The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 010, the appearance of the flower fairy! !

"Come on, Tyrannosaurus Mecha!"

"Go, Orc Garuru!" Taiichi and Ahwa looked at the two complete Digimon with hopeful eyes.

"The opponent is just one perfect body. We have two perfect bodies. We shouldn't lose." The small hands clasped tightly, staring nervously at several people on the battlefield.

"Are you okay, Badora!" And Suna hurried to the partner who was knocked down by the demon's blood whip, taking care of the badly injured Badora.

"Ultimate Destroyer Cannon!" After completing the evolution, the mechanical Tyrannosaurus immediately aimed at Nie Kong in the air and released its proud stunt.Two shark-shaped missiles ejected from the chest of the Tyrannosaurus Mecha.

Well, when I saw here, Nie Kong wanted to complain. It was not good where the missile was ejected, but it was ejected from his chest.If it's a female, it's okay, but the mechanical tyrannosaurus is still a male, which simply affects the social atmosphere!

"Devil's blood whip!" Nie Kong's whip in his right hand flicked at the ultimate destroyer, changing the direction of the missile.The two missiles deviated by a large part, hit the open space behind him, and exploded with a bang. The power looked very good.

The abilities of the Vampire Beast can be used handily in Nie Kong's hands. He feels that he is suitable for these skills, and there is no pressure to fully utilize the strength of the Vampire Beast.

"Caesar's sharp claws!" Taking advantage of the flaw that Nie Kong blocked the mechanical tyrannosaurus attack, the orc Garuru appeared in front of Nie Kong with two legs, a pair of sharp claws grabbed the front.The red light, like a cross cut, hit Nie Kong's body.

The speed of the orc was very agile, even Nie Kong was knocked into the air by him a few meters.Nie Kong knew that this was the reason for his lack of combat experience.The mechanical tyrannosaurus beast next to him took advantage of the victory and pursued it, and its powerful black iron claws quickly extended and stab Nie Kong.

The only weakness of Vampire Beasts is light, and the rest of the offense is not very effective.After eating the orc Garuru's move, Nie Kong only felt a slight pain in his body.

"Night Demon Flying Attack!" Seeing the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast attacking, Nie Kong used both defensive and offensive moves without saying a word.A large number of bat groups phantom out of his body, whizzing and slamming against the claws of the mechanical tyrannosaurus.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus has great power, but the number of bats is tens of thousands. There is no doubt that the huge body of the mechanical tyrannosaurus was knocked out by countless bats.

Orc Garuru jumped from the side, Nie Kong's demon blood whip activated, and the two blood whips blocked the orc Garuru's path without any gap.The orc Garuru was knocked to the ground by Nie Kong.

Even the mechanical Tyrannosaurus beast lying next to him was tortured by Nie Kong with a demon blood whip.

"Come on mechanical Tyrannosaurus, Orc Garuru, don't lose to him." Tai Yi yelled hard, his face full of anxiety.

"I can’t go on like this. The strength of the Mecha Tyrannosaurus and the orc Garuru is weakening, and it will degenerate in this way. Bidomon, can you persist? If you can, I hope you will evolve too. Help the mechanical tyrannosaurus and them." Photozi Lang, who knocked on the laptop behind the battlefield, flashed a dignified look on his face.

The few mature Digimon next to him were just enough to get up after being beaten by Nie Kong's demon blood whip. The only ones were the small cactus beast and Guangzilang's Bido beast.

"Guangzilang, I can still fight, just leave it to me! Bidomon evolves, superbidobe!" The small insect Bidobe, under the light of the photozilang badge, began to evolve and turned into a huge crimson. Unicorn-Super Beast!

Perhaps it was because Xiaoqiao was aware of the anxiety in Xiaoqiao's heart. At the same time, the innocence badge on Meimei's chest also released a dazzling light for the first time, and the innocent badge was activated at this time.

Bathed in the light of Meimei's badge, the cactus beast began its super evolution for the first time.

"The cactus beast is super-evolved, the flower fairy beast!" The cactus beast was covered with needles, and a beautiful flower bone appeared in the head.In the middle of the flower stamen, a flower fairy beast like a fairy appeared.When the Flower Fairy appeared, there was a refreshing fragrance around.

Petals wrapped her graceful figure, and the four leaf-shaped wings flapped behind her, driving her small and lovely body to fly in the sky.The Flower Fairy Beast has two pairs of wings on its back that can fly in the sky. It is a full-body Digimon.

"It's so beautiful, so cute, is this how the cactus beast evolved?" Meimei looked at the flower fairy beast, which was like a fairy in the fantasy world.

"Meimei, I have already felt your mind. Don't worry, I will never let others hurt so innocent and beautiful, Huaxian Cannon!" Huaxian Beast smiled mischievously at Meimei, and then a flower appeared in his hands. The slowly blooming flower bones gather energy on the flower bones.When the flower bones were in full bloom, a green energy cannon shot at Nie Kong.

"Super Horned Cannon!" At the same time, the horns of Super Beast Beast rushed into Nie's air forcefully.

"Another badge shines. You can't underestimate these selected children. But the newly evolved Flower Fairy Beast is really cute." The beautiful Nie Kong couldn't help but feel moved by the beauty of Huaxian Beast.

"Transfer!" Vampire Warcraft not only knows these moves, but also has super powers!Nie Kong, who had completely inherited his abilities, naturally also had superpowers.

When the huge Super Beast and Flower Fairy Beast's Huaxian Cannon approached Nie Kong's body, they changed their directions with a weird sound.At the same time, in front of the mechanical tyrannosaurus and the orc Garuru, the disappeared Superbito and the Flower Fairy appeared.

The moves of the two were perfectly transferred to their comrades. It was simply the way of the Murong family in the Heavenly Dragon's Eighth Department and the way of giving back to the other!

"How could it be!" Infinite shock flashed across the faces of Huaxian Beast and Chao Bi Duo Beast, it was too late to stop the attack!And the mechanical tyrannosaurus and the orc Garuru, could not avoid the sudden transfer attack, and watched the attack from their companions.

"Boom!" Huaxian Cannon, Super Bido's huge horn cannon and Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, Orc Garuru collided together and exploded violently.Among them, the orc Garuru, the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, and the Superbidomon have lost their combat effectiveness and degenerated into a growth stage.

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