The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 009, the power of vampire beast! !

The Vampire Beast was integrated into Nie Kong's soul, and it was no longer a pure Digimon. It could also be said to be a monster like a vampire.No wonder it is not clearly displayed in the photozilang Digimon profile.Even the old man Xuan Nei didn't know Nie Kong's information.

Nie Kong looked at the seven children seriously, of course focusing on Suna and Meimei.The two women stood up to his chest, and the slightly raised breasts showed that they had just developed.

Among them, the one who looks very boyish should be Suna, and the one who is dressed up is Meimei.Nie Kong had seen the appearance and personality of the two in anime, and he could still tell the difference.Although the two girls are not very beautiful, they are still very cute.It's a pity that there is still a big gap between the sister in the previous life.

"It's not the blood-sucking monster, it's the blood-sucking monster king, how can you guys be so unreasonable to the blood-sucking monster king! Look at my little evil monster to teach you, little devil darts!” The little evil monster shouted loudly, knowing when his claws. A syringe appeared.

With a flash of cold light, the syringe shot at Taiichi.

"Small flame!" Seeing this, Yagumon ejected a football-sized flame from his mouth, knocking down the little devil with darts.

"Come on, everyone, protect Taiyi and them! Explosive flame bombs!!" Gabumon sprayed a blue flame at Nie Kong and the others from its mouth.

"Flying wing lightning!" The beetle's wings waved a bright light.

"Air cannon!"

The six growth-period Digimon displayed their most proud stunts, with colorful rays of light shining, but Nie Kong did not evade, letting him hit his cloak.

"Boom!" With Nie Kong as the center, there was an explosion.Even a hard rock can be blown into powder.

"Did you succeed?" Ah He stared into the air.

"Only this level is like defeating me, Night Demon Flying!" After the dust passed, Nie Kong didn't say he was injured, and he didn't even touch the dust.The level difference between the Digimon of the complete body and the growth stage is too big, let alone the blood-sucking monsters close to the ultimate body!

Countless bats flew out of Nie Kong, covering the sky and the sun.Under the control of Nie Kong, the bats formed a charging queue and ran into Taiyi and the others.

"There are so many bats that I can't finish the fight. It hurts me to bite!" Azhu gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to shoot the bat that was biting on him.Several people around were also more or less attacked by bats.


"A help!"


Seeing this, the seven Digimons glowed brightly, and they all began to evolve.After the light passed, seven mature Digimons had appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Super Flame!" A fireball of a few meters in size spit out from the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus that had evolved from the Yagumon, and collided with countless bats, opening a gap.

"Demon Fox Flame!" The Garuru Beast is no exception, the blue flame and the red flame of the Tyrannosaurus Beast are combined, which is indescribably gorgeous.

"Everyone, get down, touch your fists!" The cactus beast reminded. The selected children are already familiar with the cactus beast's tricks, and they all lie on the ground.With the rapid rotation of the cactus beast, countless sharp needles flew from him in all directions, and countless bats were stabbed to the ground.

"The Mega Cannon!" The wings of the Bido Beast vibrated, the horns accumulated electric shocks, and a plasma bomb was released.

"Harpoon cannon!" The sea lion beast's horns spouted several shells.

"Meteor Wings!" From the Badora's wings, feathers with flames were also waved.

Only the Badamon, which can't evolve at any time, still spouts its unique air cannon from its mouth as always!Seven tricks, bursting energy and black "smoke" are added together.Combining the power of the seven Digimons, the terrifying bat group also stopped charging and was mostly killed.

"Do you want to win in this way, Devil Blood Whip!" Shaking the S artifact, a bright red whip formed in Nie Kong's hands and swept away at the Tyrannosaurus.The bright red whip, like a snake flying in the sky, slapped on the head of the Tyrannosaurus dexterously and quickly.

The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus was actually drawn a few meters away, showing the power of the Vampire Beast.

"Haha..." Nie Kong simply fired out a double stream of swords, with a demon blood whip in one hand, dancing wildly at the remaining six mature Digimon.The afterimage of the blood-red whip almost covered the entire space.

Within a few seconds, six mature Digimon were beaten to the ground.And the only growing Digimon Badamon was also punched by Dilumon’s cat.

Although he fell to the ground, Nie Kong may have inherited some of the S-shaking genes from the original Vampiric Beast. The whip continued to beat them, and he let out a wild laugh happily.

"Taiyi, he is so powerful." The Tyrannosaurus beast was drawn by the devil's blood whip with a pained expression.

"How could this happen." Taiyi looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Their partner was defeated so easily.

"Galurumon, evolve, it's not a perfect opponent at all in the mature stage!" Ah He raised the badge, and saw the dazzling light start again.

"Tyrannosaurus, we also evolve!" Taiyi's badge of courage also glowed.

"Want to evolve? It's not that easy, Devil's blood whip!" Nie Kong shook his hands, and the two blood whips slammed at the Tyrannosaurus and Garuru beasts that were about to evolve with tricky angles.

"Let's stop it, you hurry up and evolve!" Badora beast barely stood up, as if using all its strength to wave its red wings to block the blood whip.

The two blood whips hit the Badola beast again without any obstacles. The Badola beast's body was several meters in size and flew out more than ten meters, appearing dying.

However, it also succeeded in gaining a little time for the partners, and all the Tyrannosaurus and Badola successfully evolved into complete bodies.

The mechanical Tyrannosaurus, two or three times larger than the Tyrannosaurus, had a cold glow on the black mechanical parts.However, the Garuru Beast did not change much, but stood up like a human.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus's trick is ultimate destruction. Orc Garuru's trick is Caesar's sharp claws. Seeing the two complete Digimon appearing, Nie Kong's mind flashed the information of the two Digimon.

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