The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 01977, Erica's dark circles

"Maybe it was the violent brawl of a new student ten days ago, when I gave Erica a severe lesson."

"Nie Kong, are not allowed to say." As soon as Nie Kong spoke, Erica immediately stopped him loudly.Erika naturally did not want to be known about the embarrassing experience of being tied up by Nie Kong.After listening to Nie Kong's answer, Erica was stunned.He looked up at Nie Kong and found the smile on his cheek.

"That's the case, it's obviously classmate Chiba's fault, how can I blame Senior Nie Kong." Xiaozi said bitterly.

"Hehe, Jun Nie is very good. Back then, I and the 2094-level freshman representative of the service department and the criminal department couldn't understand Nie Jun. I challenged him and received a terrible lesson. So don't worry, you don't expect to defeat Nie now. Yours." Huayin responded with a grin.

Erica was very depressed. It was obviously not what Nie Kong said, but she couldn't deny: "In any case, I won't forgive Nie Kong easily."

Huayin rolled her eyes and looked at the stadium and said, "Or Chiba-san, you and Nie Jun will use the "group ball to grab points" sports event to decide the victory or defeat, and the final victory will have a say."

Erica's eyes lit up. She was going to give up temporarily and wait for her strength to defeat Nie Kong.But Huayin's suggestion made her very excited.

"Nie Jun, do you dare to use a group of balls to determine the winner?"

Nie Kong looked at her provocation and laughed out loud, "Okay, but you are not allowed to reckless if you lose."

"Who is afraid of who, I... I will beat you all over the floor later." Erica said with a cold snort.

"Then let me explain the rules. First of all, the use of magic is prohibited in the game, otherwise it will be unfair to Chiba students. Secondly, the schedule is divided into three rounds. The first round of the kick-off right Nie Jun should be handed over to Chiba students." Yin You's habit of joining in the fun, actually encourages Nie Kong to fight with Erica.

Erica and Nie Kong had no objection, and both sides stood at both ends of the court holding tennis rackets.

"Start!" With the announcement of the referee Huayin, the tennis game between Nie Kong and Erica officially began!

Erica has practiced kendo since she was a child. She can use her racket as a wooden sword, so she is confident that her skills can use this to teach Nie Kong a lot.

"Take it."

Erica leaped lightly, and the racket in her right hand hit the ball towards Nie Kong's field.

At this moment, she finally showed the Chiba family's specialties. The howling sound of the tennis ball breaking through the air bounced on the ground, and then turned into Echizen Ryoma's inward spin serve and bounced toward Nie Kong's cheek.

What a "vicious" woman, actually attacking Nie Kong in the name of playing.

Xiao Zi covered her mouth, looking at Nie Kong with worry.In Xiao Zi's opinion, Erica is making trouble unreasonably.

"It is true that you have practiced kendo since you were young. Your physical fitness seems to be very good." Nie Kong still had a leisurely conversation with Erica who was opposite, and his racket gently knocked the tennis back.

Erica was taken aback, but she didn't expect Nie Kong to easily break her shot.To know that she has strong wrist strength, the ball hit with a racket can be said to be equivalent to a full blow of her swordsmanship.

"Don't underestimate me, how can I lose to you in what is best, let's compare and see who is more skilled." Although Mayumi didn't say anything, she admired Nie Kong somewhat in her heart.

Erica tried her best to intercept the tennis ball!At the same time, she used her swordsmanship skills to bless the tennis ball and hit the ball in Nie Kong's face.

Nie Kong narrowed his eyes and added a force in his hand to hit back the flying tennis ball. Erica's powerful serve could not threaten Nie Kong.

With a "boom", Erica could only hear the sound of the ball landing, but she found that her naked eyes could not catch the ball.

"Ouch." Erica only felt a pain in her eyes, and the tennis ball had been set in her left eye socket.The ball fell slowly, and at the same time it was announced that Nie Kong had scored a point.

But Huayin didn't announce, she looked at Erica and burst out laughing.It turned out that there were blue-black panda eyes on Erica's white cheeks.

"Damn it." Erica touched her painful eye sockets, almost making smoke.

However, under Nie Kong's offensive, Erica turned from offensive to defensive, and there was no more energy to attack.Failing to hold on for two or three times, Nie Kong's second attack penetrated her defensive line and "severely" hit the right eye.

"Yeah!" Erica held her other eye, and found her eye so painful that she almost couldn't open it.The panda eyes finally became symmetrical to each other, and Nie Kong found that they looked a little cute.

Huayin held back a smile, Nie Jun was too bullying.

"You lost, Chiba-san."

"Yeah, I lost. Woo, why can't I win him." She thought that she understood Nie Kong's abilities during the last confrontation, but it seemed that he was far more than simple.

"Student Chiba, you... you should go to the health room for treatment first, and see that both of your eyes are bruised and black. Senior Nie Kong, he is so true, he should be gentle with girls." Xiaozi said with concern. .

Erica followed her gaze, and she felt as painful as she had just hit.She discovered the condition of her eyes and hurriedly covered her dark circles.

That bastard, definitely... he must have deliberately hit his eye socket with the ball.Damn, why can he always bully me.

"Nie Kong, remember it for me." Erica, who was a little wronged, ran away. She raised her eyes and stared at Nie Kong, her cheeks were reddening again, probably because she felt embarrassed again.The clenched fist trembled slightly, it should be an expression of patience and shame.

"Hey, remember what. I am the victor. I should have proposed the treaty." Nie Kong said.

"It's all a good thing you did, how do you let... let me see people. Huh, the last thing I...we evened each other, but today we are not finished, don't think I will forget you." After Erica finished speaking, she ran away without waiting for Nie Kong to reply.

"Oh, Nie Jun seems to have caused a big trouble." Huayin said with a smile.

"Yes, classmate Chiba is too unreasonable to make trouble." Xiao Zi said with a pouting mouth.

"It's okay, I don't put that little girl in my eyes."

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