The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 013, start the training plan

The death beast promised, carrying the golden sickle that never left the body, disappearing like a ghost in front of Nie Kong.Now only Nie Kong and the flower fairy beast who was struck by his life-threatening cry were left in the room, a man and a woman.

Nie Kong looked up and down at the Flower Fairy Beast, and the more he looked, the more he liked the fairy-like little loli.The primal impulse of more than two decades burst out of Nie Kong's heart at this time.

It has always been his wish to stay at home to be able to have relationships with the girls in the two-dimensional world he likes, and to get the two-dimensional girls of his dreams.Otherwise, he would not fail the 28th blind date because he suffered too much from Liao Du.

Coming to the two-dimensional world, Nie Kong was like a wild horse running out of limbo, and no morality could stop him.On the contrary, the more the original characters and plot are destroyed, the more beneficial it is to the Yan and Huang clan.

Nie Kong's eyes were red, his mouth was hot, and even the temperature of the room seemed to rise more than ten degrees.

At this moment, the Flower Fairy Beast screamed and slowly opened his eyes. Obviously, the effect of the life-death scream had been lifted, and the Flower Fairy Beast returned to its original complexion.

Flower Fairy Beast glanced blindly, and saw that the person standing in front of him was wearing a black cloak. Isn't it just that evil villain Digimon Vampire Beast?

"Hua Xian Pao!" Without a second word, the small hands of Hua Xian Beast were directly closed together, turning into a budding flower bone flower.

"Hmph, haven't you learned your lesson? You can't escape from my palm." Nie Kong's right hand reappeared in blood red, and the blood whip quickly tied the Huaxian Beast's hands with a quick swipe.

The small feet of the Flower Fairy Beast still wanted to kick, Nie Kong's tall body suddenly pressed against the small body of the Flower Fairy Beast.According to the proportions, the height of Huaxian Beast was only about Nie Kong's shoulders.If it’s a past life, it’s just about the size of a girl in the second grade.

But as a flower elf, small and cute is her charm.

"Vampire Beast, what do you want to do to me? Quickly let me go, I want to return to Meimei!!" Huaxian Beast exclaimed.

"Hua Xian Beast, you are now my captive, and you have no right to call it a condition!" Nie Kong's face slowly approached the Hua Xian Beast, and the hot breath sprayed on her face made her feel a little uneasy.

The Flower Fairy Beast didn't even know what was going on, and could only dare not move.

"You will understand it later, but rest assured that I won't be willing to hurt you." Nie Kong quickly took off all the black clothes he was wearing, revealing a strong physique.

When Nie Kong got all the Flower Fairy Beast, the lovely girl showed an expression of pain.

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