The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 01978, Queen Fan's Mayumi?

Back in the student union room, Nie Kong almost ran into Erica who was just leaving the house.It is estimated that the teacher in the health room can't heal the bruise completely with healing magic, and the still bluish eye circles are puffing at him.

Looking really interesting, Nie Kong couldn't help feeling a little urge to laugh.

"Nie Jun, I heard that you swollen our school girl Erica's eyes, causing her to make a lot of jokes." Inside the room, Mayumi said to Nie Kong with a smile.

"It's purely wrong. She accidentally bumped into it. If you don't believe it, you can ask her after Huayin comes back." Nie Kong said exaggeratedly.

"Pump, Jun Nie, you can fool Huayin, but you can't fool me. I understand Jun Nie better than you." Mayumi couldn't help but chuckle, blushing and looking at Nie with annoyance. Give a glance.

"All you understand is my body, not my mind."

"Hehe, does Nie Jun really refuse to admit it? Then I'm going to torture you." Mayumi got up from the chair, and then straddled his lap, her bright eyes as if overflowing with water.

There is really a beautiful demeanor of Xiaoniai, but fortunately only Nie Kong can see it in the student union room.

But Nie Jun obviously stayed for a while, and the conversation at this moment simply reproduced the situation of Nie Kong and Erica more than ten days ago.

Yes, and at this moment, I don't know where Mayumi draws a hemp rope that is neither long nor short, and gestures toward Nie Kong's body.Obviously, did Mayumi and Nie Kong learn badly? He actually said to tie up Nie Kong.

"Little bad guy, try this young lady's bundling technique." Mayumi pulled the rope like a queen, looping around Nie Kong's neck and going around a few times.

She looked down at Nie Kong domineeringly, and if she paired it with a pair of high-heeled long leather boots and leather jacket, it would be nothing to say.

"Nie Jun, how do you feel." The strength of the binding might make people feel a little bit painful, but unfortunately he didn't feel Nie Kong.What's not good enough to learn, but Nie Kong was a little speechless when he learned the posture of the queen.

"Forget it, I don't have a habit of being tied up. Or, Mayumi-chan wants me to tie you up." Nie Kong backhanded the small Mayumi in his arms and said to her with a smile.

Mayumi's face blushed, "I...I thought Jun Nie was interested in those, or... or Jun Nie tied me up for you."

Maybe because seeing Nie Kong accidentally bundle Erica, Mayumi may have misunderstood Nie Kong's hobby.

"Although the queen's Mayumi is also very cute, let's be your usual self."

Nie Kong lightly sealed her lips as before.Mayumi wrapped her fingers around Nie Kong's neck, and skillfully obtained Nie Kong's lips and teeth.

The clothes of the two people gradually became messy, and they rolled from the chairs to the door, close to the back of the door.Nie Kong's hands unscrupulously slipped into Mayumi's uniform, habitually stroking in the position he likes.

Mayumi's breathing became lighter and panting a lot, and the skin of her cheeks and jaws showed a lovely pink.Similarly, Mayumi's abdomen sensed Nie Kong's reaction.

Mayumi glanced at Nie Kong with a blushing face, and gently reached out and pressed it, locking the door from the inside.He was about to squat down and unzip Nie Kong's pants chain, serving Nie Kong with his mouth like usual.

They were messing around in the student union room for the first time, and Mayumi felt a little exciting.

"Mayumi, don't need to talk." Nie Kong stopped Mayumi's next stage, making her a little confused and a little flustered. Isn't Nie Jun tired of herself.

Nie Kong pushed Mayumi against the wall and stretched out his hands to take off Mayumi's panties.

Mayumi noticed that the guy she usually serves with her mouth mischievously touched her pubic area, and she trembled, feeling like never before.

"Oh." Mayumi seemed to understand what Nie Kong meant, spread her legs around Nie Kong's waist, and hung half of her body in the air.

"Nie Jun, are we really...really going to do it in the student union?" She asked nervously.

"Don't worry, no one will see it." Nie Kong lightly kissed the corner of her mouth, while pressing her abdomen against the wall.

After breaking through the last obstacle, Nie Kong really got Mayumi.Mayumi was lost, she felt the presence of Jun Nie in her body, and she became one with Jun Nie.

"Nie Jun, it hurts." Unexpectedly, the guy who usually serves with his mouth has become so ferocious, Mayumi feels that he is about to break.The pain was severe, but she found herself very happy.

Nie Kong used the double cultivation technique to gently comfort Mayumi. When she found her shy and twisted, she unexpectedly found that she quickly adapted to accommodate herself.

When Nie Kong wriggled, Mayumi's body was stimulated to produce an unprecedented pleasure experience.

She wanted to call it out, but worried that she would be heard by the classmates outside.At the same time, she was a little frightened, what should I do if the students from the Student Union suddenly come back.

Mayumi could only bite Nie Kong's shoulder, for fear that those unpleasant voices would leak out.

The slight gasp finally lasted only ten minutes.In the end Mayumi screamed, venting all his emotions, and hugged Nie Kong tightly, curled up with her small and cute body.

Nie Kong did not lash out at Mayumi and saved her some physical strength so as not to be seen by others.

"Jun Nie is so bad that he dared to mess around in the student union room." Mayumi said softly and weakly.

"Obviously you enjoy it too." Nie Kong said with a smile.

"Huh, now Nie Jun pull it out quickly. We need to tidy... tidy, otherwise it will be miserable to be seen by Kotaro and others." The messy clothes and the sticky body fluid made Mayumi blush.

But at this time, being pressed tightly by Jun Nie and on the wall, Mayumi found that the things in Jun Nie's body were not weak, and the strength of the body was almost unable to squeeze out.

I used to serve Nie Jun with his mouth for a long time before he was satisfied, but unfortunately...I'm afraid that my body can only last for more than ten minutes.She was a little shy, and she didn't expect Hao Nie Jun to develop like this in the end.

If she is allowed to choose, she thinks she should do it with Nie Jun earlier.

It was Nie Jun who misled himself, thinking that serving with his mouth was the most comfortable.

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