The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0200, physical examination (on)

Today is Friday, which is the medical examination day of Ishiya Ma High School this year.Because it was notified by the principal personally, the students in the college were surprised but still acceptable.

The physical examinations of male students are conducted in the spacious gymnasium, and the physical examinations of female students are conducted in sealed classrooms.Of course, the only executive teacher is Nie Kong, who is a math teacher and health care teacher.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the male classmates gathered in the gym one after another. The shabby gymnasium was filled with gangsters in strange costumes.They were piled up in the gym and divided into three.

Kanzaki’s power, Himekawa’s power, and scattered, powerless classmates.For example, Abe, MK5 is a second-year student who has not joined any forces.

"Oh, why did you come for the medical checkup on the airplane?" Kanzaki-san, who was tasting the yogurt, saw Ji Chuan and said in a strange tone.

"How can such an interesting activity of the medical examination be less of me. But are you still obedient to the suckling baby? The teacher explained that you must come here so early in the day. Do you want the teacher to praise you so much? We Shi Shi Kazuichi Kanzaki, a Miyoshi student of the devil." Ji Chuan said, laughing arrogantly.The little brothers behind him also smiled.

Kanzaki's pale face suddenly became angry, and for him it was an eternal pain in his heart."What about the nose of the plane, do you want to fight with me here?"

"Hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Ji Chuan snorted.The two eyes fought in the middle, bursting out a strong electric spark.

"Teacher is really true. It hasn't appeared for so long. If you don't have your pressure on the field, it would be strange to gather so many rebellious little ghosts and not fight." Natsume walked towards the measuring equipment with a bit of sadness, only to see the pressure on the equipment. A note.

Adhering to the principle of ladies first, male students' morning physical examination is postponed to the afternoon.If you see this notice, please tell each other. Thank you for your cooperation!

"Brother Kanzaki left a notice saying that this morning's medical examination has been postponed to noon." Natsume waved the paper and said out loud, hoping to divert the attention of both parties.

"I thought the teacher was going to come over, but I was still a little concerned. Now that I know the truth, I can't spare you Ji Chuan." Xia Mei's remarks were like a fuse, detonating the conflict between the two sides.

"Boom!" Painful cry, cool cry, and the sound of fighting spread throughout the gym.Especially the depressed male deer today, like a tank crushing the bad boys in the gym.

Without Nie Kong's suppression, the unscrupulous teenagers in the gym rebelled.At this time, Nie Kong was sitting leisurely in a sealed classroom chair in a white jacket, ready to start the medical examination of the girls.

The classroom was sealed with white cloth to prevent the male compatriots from peeping.Next to Nie Kong was a measuring instrument for measuring weight and height, and a soft tape measure was placed on the table.

That's right, today is a very exciting day for Nie Kong to be able to personally measure the developmental status of the girls.

"Oh, no one in the classroom has come for a physical examination, then I'm not welcome." As the door of the classroom was gently opened, the disgusting ladyboy walked into the classroom.

"Although Bang Zhikui is called the Queen of Ishiya Demon, but Mipo hasn't agreed yet. Come on, teacher, please give me a medical examination. I want to use the data from the physical examination to beat Bang Zhikui's body to nothing." The man with makeup appeared in front of Nie Kong, and the disgusting voice and face made Nie Kong's eyes bright.

No, I'm going to throw up!In my two-dimensional world, it is impossible for such a disgusting ladyboy to exist.

"Get out of here. This is the place where the female classmates have a physical examination. Men and shemales are forbidden to enter!" With a crash, Mei Po threw Nie Kong out of the classroom.

"Woo... the teacher is too much, so violent treatment of others." Mepo covered her eyes, as if she had been aggrieved a lot and ran out crying.If Nie Kong saw this scene, he might vomit blood.

"Now the medical examination for girls has officially started, please come and queue up for the medical examination."

Nie Kong's voice spread throughout the teaching building, and it didn't take long for Xiao Kui to lead more than two hundred beautiful girls to the front of the physical examination classroom.After hesitating for a while, Xiao Kui opened the door and stepped into the classroom.

"Ah...Old Nie Kong...Teacher, are you the health care teacher who is going to help us with the physical examination?" Xiao Kui asked stupidly when she saw Nie Kong in a white jacket.

"Yes... is it your brother? Does your brother personally help Qianqiu for the physical examination." Thinking that all the secrets of his body will be presented to the person he likes, Qianqiu-chan's cute cheeks are a bit hot.

"For the physical examination, I should be replaced by a female teacher." Ning Ning folded her hands on her chest and raised her brows slightly.

"It was true that the female teacher should help you with the physical examination, but it is a pity that Shi Shimo only has me as a teacher besides the principal. If you object, then only the principal is left to choose." Said something.

Ningning couldn't help but see the plot of the old principal's hand touching her body. She only felt that her body had countless goose bumps and she felt chills in her heart.

"Ah...what should we do, which one shall we choose for the principal or the teacher." The girls around began to discuss, but the final decision is still in the hands of the old and the younger Aoi.

"Then...that will trouble the teacher." Kui was very nervous and wanted to object, but there was no choice but Nie Kong.The girls below have no objection and have reached an agreement.

"Sister Kwai's opinion is our opinion, please come from the teacher." The girls around bowed neatly, appearing very polite and quality.

"Brother, don't mess with your brain." Xiao Qianqiu made a grimace at Nie Kong, but he blushed and looked very cute.

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