with both hands and fell into Nie Kong's arms as if he had accepted his fate.

"This world has already changed because of my appearance. Just wait for the Flower Fairy Beast to see how I defeat the seven selected children and defeat all the enemies in front of me." Nie Kong laughed.

Huaxianmon's head tilted, and her body instinctively met Nie Kong's mouth.Just as the two wanted to go further, a knock at the door interrupted their passion.

"Come in!" After hearing Nie Kong's reply, the people outside the door dared to push in.Dilu beast first knelt under Nie Kong's body with one foot, and gave a master and servant gift to Nie Kong.

"Master, the sun has set, shouldn't it be ready to set off to another world?" Dilumon raised his head and looked at Nie Kong, waiting for Nie Kong's order.

However, when Dilumon looked at it, he happened to see Nie Kong gently touching the flower fairy beast's head, while the flower fairy beast closed his eyes somewhat comfortably.She was so surprised that she couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes.

"Isn't that the Digimon who was selected as a child? How could she lie in the arms of her master?" Dilumon was envious and jealous of Flower Fairy in his heart.

"Is it time? Dilu beast, please tell them to gather at the gate leading to another world immediately, and follow me to conquer the other world!" Nie Kong didn't expect time to pass so fast, so he could only leave it behind. Gentle thoughts with the flower fairy.

"Yes, Master!" Dilumon glanced at Huaxian Beast complicatedly, and walked out of Nie Kong's bedroom.

How to deal with Huaxian Beast, Nie Kong feels a headache now.He didn't want to go with the flower fairy beast, it was so inconvenient.If he doesn't look at her at any time, he is afraid that she will sneak away!

"I don't know if the ring given to me by Emperor Fuxi can hold a living person." Nie Kong tried to put his consciousness into the ring in his right hand, and found that it had expanded many times.Originally, he could only see the space of ten meters inside the ring, and the rest was thick fog, his consciousness was too weak to cover.But now the space inside is hundreds of meters square, which has been expanded dozens of times.

And in the space, it is no longer a black and empty world, and there is mud in it, but there is no life.

"The greater the soul power, the greater the space of the ring? It's really convenient!" Nie Kong tried to put the bat into the space, wanting to see if he could hold a living thing.

After entering the space, the bat did not die but flew around in the space, trying to leave the unfamiliar space.

Nie Kong was very pleased to see this scene.He didn't expect that this ring could hold a living thing, it was a divine tool.

"It seems that Emperor Fuxi made this ring after imitating his sister Nuwa's Shanhe Sheji map. I don't know if the space inside is as big as the Shanhe Sheji picture!" The picture of Shanhe Sheji is the mother and daughter of the human race. There is a world in the magic weapon, which is the innate spiritual treasure used to anchor the heaven and the earth when the lich wars are broken.Fuxi may have refined such a ring of faith by referring to the picture of the mountain and river.

"The faith ring is too ugly, let's call it Dingtianjie." He originally felt that the Three Emperors gave him this task a bit tangled, because he couldn't take away all the two-dimensional girls he liked.

Now that Ding Tian Ji had this function, it solved the problem he had been thinking about during this time.

In the process of collecting the Flower Fairy Beast into the Sky Ring, Nie Kong also failed several times.On the one hand, it may be that his mental power is not enough, on the other hand, it may be that the flower fairy beast is resistant!These two aspects are the reasons for the failure.

However, after Nie Kong tried dozens of times, he finally successfully installed the Flower Fairy Beast into the Dingtian Ring.

"Being locked in a small space as small as a few hundred meters square of Dingtian Ring, I think it’s almost like being locked in a small black room. If my soul is strong enough, it’s okay, maybe it will be like a mountain and river in it. . There are mountains and water! But it’s still too young now, I hope she won’t cry and scream.” Nie Kong thought about it in his heart, but he was still cruel.

Huaxian Beast's reaction was much bigger than Nie Kong thought. She could not stand the lively and lovely nature in this small space.It was crying and making trouble, which seemed pitiful.

Nie Kong didn't expect that the next time he saw the inside of the ring, it turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

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