The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 012, deterrence!

"The Vampire Beast King is so smart. With this Flower Fairy Beast, I believe that the children who are selected will fall into the trap." Little Evil Beast said happily.

"Vampire...Master...Master, aren't you ready to go to another world to find the eighth child?" Dilumon couldn't help but ask softly.Just uttering the word master in front of the little evil beast made her white cat face blush.

Under Nie Kong's order, Dilumon has gathered a group of powerful Digimon from various regions, and they are all eagerly waiting to follow the Vampire Beast to conquer another world.

"I will definitely go to another world. After all, the eighth selected child is my confidant. We can go to another world, and the selected child can believe it, so we must first find the eighth child. The selected children! The purpose of catching the Flower Fairy Beast is to contain their actions in another world." Nie Kong said casually.

Grasping the Flower Fairy naturally has this purpose, but the biggest reason is that he doesn't want to let this pure and lovely Flower Fairy go.You know, female human Digimon is really rare in this world.But every female humanoid Digimon is a unique gem, and everyone will have her unique temperament.

Looking at the petrified Flower Fairy Beast in his arms, Nie Kong was inexplicably excited. The virgin body of more than two decades was finally broken in the Digimon world!I believe that my mother and sister in the three-dimensional world will also be very pleased.

"The sky is about to dawn, let's go back to the castle first." Nie Kong picked up the petite Flower Fairy Beast in one hand, and slowly floated into the carriage pulled by the Evil Dragon Beast.Dilumon and the little evil beast followed closely.

After half an hour, they returned to the Dark City, the territory of his blood-sucking beasts.But there was no such loneliness in the castle, and noisy voices came from inside.

"I'm sorry, master, it's probably the Digimon I summoned to make trouble inside!" During the two days, Dilumon found a lot of powerful Digimon from outside.In particular, there are several Digimon that are still complete, not the mature Dilumon can tame!Dilumon looked at Nie Kong apologetically, hoping to be forgiven by Nie Kong.

"This little thing can't be done well, it's really useless! Little evil beast, you show me in and see, which guy actually dared to cause trouble in the dark city of my vampire beast king." Nie Kong was very upset, originally thinking I am happily preparing my coming-of-age ceremony, but I don't know if I was upset by these guys.

"Lord Vampire Beast, leave it to me little evil demon." Of course, the little evil demon won't let go of this opportunity to show loyalty, and rushed into the castle first.

But it is a pity that the Digimon inside does not give the little evil demon face.In an instant, the little evil demon "flyed" out of the castle at a faster speed, fell to the ground and rolled at the feet of Nie Kong.

"Trash!" Nie Kong kicked the little evil beast with his big feet, holding the flower fairy beast in his left hand and walked into the castle.He wanted to see that the guy with little eyes was making trouble in his own place.

As soon as I walked inside, I saw the super sea dragon beast, the death flame beast, and the mammoth beast rolled into a ball, fighting fiercely.The three of them should be the three complete Digimon summoned by Dilumon.In the remaining maturity and growth stages, Digimon didn't dare to move in front of these three complete bodies.

"It's really outrageous. If you don't give me a lesson, you still think that my blood-sucking beast is a soft egg that anyone can pinch, demon blood whip!!" Nie Kong's heart burned with anger, and the blood whip in his right hand was thrown at the fighting man. Three perfect bodies.

The blood whip swung out with all strength and hit the three complete Digimons one by one with a mighty force, and their huge bodies were all taken away several meters away.For a moment, all three of them didn't dare to move, and their eyes looked at Nie Kong with fear and submission.The whip just now dispelled all the pride in their hearts.As for the remaining maturity and growth stages, naturally, he did not dare to kneel on the ground obediently and shouted the Vampire Beast King.

In this world of the weak and the strong, strength is the most important.Without strength, only death is waiting for you.Nie Kong's cold eyes scanned a circle. Those Digimon didn't dare to look directly at Nie Kong's eyes, and lowered their heads.

"Hmph, if you dare to mess up again, I will kill you. Now you give me stay here and listen carefully to the arrangement of Dilu Beast and Little Evil Beast." Nie Kong flung his black cloak, turned and walked towards the depths of the castle. bedroom.

Just when Nie Kong came to the front of the room, the only complete Digimon Death Beast who was loyal to the Vampire Beast was already waiting there.

"Report to the Vampire King, the stone road leading to the gate of the different dimension has been repaired." This is the task arranged by the former Vampire Monster, and it has now been completed.

Nie Kong had already learned the way to open the door to another world from the memory of the original Vampire Beast.Now he is ready to go to the real world in Digimon to find the eighth child Jiaer.

And when he introduced all the seven selected children into the real world, it is estimated that the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness should begin to seal the four holy beasts guarding the Digimon world at that time!He who belongs to the dark camp is not afraid of the four heavenly kings, but the four holy beasts of the bright camp are also a big threat to him.He wanted to take advantage of the journey in the real world to change his fate for himself, success or failure in one fell swoop!

"Although my ultimate body is very strong, I won't evolve such a monster. Now the only way to improve my strength is to rely on the supreme dual cultivation skills. Human Emperor Xuanyuan Royal Daughter Three Thousand, it seems to me The road is still far away." Nie Kong looked at the flower fairy beast like a sleeping Snow White in a fairy tale, and his blood began to boil.The human emperor cultivated to Da Luo Jinxian, and then led the human race to defeat Chi You and became one of the three emperors with immeasurable merits.Of course, the rest of the two emperors all made great contributions to the human race, and the Heavenly Dao made immeasurable merits to make it enlightenment.

"Very well done! Now you go back and prepare. I will notify you separately when you start." Nie Kong took the Flower Fairy Beast into the room and threw the Flower Fairy Beast on the bed.And the coffin in the room was gone, it seemed that Nie Kong was replaced with a big bed.

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