The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 014. The first practice!

The energy almost melted Nie Kong slowly.This kind of comfort to release together is really not something Five Girls can give him.

Nie Kong took a deep breath, holding his breath and holding his breath to bring up the supreme dual cultivation magic technique given by Renhuang Xuanyuan-the goddess cultivating goddess!

There are three stages in the imperial cultivating goddess. The first stage is to condense into a liquid.Condensing one's own soul into a liquid state, shrinks it on the upper Dantian Nigong Pill, forming a golden pill like the period of comprehension.

The second stage is to incubate the soul of the original soul, which is like a golden pill, to control the power of heaven and earth.At this point, the cultivation base has been comparable to a heavenly immortal who has spent a tribulation.

The third stage is the shaping of the golden body. This step is also the most difficult step. The soul is condensed into a golden body and the soul reaches the realm of immortality.

The Flower Fairy Beast underneath became flickering and disappearing, and it seemed that it was about to reach its limit, and it was about to degenerate.Nie Kong knew that the situation was urgent, and his body moved at will in accordance with the exercises.

With Nie Kong's input, he felt a warm current flow into his body from the place where he met, illuminating everything like the sun, and everything he passed through was peaceful and comfortable.

The deepest feeling is the soul, as if breaking through the physical body and ascending into the sky, slowly becoming solid!

The Huaxian Beast has high aptitude and very good strength. It just feels refreshed and full of power.

The improved strength depends on the opponent's strength and physique. The higher the girl's strength, the more beautiful the two sides will benefit.If it is not a virgin, it is estimated that the benefits for both parties are basically about twice as fast as Nie Kong's cultivation alone.Where it is like now, it is obvious that you can feel the increase in body strength.

Huaxian Beast also felt the changes in her body, and when her strength was almost exhausted and ready to degenerate, a wave of power came from her so that she could maintain it and not degenerate.

This power is very strong without any impurities. She only feels that her strength is rapidly improved by this power.

He knew what Nie Kong thought in the heart of the Flower Fairy Beast beneath him.

Flower Fairy Beast was a little bit painful and a little happy, but what was painful was that she was Meimei's partner and had the responsibility to correct the twisted world.Happily, the bad guy from Vampire Beast caught himself because he liked her.

"Haha... Flower Fairy Beast, you should know that no one can stop me from conquering this world!

The double repair has reached the last step, and the two bodies feel the rapid increase in strength in the double repair, and then slowly stabilized.

After the double repair, the strength of the two has been greatly improved.As for the Flower Fairy Beast, it was originally unable to maintain its complete body, and needed the beautiful badge and the evolution of digital machines.And now, there is no pressure at all to remain completely.

Of course, the one who benefited most was Nie Kong, whose soul power had been consolidated several times.The most notable is his sensitivity to light. If his resistance to light was zero before the double repair, he has now become 50% light resistance.

If he were to face the celestial beast and the eight selected children now, he would definitely not be killed by the celestial beast after gathering the power of the eight Digimon like the original, and he would be able to escape without any help.

He slightly felt that if he could double repair with another girl or Pokémon with strength like a flower fairy again, his strength would increase by leaps and bounds, and his strength might reach the stage of the final level.

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