The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 011, catch the flower fairy beast! !

Seeking flowers, asking for rewards, asking for collection!Working hard!!!

After using the super power transferred by this trick, Nie Kong also felt weak in his mental power. It seems that the super power can be used up to four or five times.After all, Nie Kong's soul power is not strong enough.


"Beetle beast!"

"Gabumon!" Taiyi, Ahe, and Guangzilang ran over there worriedly.It seems that the bond between the selected children and the Digimon is very unusual.

"The same is complete, but none of the three are his opponents. Where is he sacred?" Tai Yi said blankly.It's no wonder Taiyi has such thoughts, after all, the fully-integrated enemy Gokumon was defeated by the fully-integrated Mechanical Tyrannosaurus not long ago.

"It's different. Each Digimon has different strengths and cannot be measured by its complete body. Defeating this vampire beast is probably the reason why we were selected to this world." Guangzi Lang hugged the beetle, his face It is very serious.

"Hua Xian Cannon!" In the face of such a terrifying opponent, the only remaining complete Hua Xian Beast did not have the usual laughter, and the flower buds in his hands once again sprayed a green cannonball at Nie Kong.

The demon blood whip in Nie Kong's hand reappeared, and he drew it at the Huaxian Cannon.The Huaxian Beast's Huaxian Cannon was immediately scattered by Nie Kong into the sky.

"If you don't be naughty, you look really cute. But I am the devil, and I will not pity you! Desperately scream!" The gray-black bat shadow flew out of Nie Kong's hands and hit it. The body of the sky flower fairy beast.

"Ah...what's going on, I can't move my body?" Huaxian Beast only felt that after being hit by the gray illusory shadow released by Nie Kong, his body began to stiffen.

Nie Kong was also very curious about the effect of his life-death screaming, after all, this was the first time he had used this skill.In Nie Kong's eyes, the pink petals on the flower fairy beast opposite and the green wings on the back suddenly turned into a dead gray.The Flower Fairy Beast seemed to have lost all its vitality, and could no longer keep flying and fell from the sky.

On the other side, the badly injured Badora was struggling to stand up and participate in the battle again, seeing the dangerous situation at this time.

"No, you have already received such a serious injury from Badora, how can you continue to fight like this." Suna held the Badora's wings and stopped immediately.

"It doesn't matter Sona, I have to go now." Badora wanted to fly over with her wings, but Suna was very worried about the physical condition of Badora, and pulled its wings to not let it go.

"Let go of me, Sona, why don't you understand me." Badora beast called out.

Suna heard these words, her head was like five thunders, and her hands that held the Badola beast loosened.Because in the real world, she often said this to her mother.Every time her mother wanted to stop her from playing football like a boy, let her stay at home and learn the etiquette of flower arrangement, Sona would say such a sentence.

She thought that her mother didn't love her at all, and didn't respect her opinion at all.But at this time Suna seemed to stand in the role of her mother.

"It turns out that every time my mother is for my own good, she loves me deeply in her heart. I thought her mother never loved me. I was so stupid!" Suna's eyes were tearful, and the warmth in her heart filled her body. .

At this moment, Suna's love badge finally released a dazzling light, and Nie Kong couldn't open his eyes.The Badora Beast that rushed towards Nie Kong also released the splendor of evolution.

"I felt Suna's love, Suna's love is so many, it filled my heart! Badora evolves, Garuda!!!" The badly injured Badora evolves in an instant It became a Garuda beast that was more than ten meters tall.

Not only has his strength improved, but his injuries have also recovered.Nie Kong couldn't help but marvel that these selected children would really use plug-ins.Every time in danger, there will always be unexpected surprises to the enemy.

Garuda beast is like a bird man, with a human body and a bird face.The body was covered with the fiery red feathers of the Bardola before it evolved.Behind it, a pair of huge wings emerged.

Garudamon, Badoramon's super-evolved bird-human Digimon, is the patron saint of the earth and wind, and its trick is Shadow Wing Slash.

Nie Kong couldn't help thinking in his heart, if he defeated the evolved Garuda beast again, would it cause changes to evolve the Bada beast into a sacred angel beast, he didn't dare to take this risk.After all, his current strength is not the opponent of the holy angel beast.

"I will definitely protect Suna and the others, Shadow Wing Slash!" Garuda beast picked Suna with his hands, and then flew in the sky, waving its wings and releasing a vacuum blade.Because the speed of Shadow Wing Slash was so fast that the original shape could not be confirmed, only a shadow shaped like a bird could be seen.

"Night Demon Flying Strike!" Nie Kong didn't dare to use his superpowers too much, and he didn't plan to solve the selected children now, so he used the Night Demon Flying Strike with both offense and defense.

Countless bats slammed into the Shadow Wing Slash that was hit like a bird, and the two abilities collided together to release a dazzling light.

"Hurry up and take advantage of it now." Garuda beast came to the selected children and their companions, and put them in a huge palm.Then he fluttered his wings and flew away.

"Huh, don't you want to leave without leaving a lesson for you? It's too simple! Devil blood whip!!" Nie Kong's right hand formed a blood whip again, and quickly stretched to catch up with the Galuda beast high in the sky.

"Flower Fairy Beast!!" In Meimei's sad voice, Nie Kong's blood whip immediately wrapped around the slender waist of Flower Fairy Beast.With Nie Kong's effort, the Flower Fairy Beast was pulled down by Nie Kong.

"Haha... the children who have been called, let you leave your way for a while, I will accept the Flower Fairy Beast!!" Nie Kong swept the flower fairy beast with one hand and hugged the fallen Flower Fairy beast with one hand.

"Flower Fairy Beast!!" Meimei wanted to jump from Garuda Beast to rescue Flower Fairy Beast, but she was still stopped by Suna.

They have no choice but to follow and comfort Meimei.Because now they believed that they weren't Nie Kong's opponents at all, and they couldn't rescue the Flower Fairy Beast even with their strength.

What's more, now Agumon and other Digimon have been seriously injured in this battle, and there is no more power to fight.

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